Immortal is too strong

Chapter 576 Ye Sitian

Chapter 576 Ye Sitian (2)

In this regard, the monks behaved differently.Some hated Moxiu and spontaneously joined the Qin family's team, and some had the mentality of watching the fun, thinking that Feng Xiaoran dared to provoke the Qin family, it was really desperate.

Even if there is only one soldier left in the Qin family, they will chase him to the ends of the earth.

There are also some people who fish in troubled waters, wanting to make a fortune from this, for fear that they will not be able to fight, and spread rumors in various ways.

The news also spread to the demon world. Those demon cultivators have long disliked human cultivators, and envied them for having so many mountains with rich aura and occupying so many cultivation resources. Therefore, no matter whether the Qin family is famous or not, they will fight.

It was the first time that the twelve Demon Lords united, expressing that this battle was not for Feng Xiaoran, but for their entire Demon World, and their Demon Soldiers would first attack the Qin family.

As for Feng Xiaoran, he was still recovering from his injuries, and he was temporarily unable to fight. The other Demon Lords knew that he was still "alive", but they didn't know where he was.

Jiang Shuiyan knew that the sky in the Magnolia Realm was about to change, and his practice in the future would probably be even more difficult.

But this battle is inevitable, she is not anyone's enemy, nor does she want to be anyone's friend.

After finally collecting all the bones in front of the mountain gate, Jiang Shuiyan put away the Qiankun bag and stepped into the dilapidated Bell Pingzong.

The barrier protecting the mountain has been broken, and there are traces of being burned everywhere in the sect. More disciples have buried their lives here, but they can't even find a whole body.

Although it has been placed for more than a year, the mountain is still lifeless, and the places where Jiang Shiyan walks are filled with the smell of corpses.

Qing Mochen walked side by side with her unknowingly, looked forward, and frowned slightly.

Soon, Jiang Shuiyan stopped what he was doing.She found out that there are people in the Bell Bottle Sect.

No longer restraining his breath, Jiang Shuiyan used his spiritual power and quickly flew to the main hall in front of the mountain.Looking far away in the sky, there is a man and a woman standing on the empty and dilapidated training ground.

Their backs were facing Jiang Shuiyan. A woman was wearing a white robe with silver patterns engraved on it. Jiang Shuiyan knew the formation method and recognized the extraordinary robe at a glance.

The woman's black hair hangs down like a waterfall, and her back is graceful, making Jiang Shuiyan feel very familiar.

She had never seen the other man before, but he was wearing Dingkangya's clothes, and he was also a disciple of Wan Jianzong.

However, Qing Mochen recognized who this woman was, with complicated eyes.

Jiang Shuiyan had already landed on the ground. At this moment, she had changed her appearance, but she still looked like a woman, with the hem of her water-blue clothes fluttering.

She asked loudly: "I don't know why the two fellow Taoists came to the Bell Bottle Sect?"

After Jiang Shiyan landed, the two people in front turned their heads.Before Jiang Shuiyan came to remember to see the man's appearance, he had already attracted all the attention of the woman.

Her back stiffened suddenly, her eyes turned cold, and her hands clenched into fists.

She recognized this appearance even when turned into ashes, it turned out to be Ye Sitian.

At this moment, Ye Sitian is still a young disciple in the Qi refining period, but she comes from a prominent family and has been doted on since she was a child. Even if her family's fortunes fell later, Qing Mochen will protect her everywhere, and her cultivation expenses are all the best.

The appearance of this woman was like a slap in the face of Jiang Shuiyan, reminding her how stupid she was in her previous life.

Ye Sitian is also very beautiful, her eyebrows and eyes are like cherry blossoms blooming in early spring, her cheeks are delicate and full of vitality.

In the future, when her cultivation level is higher, she will definitely be more beautiful.

 Remember who Ye Sitian is?
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(End of this chapter)

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