Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 413 Sun Ce leads the army 2

Chapter 413 Sun Ce leads the army 2
After thinking about these details, Huang Zu immediately started to take countermeasures.

Judging from the current situation, Sun Jian will not forcibly attack the city. Even if Sun Jian does it now, he will not be able to take down Fancheng in ten days and a half months. Besides, there are enough arrows in the city, enough to shoot the Jiangdong army back. Thinking about whether to send someone to eat the other party's partial teacher.

After learning that the coach of this side division is Cheng Pu, Huang Zu's mind became more active. After fighting Jiangdong Army for so long, he has dealt with Cheng Pu a lot. To be honest, he has suffered a lot from Cheng Pu. No loss, especially when he was almost injured by Cheng Pu twice on the battlefield, Huang Zu felt very angry.

According to intelligence reports, there are only 5000 people on Cheng Pu's side, and they must have been exhausted after marching for many days. This is the best time to ambush them.Originally, Huang Zu thought about sending a general to lead the army to ambush the Jiangdong army's partial division, but now, Huang Zu had the idea of ​​leading the army himself.

Fancheng is impenetrable now, even if Sun Jian's entire army is up, it is impossible to take down Fancheng in a short time. Regarding this point, Huang Zu is still very confident. In comparison, it is much more difficult to ambush the Jiangdong army's partial division. Much more important too.

As long as this partial division of the Jiangdong Army is wiped out, it will basically be declared that the Jiangdong Army will not be able to cross the river. After careful consideration, Huang Zu finally decided to lead the troops out of the city by himself.

There are more than 3000 soldiers in the city. Huang Zu plans to lead [-] elite soldiers out of the city to encircle Cheng Pu, leaving the rest of the troops to defend the city. Anyway, the main force of the Jiangdong Army is only about [-]. He is relying on the advantage of the city wall. , absolutely not at a disadvantage.

After deploying everything, Huang Zu immediately led his army out of the city to encircle Cheng Pu. At this time, Sun Jian on the other side of the river did not know about these changes. He was staring at the map in the tent and thinking. When it was almost dark, Huang Gai walked in. Said: "My lord, do you want to send someone to harass you at night?"

"Continue to harass, it has been three days, and the enemy's arrows are almost exhausted, and a tentative attack will begin tomorrow." Sun Jian replied, "Order the soldiers to get ready."

After Huang Gai stepped back, Sun Jian sighed and said, "Ce'er, I hope you don't let me down..."

Another day later, in a mountain forest more than 70 miles away from Fancheng, Sun Ce hid the three thousand cavalry under his command according to the way of marching and forming a formation that he had learned from Gongsun Xu in Mang Mountain.Recalling the scene of fighting side by side with Gongsun Xu and the soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army, Sun Ce felt that it was almost like a dream.

Thinking of himself back then, Sun Ce felt it was funny. Back then, he was actually a young boy who didn’t know much about marching and fighting, let alone commanding cavalry to fight guerrilla warfare. If you steal from your side, I'm afraid I still don't know anything about the use of cavalry.

Since the initial alliance, Sun Ce has become famous in Jiangdong. After all, he is a Jiangdong boy who fought with the great general Gongsun Xu. After all, he also fought face to face with Lu Bu, the world's number one general. These achievements, coupled with the training of his old son Sun Jian , Sun Ce's own fierce force and style have made him the title of Jiangdong Little Overlord in Jiangdong.

Thinking back then, the name of the Overlord of Western Chu was so famous, but unfortunately, the Overlord of Western Chu was a dazzling shooting star. Although it blinded many people in that era, it still passed away in a flash.

Every time Jiangdong's children think of this incident, they all sigh. If the overlord of Western Chu hadn't died so early, at least Jiangdong would not be like this now.

Sun Ce is good at martial arts, and he has done some research on those generals in history. Among them, he also admires Xiang Yu very much. Apart from Xiang Yu's personal shortcomings, Sun Ce is full of admiration when it comes to fighting in the army.

Even Gongsun Xu once said to Sun Ce that Xiang Yu is the well-deserved ancestor of cavalry, and he brought cavalry into a new era.

Think back to the battle of Pengcheng between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang. Liu Bang had an army of 65, strong men and strong horses, and stood on the edge of the city, but in the end he was defeated by Xiang Yu's [-] exhausted troops. What people care about is only the comparison of the strength of the two sides and the outcome, but Gongsun Xu focused on the role of Xiang Yu's cavalry tactics in this battle.

Cavalry tactics such as chasing, splitting, charging, etc., were perfectly reflected in this battle. Gongsun Xu had discussed these tactics with Sun Ce in detail, and Gongsun Xu told Sun Ce that the cavalry must move to show its advantage.

Sun Ce's self-proclaimed little overlord of Jiangdong naturally aimed at Xiang Yu.Xiang Yu can achieve such a high achievement in the use of cavalry, of course Sun Ce also thinks, this is why Sun Ce loves cavalry.

"I will let everyone remember my name." Sun Ce muttered to himself: "I am the Little Overlord of Jiangdong..."

While Sun Ce was thinking, a small school came over and knelt down and said, "General, the spies report that Huang Zu led his troops out of the city and is now heading towards where General Cheng Pu is. It is expected that he will encounter General Cheng Pu within two days." .”

"Okay, Huang Zu, you've been fooled." Sun Ce clapped his hands and applauded, "How many people did Huang Zu take away, how much food and supplies did he take, and the distance between the marching route and our army's hiding place?"

"The spies report that Huang Zu's army is about 1 people, and there is not much food and supplies with the army. It is now [-] miles away from our army." The Xiaoxiao finished all he knew.

Sun Ce nodded, and then said: "Yes, it should be like this. Huang Zu wants to encircle General Cheng Pu in the shortest possible time, so it is impossible for him to carry a lot of food, grass and luggage. Come, send more spies to keep an eye on Huang Zu. And Fancheng, next, Huang Zu's logistics and grain transportation troops must leave the city.

Our army's hiding place is remote. It is impossible for Huang Zu to encounter me. Therefore, as long as I continue to hide, there will be no problem. Yes, that's it. I don't have much time. Do it before you can react. "

After finishing speaking, Sun Ce continued to order: "Come here, give orders. The whole army will set off after resting for two hours. Since Huang Zu is still far away from Fancheng, let's go to ambush his grain transport troops first."

Sun Ce was waiting for Huang Zu to go out of the city. Of course, he couldn't directly resist Huang Zu's [-] troops. Moreover, even in the current Fancheng, Sun Ce didn't dare to make a surprise attack. He only had [-] cavalry, and he couldn't afford these tough battles. Therefore, he could only think of other ways.

Two hours later, the scouts sent the latest information to Sun Ce. After learning that Huang Zu had led his army forward for thirty miles, Sun Ce ordered the whole army to march towards Fancheng.According to Sun Ce's estimate, his current marching route is completely different from Huang Zu's.

He has to make a big circle around here, and then arrive at the ambush site to wait for the logistics troops on Fancheng's side. By then, Huang Zu should be seventy or eighty miles away from Fancheng, and Huang Zu's logistics troops will catch up with Huang Zu's army. At least three or four days.Sun Ce wants to make such a time difference.

After the army marched cautiously for more than two hours, Sun Ce was still more than 30 miles away from the ambush site. According to the speed of the cavalry, it would take at least an hour to finish. This is close to Fancheng, and Sun Ce can't let the cavalry gallop for the time being.

Looking at the exhausted faces of the soldiers around him, Sun Ce cheered up his voice: "Soldiers, work harder, we will be there soon, this time, we will give Huang Zu a hard time, Jiangdong disciples,,, ,,,"

As the chief general, Sun Ce is already doing his best to encourage the soldiers to persevere. This is Sun Ce's first battle, and it is also the first battle of this cavalry team. All the soldiers are gritted their teeth.

More than an hour later, Sun Ce had built fortifications at the ambush site. After sending [-] cavalry to detour for [-] miles to hide in the forest in front to intercept the rout, Sun Ce sent [-] cavalry to patrol [-] miles back.

The rest of the people have received their own tasks. Sun Ce doesn't have many troops to command now, but fortunately, what he will face next is only the enemy's logistics force. The number may be quite large, but the combat effectiveness should not be great. will be strong.

At this time, on the side of Fancheng, Sun Jian had already commanded the army to conduct a tentative attack on Fancheng. The arrows in Fancheng had also consumed [-]% to [-]% in the past few days, but at least they could last for a few days. Sun Jian is now attacking the city. It's a disadvantage, but Sun Jian is not stupid. The arrows he seized in the past few days just come in handy. He doesn't attack the city now, but shooting arrows into the city is not a problem.

The two sides have been deadlocked for a long time. Sun Jian has made no progress at all, but the soldiers in Fancheng are not having a good time. After all, there are not many troops. The other three troops in Fancheng have been transferred to confront Jiangdong Army here.

Sun Ce was closing his eyes and resting his mind at this moment. It is impossible to say that he is not nervous now. After waiting for more than half an hour, the enemy's grain transportation team has not heard yet. If this link cannot be completed, Sun Ce will have to think about it. There are other ways to attack Fancheng.

After waiting for nearly an hour, a scout finally rode back and reported, "The whereabouts of the enemy were found twenty miles away."

Sun Ce opened his eyes violently, and then said with a sneer, "The whole army is on alert, ready to fight."

The food transportation team in Fancheng has 800 soldiers, and more than [-] strong men. After all, it is the food and grass of the [-] army. It is really impossible to send more people to the front army in time. However, it is a pity that this team The grain transport team will never be able to deliver food.

An ambush broke out soon, and the combat effectiveness of the food transport team was really not very good, especially when facing two thousand cavalry, these soldiers and strong men were all frightened. scale cavalry.

Before the [-] Fancheng soldiers had time to stop the resistance, [-] were driven out by the cavalry, and the scattered strong men who ran around broke up their unformed formation. This battle, Sun Ce fought very smoothly.

Lasting less than an hour, the ambush came to an end. Sun Ce was already sending people to clean up the battlefield. Some of the defeated strong men and soldiers from Fancheng were also captured by cavalry wandering around. Everything was under Sun Ce's control. middle
Looking at the captives squatting on the ground and the grain scattered all over the ground, Sun Ce looked in the direction of Fancheng and snorted coldly, "I will destroy the city tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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