Immortal is too strong

Chapter 501 Grasping Water Heart Flame

Chapter 501 Grasping Water Heart Flame (1)

He took out his only light escape talisman from the storage space, crushed it without hesitation, and in a flash of lightning, he was no longer above the vortex
After the other monks saw it, they all thought bitterly, this kid actually has a light escape talisman in his hand!I knew I just grabbed it!
They didn't have such expensive things, and they were all sucked into the whirlpool in the end, becoming sacrifices to the East China Sea.

Jiang Shuiyan looked away, and said to Yunqi, who was still awake, "Take care of them both."

Yunqi asked anxiously, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Yufei and Lin Kexin also said: "We are not seriously injured, we will follow you!"

Jiang Shuiyan only had time to comfort her: "I will come back, wait for me on the East China Sea."

After that, she plunged into the sea without the slightest hesitation, and chose a direction to rush over.

Qing Mochen said in her sea of ​​consciousness: "I will search for you."

This path was deliberately left behind by her and Qing Mochen when they changed the formation.Although the big octopus was dead, Jiang Shuiyan didn't believe that the white light in his body would melt so easily.

So she and Qing Mochen set aside this path for Bai Guang to escape from here.

After chasing for hundreds of miles, Qing Mochen opened his eyes suddenly: "I saw it!"

"In front?" Jiang Shuiyan asked anxiously.


"What is it."

Qing Mochen looked at her from her sea of ​​consciousness, a little happy for her: "Shui Xinyan." He added in his heart, it is the sky fire you used in your last life.

Jiang Shuiyan's heart skipped a beat.Shui Xinyan has followed her for hundreds of years, of course she knows.

But she never expected that Shui Xinyan would be parasitic in the body of the spirit beast at this moment!

Many strange phenomena can be explained.No wonder she felt that this white light was very familiar and wanted to conquer, but didn't want to hurt her.

No wonder the octopus is logically impossible to be as powerful as the ninth level, it should be Shui Xinyan who is helping him.

Shui Xinyan is one of the sky fires, and it ranks high, because she is a flame born from water, so it is very compatible with Jiang Shuiyan's spiritual root. If she had her, Jiang Shuiyan would not need to work hard to make water and fire blend .

Shui Xinyan originally contained water and fire, she can swim in the sea, but the sky fire will not be extinguished.

Now she is very fast, breaking through the sea and heading towards an unknown direction, Jiang Shuiyan wants to catch her.

The big octopus died just now, and Shui Xinyan should have been severely injured. If you can't take this opportunity to take her down, it will be very difficult to catch her again.

In the previous life, Jiang Shuiyan spent nearly a hundred years to subdue Shui Xinyan, because she was too cunning and not as easy to deceive as Bai Yu.

Moreover, Shui Xinyan didn't believe in human cultivation at first. Jiang Shuiyan later learned that many, many years ago, she was tortured by a human cultivation.

Now Jiang Shuiyan didn't have time to influence her slowly, so he could only take advantage of her illness and take it down in one fell swoop.

After chasing for several hundred miles, Jiang Shuiyan finally saw Shui Xinyan's trail.

Like the breath of soil, it is difficult to catch when it enters the soil, and the same is true for Shui Xinyan in the sea.

If she regains her strength, she will merge with the sea water, making it even harder to catch.

Jiang Shuiyan's spiritual power was also exhausted, so she grabbed a few qi nourishing pills and stuffed them into her mouth.

All the bones in her body clamored for her to stop, the sea of ​​consciousness gradually dried up, and she wailed.

Even Shennongyaoding and Lingjie woke up, asking in surprise, "What happened?"

Suddenly, Shennong Yaoding exclaimed: "Shui Xinyan! Hurry up and catch her, only the sky fire can repair my body!"

(End of this chapter)

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