Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 429 Contradictions deepen 2

Chapter 429 Contradictions deepen 2
After returning to his mansion, Dong Zhuo was still angry. Several generals of the Xiliang Army knew the reason, and now they were also happy to see Lu Bu provoke Dong Zhuo's bad luck. , especially after the Flying Bear Army came under the control of Lu Bu, most of the generals of the Xiliang Army had a lot of opinions on Lu Bu.

However, among the generals of the Xiliang Army, there are also people who know the general situation. As Zhang Jilai, who is quite senior in the Xiliang Army, he does not want to see conflicts within the Xiliang Army. Even if conflicts cannot be avoided, he does not want to see Seeing that such contradictions have affected the strength of the entire Xiliang Army.

His relationship with Lu Bu is not very good, but his nephew and Lu Bu are somewhat friendly. Ever since his nephew came back from northern Xinjiang, he has often asked Lu Bu for advice on martial arts. Lu Bu is also an upright man. He also enjoys sparring.

In addition, Zhang Xiu's thoughts were not very complicated, and Lu Bu did not dislike him. After going back and forth, Zhang Xiu had the best relationship with Lu Bu among the generals in the Xiliang army. Li Su was no match.

So, after being happy, Zhang Ji felt that such a situation might not be conducive to the unity of the Xiliang Army, but it was impossible for him to persuade Dong Zhuo, and he had absolutely no courage to persuade Dong Zhuo at this time.

Although Dong Zhuo treats his subordinates well, Dong Zhuo has a shortcoming, that is, when he is angry, he is purely disrespecting his relatives, and even the most favored generals will probably be punished by him.

Of course Zhang Ji didn't dare touch this brow at this time, but he also had his own cleverness. As early as when Dong Zhuo came back angrily, Zhang Ji immediately ordered his nephew to find the military advisor Li Ru as quickly as possible.

In the entire Xiliang army, only Li Ru can figure out Dong Zhuo's thoughts, and only a wise man like Li Ru can point out the key to the matter with one sentence at a critical moment, and only a person like Li Ru can use it when Dong Zhuo is furious. A few words to dispel his anger.

However, Li Ru is not in Chang'an City now. Ever since Dong Zhuo indulged the Xiliang Army to corrupt the military discipline and became licentious again, Li Ru found a place to live outside Chang'an City. Dong Zhuo understood that Li Ru wanted to be quiet for a while. , stay away from Chang'an, but also take good care of your body.

At the same time, Dong Zhuo also gave Li Ru a secret mission, which only Dong Zhuo and Li Ru knew about. In order to ensure that Li Ru could complete this mission more smoothly, Dong Zhuo even secretly mobilized his two thousand armored troops under Li Ru's command. Almost no one realized that most of the [-] Iron Armored Army following Dong Zhuo were newly selected soldiers from the Feixiong Army.

People have no long-term concerns, and there must be near-term worries. Dong Zhuo's ability to sit in this position today is enough to prove that his thoughts are fairly careful. He is worried that one day he will not be able to stay in Chang'an, and he will even return to Xiliang when the time comes. I left a way out for myself.

Up to now, Niu Fu still led [-] Xiliang troops to guard the land of Sanfu. This is why Dong Zhuo guarded the gateway to Xiliang for himself. life in life.

Li Ru is now outside the city. Recently, he went to the mountains when he had nothing to do. When he came back, he brought back a lot of herbs. It seemed that he was really trying to find a way for his body.

When Zhang Xiu found Li Ru, Li Ru was brewing medicine in the yard. The military commander of the Xiliang Army, who used to be famous in the past, was messing with the medicine pot like a medicine farmer. When Zhang Xiu came to Li Ru, Li Ru even He didn't even look back.

If he wasn't too familiar with Li Ru, Zhang Xiu felt that it would be difficult for him to recognize Li Ru from his back. Although he was still so thin, his temperament was completely different.

"Military Master, something happened in Chang'an, uncle asked me to come to you." Zhang Xiu stood respectfully behind Li Ru and saluted.

"What's the matter?" Li Ru still didn't turn his head. He smelled the smell in the medicine jar, and then continued, "What can happen to Chang'an, can't you solve it? Do you want my old bone out?"

Zhang Xiu almost didn't laugh when he heard this. Li Ru is only in his 30s now. Speaking of which, Li Ru is only Dong Zhuo's son-in-law. Even Dong Zhuo didn't call himself an old man. When did Li Ru act like this? big.

"The military division was joking. At the current age, the military division is not old." Zhang Xiu said with a smile: "However, this matter is indeed a bit tricky. Uncle thinks it is a bit strange. The grand division is angry now. I am afraid that the military division should go back for a while." Just take a trip."

"Go back?" Li Ru raised his head and looked at the distant sky and asked, "Well, it's time to go back. There are some troubles here, so I should go back and transfer some people. You go out and prepare the car first. I'll wait for you." I'll be here."

Zhang Xiu respectfully retreated, but when he turned around, he seemed to see an old scroll in Li Ru's arms, but the book seemed too old, so Zhang Xiu didn't pay much attention.

After Zhang Xiu left, Li Ru put the book in his arms and put it away. He also discovered that Zhang Xiu might have seen the book in his arms. After drinking it, he murmured to himself: "I didn't expect Zhang Jiao's half book of Taiping Essentials to record so many prescriptions. Hehe, it's a good deal for me."

Not long after, Li Ru drove back to Chang'an with Zhang Xiu. Li Ru was driven by a strong man in his 30s, and [-] cavalrymen followed Li Ru's carriage. Judging from the demeanor and temperament of these people, they are all veterans of the battlefield, even more fierce than the elite soldiers in Feixiong's army. However, in his impression, Li Ru didn't seem to have such elite soldiers around him.

On the way, Zhang Xiu reported all the situation to Li Ru. After he finished speaking, Li Ru nodded and said, "In the end, it's just for a woman. Have you checked the history of this woman?"

"This woman turned out to be just a singer in Wang Yun's mansion. One night Wang Yun invited General Lu Bu to a banquet and asked this woman to come out as a companion, but he didn't want General Lu Bu to snatch this woman away that night," Zhang Xiu replied. : "It is said that General Lu Bu drank too much alcohol at that time, and he had already left Wang Yun's house, but later Zhang Liao led people to pick up General Lu Bu, and General Lu Bu suddenly led people back to rob him.

At that time, this matter went to the grand master, but no one spoke for Wang Yun, and the grand master just comforted him at that time. Although General Lu Bu visited several times later, Wang Yun didn't give him much advice. face.

As for the woman, she was taken as a concubine by Lubun after this incident.However, I don't know what happened later, the grand master seemed to be very interested in this woman. Today, after the grand master went to General Lu Bu's mansion, he saw this woman, but General Lu Bu refused to let go. Came back angrily. "

"So that's the case, most likely both of them are fascinated by this woman." Li Ru nodded and replied: "Alas, what is a woman in front of Daye, why are these two so unbearable? Could it be that there is something hidden in it, hehe, I have to figure it out when I go back."

After saying this, Li Ru didn't ask any more questions. He didn't seem to care much about the affairs in Chang'an City. He even asked about Dong Zhuo. Zhang Xiu also understood what was behind Li Ru. Those few words were talking to himself, and Zhang Xiu didn't want to make fun of himself. Besides, in Zhang Xiu's view, there were many things that a wise man like Li Ru couldn't understand.

After entering Chang'an, Li Ru first gave orders to the two cavalrymen, and the two cavalrymen left straight away.Zhang Xiu understands that they have missions, and such missions are not something he can know, not to mention him, even his uncle Zhang Ji is probably not qualified to know.

After arriving at Dong Zhuo's residence, Li Ru came directly to meet Dong Zhuo, but the guards did not stop him. Li Ru's status was not so high in the Xiliang army, and they did not dare to stop him.

Before entering the house, Li Ru heard Dong Zhuo's scolding voice, and it seemed to be scolding Zhang Ji. Li Ru smiled wryly and shook his head. He turned to Zhang Xiu and said, "Don't go in. If you go in again, I'm afraid Your uncle will be punished."

Zhang Xiu also heard that his uncle was being scolded inside, and he said anxiously: "Military division, this, my uncle..."

"I know, don't worry, there is me, you are waiting outside."

After speaking, Li Ru walked in.Dong Zhuo stopped cursing when he saw Li Ru coming. He looked at Zhang Ji and the others impatiently, and said angrily, "Go away, what's the use of raising you, you won't be useful at critical moments."

Zhang Ji still knelt on the ground and did not dare to get up, and so did the others. At this moment, Li Ru stepped forward and said, "I have seen the Grand Master."

"Well, Wen You is back." Dong Zhuo said in a slow tone, "How is your health recently? Is that thatched hut outside Chang'an city suitable for recuperation? If you can't stay there, come back, or go to Meiwu, There is no need for Chang’an, why don’t you recuperate there?”

"Hehe, thank you very much, Grand Master, but I am very comfortable living in the thatched cottage, and there are still some things that have not been resolved, so it is good to live there for the time being." Li Ru smiled and said: "It is Grand Master, who has gained weight recently .”

Dong Zhuo's face changed slightly, and he said to Zhang Ji and others: "You all step back, I have something to discuss with the military advisor."

Zhang Ji and the others got up and prepared to leave. When they passed by Li Ru, they all saluted Li Ru. They knew in their hearts that Li Ru had rescued them just now. Otherwise, according to Dong Zhuo's temper, they would have to get away today. Layers of skin.

After everyone left, Li Ru stepped forward and said, "Father-in-law, I want some help when I come back."

"Well, it's okay, tell me how many people you want." Dong Zhuo nodded and said.

"Three thousand or five thousand, but it must be the most reliable elite."

"So many? How about this, I will choose from the Flying Bear Army tomorrow, and I will leave it to you to command."

"I'm afraid there will be about [-] first-class war horses."

"Okay, I'll get someone to prepare it later, how is that going?"

"Hurry up, I'm coming back this time to ask for manpower to ensure safety. After all, it is difficult to ensure the safety of this place without enough troops."

"You can do this well, manpower is not a problem."

Dong Zhuo and Li Ru communicated as if they were playing charades, as if the matter of Dong Zhuo's anger just now was not important at all.

(End of this chapter)

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