Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 430 Contradictory Worsening 2

Chapter 430 Contradictory Worsening 2
If you want to invite Diaochan, you really need Wang Yun to do it yourself. Of course, even if Dong Zhuo refuses to let Wang Yun go, he will rush to carry out this task. If he didn't go there in person, how could his plan be carried out well.

Just when Wang Yun had just set off from Dong Zhuo's mansion, one of Wang Yun's pre-arranged confidantes immediately ran towards the barracks. He was going to tell Lu Bu about this matter. If Lu Bu didn't come, this matter would not be a problem. Get up, Wang Yun must drag Lu Bu into the water.

When Lu Bu received the news and rushed out of the camp as fast as he could, Wang Yun invited Diao Chan out. However, Wang Yun did not say that he invited him, but said that Dong Zhuo was arrogant and unreasonable, and he had to ask Diao Chan to go. Otherwise, Lu Bu will be punished.

Although Diao Chan is also smart, she can't see through Wang Yun's lies. Besides, he trusts Wang Yun very much, so after Wang Yun's persuasion, he nodded and agreed. However, before leaving home, Diao Chan secretly hid a dagger on his body. Although Wang Yun also noticed this, he deliberately didn't point it out.

Along the way, Wang Yun was persuading Diao Chan, sometimes telling her to consider for Lv Bu, and sometimes mentioning that Dong Zhuo was too powerful to be rebelled against. In short, under Wang Yun's persuasion, Diao Chan had already decided that Dong Zhuo would never be rebellious. Letting his family go, the only way to solve this problem is to stop letting Dong Zhuo worry about him.

I have to say that Wang Yun's acting is very successful now. While persuading Diao Chan, he deliberately delays the time. From Diao Chan's point of view, his adoptive father has been helping him all the time, but he has to succumb to Dong Zhuo's lust. .

However, Wang Yun deliberately delayed the speed so slowly, Dong Zhuo's soldiers were not willing, they were still waiting to send him to receive the reward.Everyone understands that Dong Zhuo attaches great importance to Diao Chan, as long as they can bring Diao Chan back smoothly, Dong Zhuo will not be able to reward them lavishly once school starts.

"Master Wang, I think we should speed up. It's not a good thing to procrastinate like this all the time. The grand master has been waiting." The leading captain said, "If the grand master blames me, I can't bear it."

"Here, the carriage is bumpy, let's go slowly." Wang Yun deliberately provoked the other party and said, "If you are rude to the beauty, then General Lu Bu will not agree."

"Hahaha, Lu Bu?" The captain laughed and said, "What will happen if this slave of the three families disagrees? I don't even look at who he is. Can he compare with the grand master? After all, he is just the grand master's hand." There is a dog at the bottom, the grand master wants him to die, can he still live?"

"You, you, how can you insult General Lu Bu like this." Wang Yun deliberately said in a hurry: "General Lu Bu is loyal to the country, how can you allow a man like you to be humiliated."

Of course Wang Yun was aware of the conflicts between these favored soldiers around Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu. It was difficult for them soldiers from the Xiliang Army to get along with Lv Bu, a surrendered general, especially since Lv Bu was usually quite arrogant. They don't see it in their eyes, so these Xiliang army officers and soldiers also don't like Lu Bu.

Wang Yun deliberately praised Lu Bu so much, and Dong Zhuo's personal guards would naturally try to slander him.

"Hahaha, what kind of general is a person who can't even keep his own woman." The captain laughed and said, "The little lady inside looks good, no wonder the grand master would like it, maybe after the grand master gets tired of playing It can also be rewarded for us to play, the brothers said, isn’t it, hahahaha.”

"Presumptuous, how can you humiliate my husband." Diao Chan finally couldn't help but opened the curtain and cursed.

"Chan'er, don't argue with them. These people are just writing about military men, so I have nothing to talk to them about." Wang Yun persuaded from the side.

The sergeants outside were already coveted for Diao Chan's beauty, and when they saw a beautiful woman, they would usually grab it directly, because they were Dong Zhuo's personal soldiers, and ordinary people really didn't pay attention to them, but Diao Chan's identity was indeed extraordinary, They can only look at it, now that Diao Chan lifts the curtain by herself, of course they will not let go of this opportunity to see her beauty.

Diao Chan also felt the naked and lustful eyes of these sergeants, she was so angry that she had to retreat into the carriage.However, the soldiers outside did not agree, Diao Chan was indeed too beautiful, although they were Dong Zhuo's personal soldiers, they had never seen such a beauty as Diao Chan.

"The head is exposed, why don't you come out and let the masters see it, hahaha."

"That's right, that's right, the dew has been exposed, why are you still covering it up, what are you pretending to do, you can't scream coquettishly when you get on the grand master's bed..."

Similar teasing words came and went, Diao Chan was already angry and her face was flushed, and Wang Yun beside her could feel Diao Chan's anger at this time, not to mention Diao Chan, even Wang Yun himself felt that these military men were too much Now, can you be so presumptuous just because you are Dong Zhuo's personal soldier?

"Presumptuous, do you still have courtesy, righteousness and shame in your eyes?" Wang Yun had no choice but to stand up and scolded: "Not to mention Mrs. Lu is a distinguished guest of the grand master, if you are so presumptuous now, aren't you afraid that General Lu Bu will come back to settle accounts with you? "

"Lu Bu? Hahaha, he wants to be a green-headed turtle. Does he still have the guts to provoke us?" The leading captain sneered, "Old man, if you want to scare us, you don't need to find a soft-hearted man like Lu Bu. ,you,,,,,,"

When the captain was laughing at Wang Yun, he suddenly found that he could no longer speak. Not only that, but gradually, he felt that his strength was passing away. Why?

The captain didn't know what was going on, but the other soldiers behind him did.An arrow with carved feathers had pierced the captain's throat, and now the captain could only make a rumbling sound. Immediately afterwards, the captain couldn't stop anymore, he collapsed on the ground like a pile of soft mud, and still twitched from time to time Down.

Just when everyone was astonished, a very majestic voice came over: "I never imagined that my reputation, Lu Bu, is already so bad that a few soldiers dare to bully me. Don't you really think that my Fang Is the Tianhuaji no longer drinking blood?"

As soon as the words fell, a red cloud rushed over, and the fiery red rabbit horse knocked away the two soldiers blocking the way. Lu Bu looked at the others coldly, and then he turned his head to look at the captain and said with a sneer : "You should really be thankful that you didn't meet me two years earlier, otherwise, I will make you regret coming to this world."

Dozens of other soldiers did not dare to move now. When they laughed at Lu Bu just now, it was purely out of jealousy towards Lu Bu, but when they really faced Lu Bu, they did not dare to make a move.

Lu Bu is too strong, so strong that they dare not provoke them. In normal times, they might still dare to say bad things about Lu Bu behind their backs. After all, Lu Bu would not do anything to them, but now it is different, Lu Bu is angry , he got angry.

These Xiliang soldiers did not forget how crazy Lu Bu was on the battlefield, and how terrified the enemy was.At the beginning, the princes of the Kwantung had suffered a lot from Lu Bu when they were in the Hulao Pass, and no one among the thousands of troops could stop Lu Bu's footsteps.

This is Lu Bu, once the God of Grassland Killer, and the eternal God of War on the battlefield.Although these Xiliang soldiers were jealous of Lu Bu, they knew in their hearts that Lu Bu was the god of war, a myth that could never be achieved.

Even, sometimes, these Xiliang Army soldiers would be proud of being part of Lu Bu's faction. However, in the Xiliang Army faction, Lu Bu was only an outsider after all, an outsider who was not accepted by the old Xiliang Army faction.

Originally, Lu Bu didn't intend to do anything to Dong Zhuo's personal soldiers, but he found that he hadn't done anything for a long time, so that others had forgotten who he was.

After coming to Chang'an, Lu Bu also knew that he kept a low profile. Originally, he just wanted to avoid troubles for himself, but he never thought that if it was his own troubles, he would never be able to avoid them, especially when he was in a high position.

Lu Bu can't tolerate being ridiculed or insulted by others, and he can't tolerate others molesting his own woman. This is a shame to Lu Bu. No matter who the other party is, Lu Bu will choose to fight back without hesitation.

"Just now, you also talked." Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd pointed at a soldier and said: "I remember, you are very rampant, aren't you?"

"You, you,,,,,," the soldier was scared now, his legs were trembling: "I am the grand master's personal soldier, except for the grand master, no one can..."

Before he finished speaking, a human head shot up into the sky. Lu Bu just retracted Fang Tian's painted halberd and sneered, "Is there anyone in this world that I can't kill? Hehe, whoever I want to kill must die?"

It was only now that the other soldiers realized that Lu Bu really had no scruples now. At first they thought that Lu Bu would only teach them a lesson at most, and would not kill them painfully.As for the captain, it can only be said that he was unlucky. After all, he was too presumptuous.

But now, these soldiers felt that Lu Bu wanted to kill them all. They all stared at Lu Bu, and everyone put on a posture ready to fight. send you off."

"Slow down." Just when the conflict was about to happen, 2 Wang Yun suddenly stood up and stopped him and said, "Today, these two couples are looking for death by themselves. If they hadn't spoken rudely beforehand, General Lu Bu would not have done anything. Do you still want to go ahead?" Is it following in the footsteps of these two?"

Lv Bu heard that Wang Yun wanted to intercede for these people. In fact, Lv Bu also knew that it was best not to kill these people. If they were to be killed now, there would be no way to explain to Dong Zhuo.

"General Lu, this matter can't get too far, just let them go." Wang Yun persuaded, "You can't let the grand master find a reason to make things difficult for you, right?"

Lu Bu nodded, as if he had acquiesced to Wang Yun's meaning, and Wang Yun said to the others: "Go away now, are you waiting to die?"

These soldiers fled away as though they had received an amnesty. Wang Yun turned to Lv Bu and said, "General, take Diao Chan back. I have to go to the Grand Master to clarify the matter, otherwise, alas."

"Thank you father-in-law." Lu Bu put away his weapon and replied, "I'll take Chaner home."

After finishing speaking, Lu Bu left with Diao Chan, while Wang Yun rode towards Dong Zhuo's mansion. No one knew the joy in his heart, but he knew in his heart that from now on, Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo were irreconcilable.

(End of this chapter)

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