Immortal is too strong

Chapter 486 Attacking the River Hookah

Chapter 486 Attacking the River Hookah (2)

Lin Kexin said angrily: "Is this the famous hunting at sea? It's not interesting at all!"

Jiang Shuiyan looked indifferent: "But there are people in this world who enjoy it."

This kind of hunting is not only unique to the East China Sea, it is not uncommon in many places where darkness breeds in the Yulan world.

The difference is that some are fighting between people, which is commonly known as underground black boxing; some are fighting between human cultivators and land spirit beasts.

The more brutal and bloody the game, the more endless it is, the more it will make people want to stop. If you want to watch a game, you have to pay a lot of spirit stones.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't like this kind of competition since his last life.

Why do they ask people to cultivate, but not beasts?Just because they are different from spirit beasts.

Have ideas, have morals, and have ethics.Unleashing the nature of a beast, fighting for the lives of others without any meaningful purpose, is really nothing to watch.

But Jiang Shuiyan didn't like to be nosy, and he didn't bother to save those cultivators who were forced to fight black fists.

Just like the pair of Taoist couples were killed just now, Jiang Shuiyan was also indifferent.

Lin Kexin had never seen such a market, and lowered her head depressedly: "I thought they would sacrifice themselves and leave the chance of survival to each other."

If the Light Escape Talisman is still there, at least one person can survive.But at the moment of life and death, they only think about themselves, lover?Hehe, he became an enemy in an instant.

Jiang Shuiyan seemed to see through everything and said: "Love is such the most useless thing that cannot withstand any scrutiny. Giving your life to a so-called lover is really the most stupid thing in the world."

Unfortunately, she realized it too late.To what extent did you love Mo Chen in the last life?Can do anything for him, including die.

But she didn't end well, just like this pair of Taoist couples, she died without even a whole body.

Qing Mochen was beside Jiang Shuiyan and heard her words.He held Jiang Shiyan's hand. He was obviously a small man, and when talking to Jiang Shiyan, he tried his best to stand on tiptoe, as if he could become taller by doing so.

"You can trust me unconditionally, no matter what danger you encounter, I will protect you. If you can't escape, I will leave you a living chance."

Jiang Shuiyan took Qing Mochen's words as a joke, hummed twice, and said perfunctorily, "I'm very happy that you can think so."

It's just that she doesn't believe it.

If you don't believe me, you won't be disappointed. If Xiao Jinlong abandons her one day, she won't hate him either.

Because practice is so cruel, the higher you go, the fewer people on this road.

Relatives, friends, and lovers are not as important as the Dao of Heaven.

Jiang Shuiyan rubbed Qing Mochen's head, and smiled wryly: "If my old friend was here, I would definitely tell him that you are the one who pursues the way of heaven." joke.

Qing Mochen knew who the old friend she was talking about was, and kept silent without arguing.

Because he will prove his intentions with Jiang Shuiyan in the long journey of cultivation in the future.

The big octopus has already woken up, shaking its body slowly in the sea water, apparently in a good mood.

Jiang Shiyan waited quietly for who would be the next challenger.

None of the monks who were eager to try before dared to step forward, including Qin Zeyan.

Lin Kexin glanced at him, and Qin Zeyan looked away.

He's not stupid, this octopus is too powerful, he doesn't want to leave his life in Donghai, his mother is still waiting for him to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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