Immortal is too strong

Chapter 575 Ye Sitian

Chapter 575 Ye Sitian (1)

When he took Jiang Shiyan to heart, the memories that he had neglected in the past gradually became clear.

Because she always liked to chatter in front of him in the previous life, so he knew that the people of the Bell Bottle Sect could be said to be unfeeling towards her.

The head and the head's wife raised her in order to take over what her parents left behind and make her Yu Yuanfan's furnace;There is also the jealousy and exclusion from the same sect, which made it difficult for her to move forward in the sect.

But now, she actually replaced Yu Yanghong and restrained the bones of these people.

Qing Mochen asked him: "Do the people from the Bell Bottle Sect treat you well?"

Jiang Shuiyan didn't know that he was thinking a lot just now, so he said flatly, "Not good."

"Since it's not good, why do you want to save their corpses for them?"

Jiang Shiyan paused for a while, then lowered his head and continued to put away the bones.

"I don't know why, so just take it as a sudden kindness from me." A helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Jiang Shuiyan thought that his life had changed too much.

In her previous life, it is no exaggeration to describe her as ruthless.Holding my heart and thinking slowly, it seems that I have become kinder.Probably because I haven't been persecuted so much yet.

Qing Mochen didn't help her, this was destined to be her Bell Bottle Sect, and he would accompany her on the way she was going to go.

He said leisurely: "These people are dead, it's not a bad thing for you."

Jiang Shuiyan felt pity: "They won't die, and they won't have any influence on me."

She was no longer that Jiang Shiyan who was slaughtered by others.

Bai Yu was in front of the two of them. He obviously had wings and could fly, but he insisted on jumping up the steps one by one. His fluffy and fluffy feathers fluctuated slightly in the wind.

Shui Xinyan has been taken into the Sea of ​​Consciousness by Jiang Shiyan, she is quite good at finding a place, entered the spirit world, and swims in the cold spring.

She also heard the conversation between Jiang Shuiyan and Qing Mochen, and couldn't help but snort.Repay grievances with virtue, how can you repay virtue?

At this moment, Qin Xingchen also returned to the Qin family in the north, and notified the whole family of the death of Qin Wanyin and others.

The Qin family was furious and vowed to seek an explanation from Demon Realm and Feng Xiaoran.

They are the overlords in the north, and their status is even higher than all the sects in the north. Many monks who explore the north will go to the Qin family to pay homage.

The Qin family all have the temperament of revenge, especially if this is a bloody feud, so they quickly gathered the children of the Qin family who stayed in the north to denounce Feng Xiaoran.

The Qin family members who were traveling abroad were also summoned, and they all stopped what they were doing and hurried back to the Qin family.

Qin Zeyan is also a foreigner of the Qin family, so he is supposed to act with them.But he had made a mistake and fled back, so he didn't dare to go back at all.

After the battle at sea, he used the only light escape talisman to escape. He was worried about how he would escape if Qin Xingchen found it. Now that it's all over, the Qin family has gone to find Feng Xiaoran to settle accounts. Qin Zeyan is happy He thought, he won't be troubled.

The Qin family was very powerful, rushed to the devil world, and offered rewards in the entire cultivation world, if someone could come forward with Feng Xiaoran's head, the Qin family would definitely thank them.

So it didn't take long for everyone in the Yulan Realm to hear that the Qin family was going to kill the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm and start a war with the Demon Cultivator Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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