Immortal is too strong

Chapter 436 Stop Chasing

Chapter 436 Stop Chasing (3)

If it was his previous appearance, Jiang Shuiyan might meet many uninvited "travelers" on his way to the East China Sea.

Now Jiang Shuiyan is happy and clean. When you want to hurry, you can go, and when you want to rest, you can find a place to stop.

It was no problem for Bai Yu to go in and out of the nearby jungle, and he was able to find some spiritual herbs for Jiang Shuiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan also refines medicine for later use. Many medicinal herbs are planted in the spirit world, some won from Wanjianzong, and some bought from Danfuzong.

Since the spiritual grass was planted, the area of ​​the spirit world has expanded a lot compared to before, and even the sea of ​​consciousness filled with river water smoke.

She was very happy, and said in her heart that the spiritual world still has such benefits.

The only thing that remains the same is that no matter what she is doing, she is very concerned about Qing Mochen who is sleeping in the spirit world.

What happened to him?She didn't wake up all the time, and she was really worried.

As for Feng Xiaoran... Either he escaped too far and he couldn't find him, or he couldn't catch up, Jiang Shuiyan only thought of him occasionally.

There was one more thing she didn't know, that Ban Yanran was thrown away by her.

At first when she left the Pill Talisman Sect, Ban Yanran followed her, but Jiang Shuiyan was captured by Feng Xiaoran and taken to the Demon Realm.

Ban Yanran heard Meiran report Jiang Shiyan's location to herself every day, until she finally arrived in Shanghai, furious.

Jiang Shuiyan also said that she has nothing to do with Moxiu, if not, why would she go to the Demon Realm?
She really wanted to chase in and expose Jiang Shiyan's true colors, but reason stopped her.

After Renxiu and Moxiu broke up, she entered the Demon Realm and was likely to die.But she was not reconciled to letting her be so powerful.

So she took Mu Jin around the periphery of the demon world, hunting and killing spirit beasts, and sometimes taught the demon cultivator a lesson.

No matter what she did, Mu Jin followed without saying a word, although Ban Yanran's recent actions made him more and more incomprehensible.

Ban Yanran thought to herself, she is very patient and can always wait until Jiang Shuiyan arrives, who knows that Meiran suddenly communicated with her: "Yanran! What's going on, why is Jiang Shuiyan's location tens of thousands of miles away from the Demon Realm?"

She also didn't react, thinking that Mei Ran had misread: "Impossible! I've been guarding around here!"

It was also the place where she and Qing Mochen killed Feng Xiaoran were in completely different directions, otherwise she would definitely have sensed Qing Mochen's appearance.

For this ancestor, all the disciples of Wan Jianzong remembered his sword intent.

Mei Ran quickly sent another message: "It's absolutely unmistakable, she probably teleported! I speculate that she is going to the East China Sea, Yan Ran, do you want to rush there?"

When Ban Yanran was hesitating, Mei Ran said again: "I advise you not to, by the time you get to the East China Sea, she might have come back. You and Mu Jin went out to practice, many Dingkangya fellows are doing missions, can you Just help me, when you return to Wan Jianzong, do you still worry about no one supporting you?"

She was persuaded by Meiran.It is indeed not worth the loss to rush to the East China Sea.

So Ban Yanran no longer paid attention to Jiang Shiyan's location, but said to Mu Jin: "Let's get out of here, I think it's quite boring."

Mu Jin had no objection: "Okay."

When Ban Yanran was controlling the sword, she asked Mu Jin with a smile: "Senior brother, why do you always accompany me wherever I want to go, don't you think I'm too self-willed?"

Mu Jin looked at her smile, his eyes were as soft as water.

I probably want to see her happy all the time, smiling like this, so I am willing to pamper her unconditionally.

"Because you look beautiful when you smile."

(End of this chapter)

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