Immortal is too strong

Chapter 487 Attacking the River Hookah

Chapter 487 Attacking the River Hookah (3)

The man in black was also silent, only occasionally looking at Jiang Shuiyan.This person inexplicably gave him a very familiar feeling.

Jiang Shiyan seemed to be careless, but actually kept staring at the big octopus.

She heard the big octopus comment on the dead Taoist couple: "The meat is a bit firewood. I don't know how many elixir I took. It's not delicious and natural at all. What's the use of fighting in the end? I can do it." Well, take you all into my stomach, and let you die together."

Jiang Shuiyan was a little sick when he heard that, although this octopus can speak human language, it has no intelligence. Compared with her white feather, it can only be regarded as a smarter beast.

The big octopus turned around twice, and said surprisingly: "I can choose my opponent this time, right?"

"What?" Qin Zeyan yelled, and stepped back suddenly, "He can still attack Xiu, who has not ended?"

Jiang Shuiyan had a bad premonition in his heart, and wanted to go far with the sword.Because she thought, this octopus never entered the hunting ground at all!Everything about him is unlimited!

Ye Zhaoyi showed a smirk, thinking to leave, it's not that easy.

Sure enough, although the big octopus had a huge body, it moved like lightning, jumped out of the water, and chased towards Jiang Shuiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan's face changed suddenly, and he rushed towards the distance.

She knew that her feeling was right, this big octopus might have been eyeing her from the very beginning!but why?
Jiang Shuiyan thought of Ye Zhaoyi again.Except for him, no one has the opportunity to contact these spirit beasts in advance.

It must be what he said to the octopus that made him fancy himself.

When the big octopus was chasing the hookah, it kept jumping up into the sky, and then fell heavily back to the surface of the sea.

His tentacles fluttered and spread in all directions.

Jiang Shiyan was flying in the sky, and he chased fiercely in the sea water.

While chasing, the octopus said with satisfaction: "The people picked this time are not bad. Although it is a foundation building stage, they are very vigilant."

Not only that, Jiang Shiyan's speed is also very fast.

When she ran away, she still didn't forget to grab Qing Mochen with her.

Bai Yu couldn't let himself watch the excitement in the spirit world, so he jumped out, his body became bigger, and said to Jiang Shuiyan: "Master, you step on me! I can fly very fast on the sea!"

Jiang Shuiyan and Bai Yu were also in the same heart, so he jumped on Bai Yu's back without saying a word, and with all his strength, he jumped forward.

The East China Sea is boundless, especially here is a deep sea area, it is impossible to quickly fly to land.

Bai Yu didn't know if the direction was right, anyway, just fly forward!
Jiang Shuiyan stepped on his back, and he could smell the salty smell of the big octopus without turning his head.

Thinking of how the Taoist couple died just now, Jiang Shuiyan urged Bai Yu: "Hurry up!" She doesn't want to die!

Then she looked at Qing Mochen: "Is your coercion useful?"

"I'll try." Qing Mochen finished speaking in a cold voice, releasing the coercion.

The black sea suddenly set off huge waves, and all kinds of spirit beasts who were frightened by the big octopus just now swam in all directions in fright, trying to stay away from Qingmochen with all their strength.

The big octopus that was chasing after him also paused, and for a moment, he was about to retreat.

But soon he realized it, and laughed: "You still have such a good thing by your side! Today's harvest is really great!"

He didn't name Qing Mochen's identity, but Jiang Shuiyan knew that he must have guessed it.

(End of this chapter)

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