Immortal is too strong

Chapter 446 East Shencheng

Chapter 446 East Shencheng (4)

After entering the city, Lin Kexin was relieved to see that no one was paying attention to her. She asked Jiang Shuiyan in a low voice, "Are we going to find Ye Zhaoyi now?"

"No, let's go shopping first." There are many shops in Dongchen City, and there are also some streets with street stalls, all of which sell things obtained from the East China Sea.

Aquatic products that can replenish spiritual power, orbs of excellent texture, and some special refining materials are much cheaper than other places.

What Jiang Shuiyan wanted to find most was Fei Yusha, although she didn't know what it looked like.

She called the Shennongcai cauldron twice, but he didn't respond at all.On the contrary, the Shuiyun Yaoding cauldron shook twice, like a petting puppy, wanting to come out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The more Jiang Shuiyan looked at him, the more cute he became, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Lin Kexin is quite familiar with the current Dongshen City, and knowing Jiang Shuiyan's intention to go shopping, she first took her to the more famous shops.

Jiang Shiyan's biggest feeling is that no matter in the prosperous or desolate areas of the Magnolia world, there are always bullying outsiders.

She saw with her own eyes that several treasure-hunting monks from other places were cheated out of a large number of spirit stones, but what they bought were defective products.

When the shopkeeper came to introduce Jiang Shuiyan, he praised his jade coral to the sky, and Lin Kexin exclaimed after hearing it.

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't have so many spirit stones, she might have bought them all.

Bai Yu was also new to the market, and kept saying to Jiang Shuiyan: "Master, let's buy this thing! This is a treasure!"

As for Jiang Shuiyan and Qing Mochen, they both looked indifferent: "..."

The shopkeeper held up the jade coral: "Young fellow daoist, use this coral to make some ornaments for your child. The child is so beautiful, only such high-quality coral is worthy of it."

Qing Mochen said coldly: "I don't need any accessories."

Jiang Shuiyan pushed away the shopkeeper's things with a smile, and asked, "Isn't it hard to get this thing?"

The shopkeeper nodded: "Of course! I hired a lot of monks at the golden core stage, and it took two years to find them from the East China Sea."

Jiang Shuiyan thought to himself, just talk nonsense, just for this thing, I can go around the sea casually, and I can pick up two carts for you.

But she didn't expose the shopkeeper, but hummed: "That's really rare."

"There's only one like this in the store, if you don't make an early move, guest officer, someone will buy it!"

Qing Mochen frowned slightly when he heard that Jiang Shiyan was chatting with the shopkeeper.Jiang Shiyan can't be that stupid, can he?
He is her man, but he can't watch others cheat her.

Just about to open his mouth to speak, he heard Jiang Shiyan ask: "This thing is rare, so I don't worry. I happen to have a hundred plants here. Why don't you take them all away? You just said that this thing is a hundred middle-grade spirits. Stone? I won’t tell you any more, just give me fifty spirit stones for each plant. Then you sell it, and you’ll double your profit!”

The shopkeeper's face turned dark, and he was already swearing in his heart, he was unlucky today, he met an expert.

Seeing that he hesitated and couldn't answer, Jiang Shuiyan laughed and left.Of course, she doesn't have such a broken coral, but it's just to humiliate that man.

The other monks in the store also saw that something was wrong, some put down their things and left silently, and some even stared at the shopkeeper before leaving.

They must tell the people around them, don't come to this street to buy things, just bully you if you haven't seen it!
 Today is also the fourth update!
  Some readers asked me when I would be charged for listing... I also want to ask, I'm almost free 50 words oh my god... The specific date for editing has not been arranged yet, I will tell everyone when it is arranged... I have eaten a lot of dirt It's been a month, hey... Be sure to add more comments and vote for me!

(End of this chapter)

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