Immortal is too strong

Chapter 437 Little Golden Dragon Transformation

Chapter 437 Little Golden Dragon Transformation (1)

Ban Yanran heard the meaning behind Mu Jin's words, and said "Senior brother, please stop talking" coquettishly, but couldn't help laughing.

Her flushed cheeks made Mu Jin look even more distracted.

Mu Jin has ordinary people's aesthetics, and knows that Jiang Shiyan is very beautiful, and many of his junior sisters are also beautiful.But there was no beauty that shocked him as much as Ban Yanran.

He was extremely sure that he only liked her the most.

After a while, he found that Ban Yanran was no longer running around.Although there is no purpose, Ban Yanran will take the initiative to help Wan Jianzong's disciples who encounter difficulties.

Mu Jin was very relieved, thinking that Ban Yanran had grown up and knew to take on the responsibility of being the daughter of the head of Wanjianzong.

In fact, Ban Yanran still found it troublesome, and she was just ashamed to let Mu Jin know.Especially when Mu Jin looked at her with praise, it seemed that it was okay to be a little tired.

Under her deliberate management, she has indeed gained a lot of fans.

Ban Yanming learned these things from Mu Jin, and was very proud of Ban Yanran. With his promotion, Ban Yanran's reputation in the Magnolia world gradually became known to more people.

Many aristocratic families who have never met Ban Yanran are thinking about whether to arrange for their sons to meet her. There are not many female cultivators with a benevolent and righteous heart in the Magnolia world.


Without Ban Yanran's pursuit, Jiang Shuiyan, after changing his appearance, has traveled quite comfortably along the way.

Ten days later, she arrived in the East China Sea.

The sun is shining and the sea breeze is blowing.The azure blue water, under the sun, shone with fish-scale-colored waves.

The salty but not fishy taste is blown by the wind and lingers around the body, clean and refreshing.

The sky was blue and cloudless, and there were birds hovering in the sky, spreading their wings, swooping down from time to time and pecking into the sea.

Seeing them catching small fish like this, Bai Yu exclaimed, "It's amazing!"

There must be countless ferocious spirit beasts in such a large sea area that can't be seen, and seabirds are not afraid of it.

He stared longingly at the small fish in the bird's beak: "It looks delicious."

I am of a higher rank than them, seeing how easy it is for them to catch fish, Bai Yu thinks he can do it too.

Just as he was flying far away, he suddenly saw a young bird that was not flying stably. When it passed the sea, it was bitten by a big fish that rushed out of it.

The big fish disappeared in a blink of an eye and fell into the water.Only a few bloody feathers remained on the surface of the sea.

Bai Yu was taken aback and screamed, the hair on his body stood on end.

Jiang Shuiyan laughed at him: "It's just an ordinary fish, are you afraid of that?"

Bai Yu said earnestly: "Master, you don't understand, the ones being eaten are my own kind!" When he saw the bird being bitten, he felt a chill in his heart.

Jiang Shuiyan is not ready to go to the sea to find Ning Po for the time being, because her cultivation base is not enough, so she can't go too far in the sea.

Didn't Yin Luosheng say that Fei Yusha appeared in the East China Sea?She should find a town and ask for news.

When he turned around, a long shadow fell on the beach, Jiang Shuiyan narrowed his eyes and said, "It would be great if I could let Xiao Jinlong see this beautiful scene."

He was still sleeping, but the difference was that he was floating on the surface of the hot spring water instead of diving to the bottom.

That is, when Jiang Shuiyan's voice fell, there was movement in the spirit world.Jiang Shuiyan immediately looked inward with his soul, and saw the little golden dragon in the hot spring surrounded by a milky white halo, flickering.

Bai Yu flew into the spirit world, staring at Qing Mochen without blinking: "Master, is he going to wake up?"

(End of this chapter)

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