Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 412 Sun Ce leads the army 1

Chapter 412 Sun Ce leads the army 1
Cheng Pu didn't have the slightest intention of backing down, he insisted: "Young master, the master has his own way to conquer Fancheng, please follow the master's wishes."

Sun Ce looked at his uncle, nodded and smiled and said, "General Cheng Pu, I have something to tell you. Now that our army has separated from the main force, we not only need to cooperate with the main force to fight well, but also to fight with the main force." To ensure that there is no danger on your side, do you understand?"

"Of course the general understands that the lord has made proper arrangements before leaving." Cheng Pu stared at Sun Ce without fear and replied: "We don't expose ourselves now, which is the best protection for ourselves, and we can also find a way Supporting the main force in combat is what we should do, and at the end of the discussion, we will think that we should not dispatch now."

"Joke, isn't the best way to protect yourself is to hide forever? Then what's the point of our existence as a partial division." Sun Ce sneered: "Our existence is more important to cooperate with the main force to fight. If we are still indifferent when the troops encounter troubles that cannot be resolved, then do we still need to divide our troops?

General Cheng Pu is also a veteran in the army. Why don't you even understand this point? Is it possible that you don't know what is called the way of a general? "

"Of course the general knows that it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders." Cheng Pu was not frightened by Sun Ce's words: "My lord has orders first, so I should obey them. The young lord's actions today have violated my lord's wishes. I want to stop it even more, otherwise how can I live up to the trust of the lord."

"You also know that the duty of soldiers is to obey orders." Sun Ce shouted suddenly: "Then do you know who the current commander of this army is? It's not my father, it's me, and I am the commander of this partial division.

Cheng Pu, because of your hard work, I don't care about you today, but if you rely on your old man to sell your old man and dare to prevent me from giving orders, don't blame me for doing it.What we are doing now is not only related to the life and death of this partial teacher, but also related to the success or failure of this conquest of Jingzhou. Do you think I am taking this as a joke?

He will be outside, and military orders will not be accepted.The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, do you think my father can predict everything?This is war and I am responsible to five thousand brothers in my battalion.

Also, General Cheng Pu, I have something to tell you. Cavalry is different from navy and infantry. The advantage of cavalry is its extremely high mobility. Only in mobile warfare can the advantage of cavalry be reflected. Otherwise, This cavalry is useless, not even ordinary infantry.

I can forgive you for not knowing how to use cavalry, but this is the first and last time.Even if you have any comments in the future, please ask General Cheng Pu to wait for me to finish speaking before publishing. This is my tent, and I am the commander of the army. Do you understand? "

"Understood." Cheng Pu finally lowered his head and cupped his hands and replied, "The last general was rude."

Seeing that Cheng Pu was finally willing to retreat, Sun Ce looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, I have called you today to discuss with you how to cooperate with the main force to take down Fancheng. I hope everyone can cooperate with each other in the first battle of this side division."

"The last general will obey orders." All the generals clapped their hands and replied.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about the current situation." Sun Ce spread out the map and said, "Now we are close to Chaisang and far away from Fancheng. Calculated according to the fastest journey of infantry, it will take three days at the fastest. Arrived. However, according to the speed of the cavalry, they could reach under the walls of Fancheng within a day.

The enemy army still doesn't know that our army is here, but I sent someone to spread the news before dark today. Now, the enemy army must soon get the news of the existence of our partial division.The five thousand Jiangdong army is definitely a temptation for those Jingzhou generals who employ tens of thousands of troops. I am sure that there must be many Jingzhou generals who want to defeat us in order to achieve their military exploits.

The closest to us is Fancheng, Huang Zu is very happy with his achievements, and he is also a bully, so with his character, he must come to lead the army to attack, hehe, this is our only chance to lure the enemy out of the city, everyone! clear? "

"Commander, please give me an order." The crowd clasped their hands and replied, "The final general will be determined to die."

Everyone was also intimidated by Sun Ce's prestige before. They understood that if they contradicted Sun Ce now, they might be dealt with by Sun Ce's military law.

"Okay, if we can get all the generals to serve like this, our army has already won half of this battle." Sun Ce laughed and said: "Hahaha, if this is the case, then we should deploy as soon as possible. Where is Cheng Pu?"

"The last general is here." Cheng Pu immediately knelt down and saluted.

"The commander-in-chief ordered you to lead two thousand elite infantry, pretend to be 5000 troops, and escort a large army of food and supplies behind you. You must attract the enemy with great fanfare so that the enemy can know the specific whereabouts of our army, but you can't do it too clearly. You can't let the enemy see it, if you encounter the enemy, you must lead the army to resist until I lead the army back to help, do you dare to accept the order?"

"The last general takes the order." Cheng Pu stood up and took the order: "But, young master, shouldn't this matter be done in secret? Why do you want to make a big fuss?"

"As I said, your responsibility is to attract the enemy, as long as you can attract the enemy, it is best to attract Huang Zu out of Fancheng." Sun Ce explained: "At that time, I will lead three thousand cavalry to attack Fancheng, to help my father capture Fancheng, the key to this battle is whether you, General Cheng Pu, can successfully contain part of the enemy's forces, do you understand?"

Hearing Sun Ce's explanation, everyone seemed to understand Sun Ce's plan. Cheng Pu is also a veteran in the battlefield, so he naturally understood Sun Ce's plan. However, he was still a little worried, so he continued to ask: "Young master, although Fancheng Dacheng City is also a fortified city with high walls, if you only command [-] cavalry, it may be difficult to capture it, whether this matter needs a long-term plan."

Sun Ce shook his head slowly, and then replied with a smile: "When I led two hundred cavalrymen to fight as a general, I learned a saying, that soldiers are more expensive than more, and it doesn't matter if you have fewer soldiers, the key is how to deploy them. I am attacking Fancheng with cavalry, but I don't necessarily have to attack Fancheng with cavalry. I have already taken care of this matter.

However, General Cheng Pu, once the whereabouts of our army are exposed, you will face at least seven or eight thousand Jingzhou troops. At that time, you will only have 2000 people on your side, which is really dangerous. Your side If you can't hold on, I hope you will put your own safety first, and don't fight hard when you go.

If it doesn't work, you should give full play to our infantry's advantage in mountain warfare and try to lure the enemy into the forest to buy more time for me. "

Without a trace of hesitation, nor did he intend to pause, Cheng Pu stared at Sun Ce indifferently and replied: "The general wishes to issue a military order. If the task cannot be completed, the general will come to see him."

Only then did Sun Ce nod his head reassuringly. What he said just now seemed to be trying to persuade Cheng Pu not to fight recklessly, but in fact he really meant to provoke him.Cheng Pu could be regarded as a veteran general in the Jiangdong Army, so he naturally didn't want to be underestimated by this young master, not to mention that he was reprimanded by Sun Ce before. As a veteran, he was somewhat unconvinced.

"That being the case, then I will continue to assign tasks." Sun Ce continued: "The cavalry generals will go back to prepare immediately, and they will set off with me at dawn tomorrow. The infantry generals will follow the command of General Cheng Pu. The lives and deaths of the [-] soldiers of our army and the main force, I hope that everyone can work together to win Fancheng together."

When all the generals heard Sun Ce say this, they all knelt down again and saluted, "The last general obeys."

Sun Ce inherited Sun Jian's resolute character. After giving the order, he let the generals go off to work, but he left Cheng Pu to continue discussing the military situation in the tent. The battle plan just now looks simple, but it must be executed. The difficulty is not small. As Sun Ce said, the key lies in whether they can successfully attract some of the defenders in Fancheng.

Regarding Cheng Pu's military capabilities, Sun Ce was actually quite at ease. In fact, the more important reason why Sun Ce kept Cheng Pu here was because of Cheng Pu's reputation.

Jingzhou and Jiangdong have been fighting for so long, and the generals on Jiangdong's side are still somewhat famous. Among them, Cheng Pu is undoubtedly the most famous. If Huang Zu heard that Cheng Pu led [-] infantry here, he would There must be ideas.

In any case, the Jiangdong side has fewer troops. If they can successfully wipe out this partial division, or even kill Cheng Pu, then the Jiangdong Army's conquest will fail this time, and this battle will basically be unnecessary.Sun Ce took advantage of these points to give Huang Zu a huge temptation. Moreover, Sun Ce believed that as long as Huang Zu still had some sense, he would most likely be fooled.

Early the next morning, Sun Ce set off with [-] cavalrymen. In order to fight the battle well, Sun Ce was well prepared. The [-] cavalrymen, except for the weapons that must be carried in battle, no one had to carry them for five days. Dry food, in this way, there is nothing to say in terms of marching speed.

After Sun Ce left, Cheng Pu was not idle either. He sent people to expose his whereabouts. People go to inquire about the surrounding situation, so as to prepare a retreat for the battle they are about to face.

Half a day later, in Fancheng, Huang Zu finally received information about Jiangdong Army's partial division. After reading the information, Huang Zu suddenly took the case and said, "So that's the case, that's the way it is, I said why Sun Jian was killed by my bow and arrow." Frightened back, it turned out that he had this idea in mind to sneak attack me from behind, heh heh, Sun Jian, you are really scheming."

Huang Zu thought about it, and finally felt that this was Sun Jian's plan. He used the main force to attract his attention to confront Jiangdong's army, and then sent an army to attack Fancheng from the rear. Taking down Fancheng, Huang Zu was considered a veteran who had led the army for many years. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the reason. Otherwise, why would Sun Jian not attack Fancheng so abnormally in the first place, but stayed on the other side of the river instead.

Marching and fighting are inherently unpredictable, Huang Zu was right to think so, but he himself did not expect to be tricked by others.

(End of this chapter)

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