Immortal is too strong

Chapter 445 East Shencheng

Chapter 445 East Shencheng (3)

The shape of the Eastern Sunken City is actually a huge shipwreck.

There are also rumors that this is not an ordinary shipwreck, but an exquisite organ array. Only in the previous battles, the "key" to activate the organ was lost, and the East Shencheng became a city that looked good but didn't work.

Until Jiang Shuiyan became a great power in his last life, this rumor has not been confirmed.

Leaving aside the organ formation, the appearance of this East Shencheng is quite admirable, no wonder a little girl like Lin Kexin would like it.

She talked about the structure in the city, and Jiang Shuiyan suddenly thought of the things she saw in the demon world.

So she answered twice from time to time, and opened the knot to check.

Lin Kexin was quite interested in her knot, but she didn't approach her, but pondered in her heart: At first, she was worried that this person was using the name of Wan Jianzong to deceive her, but now she can be sure that she is Dingkangya's disciple up.

Jiang Shuiyan found the task list and picked out the two tasks with relatively high points.

One is the defense map of the Demon City, and the other is the characteristics of the Twelve Demon Lords.

She first used her spiritual sense to outline the appearance of the demon city bit by bit, and then drew Feng Xiaoran's cave, which she had been in contact with the most, in great detail.

Qing Mochen was not an outsider, he turned his head to watch Jiang Shuiyan paint, and mentioned a few words to her from time to time.

"This place has been destroyed."

"The altitude is wrong here."

"The shift time should be longer."

Jiang Shuiyan had a good understanding with him. Basically, after he said a few words, she knew where she was wrong, and she quickly corrected it.

After drawing the defense map, she handed in the task.

Thinking back to the appearance of the Twelve Demon Lords, she muttered in a low voice, "How should I write it better?"

Qing Mochen said: "When they wooed you, didn't they put forward a condition? Write that down."

Jiang Shiyan's eyes lit up, yes!Isn't the conditions they gave their advantage?

As for their skills, Jiang Shuiyan only confirmed that Feng Xiaoran was good at refining puppets, and there was a nightmare beast by his side.

And Lu Jue, Jiang Shuiyan also spent a lot of space in describing him.

For example, he has been Yu Jiu's male favorite for a long time, and he doesn't wear clothes when he serves beside Yu Jiu...

Jiang Shuiyan didn't write about other more confidential matters, such as the poison in his body and his future becoming a demon king.

There is no evidence for this, and I am afraid that if I write it, people will suspect that she is a spy sent by Moxiu.

After checking twice, she submitted this task as well. She was just trying her luck, but she actually got 1500 points!

Especially the second task, which gave her a full thousand points!

She asked Qing Mochen pleasantly: "How could this happen?" Then this task is not difficult to complete.

Qing Mochen said lightly: "Renxiu has very little information about the Twelve Demon Lords. What you have given is already relatively detailed. Of course, you will get points. If you stay in the Demon Realm for a longer time, you will find more information." , maybe the points will be more generous.”

The conversations between him and Jiang Shiyan were all through spiritual consciousness, so in Lin Kexin's view, it was just one big and one small staring at the knot intently.

Two quarters of an hour later, Dongchen City arrived.

Jiang Shuiyan put away the knot and saber, and slowly fell to the ground.Lin Kexin listened to what she said: "It doesn't matter how much he gives me, as long as he can give me."

Dongshen City does not need to hand over spirit stones to enter the city, and there are even no guards to check.This place is too remote, both human and demonic cultivators can come and go freely.

As for the security of going out of the city, it is not completely controlled by the Ye family.

Compared with the Baili family in Pingliang City, this point is far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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