Immortal is too strong

Chapter 500 Killing Octopus

Chapter 500 Killing Octopus (4)

"You can't do this!" the big octopus begged her, "Don't you have no feelings for me at all?"

Bai Guang laughed: "It's really interesting, have you heard that Tianhuo has a heart?" Emotion, what is that thing?
After the words fell, she was even cutting in the body of the big octopus, hastening his death.

Jiang Shuiyan kept watching the movement of the big octopus, seeing that the time was almost up, recalled Qingmochen Baiyu back to his spirit world, then took Lin Yufei, Lin Kexin and Yunqi with him, and rushed towards the distance quickly.

Her actions were incomprehensible to other monks. She already had the chance to win, so why did she leave?
Jiang Shuiyan not only left, but she also turned the huge waves into a big sword as she skimmed across the sea.

A total of nine of them rose into the sky, and under the light of the bright moon, they pointed at the sea covered by the hunting ground from different directions.

The monks were a little restless: "Why are these swords on top of our heads?"

The man in black moved at the moment when the river water smoke moved, so he sneered when he saw this scene from a distance.

Why?Because Jiang Shiyan wants you all to die.

"Time is up." Jiang Shuiyan stopped and made an explosion gesture, and saw that the octopus had been twisted into pieces by eighteen stone pillars.

Flesh and flesh were mixed together, with mucus and shapeless organs, the entire sea area was completely dyed red, sticky and bloody.

But before dying, the unwilling big octopus yelled sadly: "Even if I die, I will let you be buried with me!"

So with the explosive power of his body, those eighteen stone pillars were suddenly destroyed into pieces of rubble, the sea was roaring, and the strong wind enveloped the sky. Those monks, they soon discovered that it was very difficult for them to break free!
Misfortunes never come singly, and Jiang Shuiyan's sword also arrived.The nine thunderous swords slashed straight at their heads when they were struggling to break free.

The first to be recruited was Ye Zhaoyi, Jiang Shuiyan had disliked him for too long.

The head was cut off, Ye Zhaoyi didn't even have time to scream, the body separated and fell into the whirlpool.

The other monks didn't have a good end either, they were basically killed.

But a few people escaped, namely Qin Zeyan and others.

They were watching the fun at first, but later they all expressed their support.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't kill them either, standing at a distance, said coldly: "I won't kill you, but I won't save you either."

Qin Zeyan and the others were stunned by the death of the other monks. Hearing this, he looked down and saw that the vortex formed after the death of the big octopus was getting bigger and bigger, and the spirit beasts with a radius of thousands of miles would suffer.

They hurriedly used their spiritual power to resist the suction of the vortex, no one wanted to be buried with a spirit beast!

It's a pity that their spiritual power was getting less and less, and they couldn't struggle at all. Qin Zeyan saw two monks being sucked in, and their flesh and blood flew away.

Jiang Shuiyan has other things to do and needs to leave here. Before leaving, she said to Qin Zeyan: "If you can escape, I will not chase you down again, but keep your mouth shut."

She killed so many monks, but she didn't want to be avenged by a group of flies.

Qin Zeyan was in a complicated mood.Obviously he was also harmed by Jiang Shuiyan, but why didn't he hate her?

Probably because the nine swords flew past his ears but didn't hurt him at all, that's why he had a good impression of Jiang Shuiyan.

Force yourself to look away, there is no longer any delay.

(End of this chapter)

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