Chapter 440
Facing Lv Bu's steady and steady attack, Niu Fu has no confidence that he can beat him with all his strength. Moreover, Niu Fu has only an army of less than [-] around him now. Compared with Lv Bu, he is weak in terms of strength.

In order to prevent Lu Bu from attacking him while his troops were weak, Niu Fu finally ordered the follow-up troops to rush over quickly. As a result, the delivery of logistics materials that had been dragging behind was even slower.

If Niu Fu was willing to retreat and join the follow-up troops, I am afraid that Lu Bu would not do anything to him, but Niu Fu chose to let the follow-up troops advance faster. In this way, of course Lu Bu would not give him the opportunity to gather a large number of troops.

And Niu Fu's military order also gave Zhang Liao a chance to make a move.

Zhang Liao originally had only [-] cavalry, and it was simply impossible for him to take [-] cavalry to fight against tens of thousands of Xiliang troops, but now Niu Fu transferred a large number of troops, resulting in a lot of food, grass, and luggage being left behind.

Niu Fu's logistics force only added up to more than 1 people and more than 2 civilian husbands, and these 3 people had to be dispersed in order to transport large quantities of food and grass.Such a good opportunity, if Zhang Liao didn't seize it, he might be ashamed to face Lu Bu.

Just a day after Niu Fu's follow-up army was transferred away, Zhang Liao led his army to attack the six grain transport teams of the Xiliang Army, burned countless grain, grass and luggage, and captured more than 2000 Xiliang Army soldiers and more than 4000 civilian husbands.

When Niu Fu received the battle report from the rear, it was impossible for him to send troops back to help, because Lv Bu's army had already successfully held him back, and if he did not have an absolute superiority in strength, he would not be able to confront Lv Bu. .

Just when Niu Fu was in a dilemma, news of the loss of food and grass for the Xiliang Army came. Niu Fu's army was panicked. Without food, it was difficult for them to persist, and the remaining food and grass in the barracks could not last for ten days. Once the day is over, the army will surely fall apart.

Faced with such a predicament, Niu Fu couldn't think of a solution even though he was worried. He definitely couldn't beat Lu Bu, but it was impossible to retreat. Lu Bu had already stared at him to death. Well, Lu Bu will soon catch up.

The only hope lies with Li Jue and the others. If Li Jue and his army can attack in time to clear the grain road, the difficulties of Niu Fujun's army will be solved. Unfortunately, Li Jue's [-] army has just started from Xiliang , is still far from here.

After this stalemate for two days, Niu Fujun's morale became even more dispirited. Many soldiers fled the army privately to seek a way out. With no victory in sight, Niu Fu was also thinking about his own way out.

On the third night, Niu Fu secretly escaped with hundreds of soldiers carrying a large amount of gold, silver and jewels. He shouldn't be thinking about these gold and silver jewels when he was running for his life, especially in this situation.

One of Niu Fu's entourage was named Hu Chi'er, and now he also found that following Niu Fu had no future, but he coveted Niu Fu's family property very much. Hu Chi'er and several cronies beheaded Niu Fu, and then divided up Niu Fu's property with others.

Niu Fu's escape directly triggered the camp roar of the Xiliang Army. Many soldiers of the Xiliang Army attacked each other during the camp roar, resulting in thousands of casualties.It wasn't until after dawn that Lu Bu dispatched people to inquire about the news that he realized that the Xiliang Army had already lost without a fight.

As for Niu Fu's body, it was trampled badly in the end. Lu Bu himself never expected such an ending. He knew that Niu Fu was a drunkard, but he didn't realize until now that Niu Fu was already a drunkard.

There are tens of thousands of elite Xiliang troops who dare not attack, even if they stick to the camp, they will not fall to this point, but it is such a poor man who has commanded an army of [-] for so long, and finally died in the chaos .

Lu Bu has no chance to sigh for Niu Fu, such an opponent is not worthy of Lu Bu's sigh.Most of the soldiers of the Xiliang Army broke up, and Lu Bu immediately sent his troops to pursue them. At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of Zhang Liao's army attacking the enemy's rear, he also sent Hou Cheng with 5000 troops to meet them.

Two days later, Zhang Liao and Hou Cheng escorted a large amount of food and supplies to join Lv Bu's army. At this time, Lv Bu had already captured more than 3 prisoners.This battle was really easy for Lu Bu to win. If there hadn't been the roar of the Niu Fujun's camp, I'm afraid this battle would have been a stalemate for at least ten days and a half months, until the enemy's follow-up troops arrived.

As for that Hu Chi'er who begged for money from his master, his luck was not very good. Because he got too much gold, silver and jewels, he slowed down his marching speed. Unfortunately, he was caught by Zhang Liao. Naturally, Zhang Liao accepted the order, and the gold, silver and jewelry became Zhang Liao's spoils of war.

After the war, Lu Bu ordered the whole army to rest and reorganize. At the same time, he sent someone to send a letter back to inform him of the situation here. Although Niu Fu was dead, the contest between Chang'an and the Xiliang Army was not over yet. Li Jue and other former generals of the Xiliang Army An army of [-] has been gathered and rushed towards this side, and Lu Bu has to continue fighting.

When he set off, Lu Bu led an army of 3. After defeating Niu Fujun, Lu Bu captured more than [-] prisoners. Now, his subordinates have reached as many as [-] to [-]. However, Lu Bu does not feel that his strength has increased. .

For those captives, he only dared to use them as civilian husbands for the time being, and for the sake of safety, he had to allocate 3000 people to watch these captives.

Li Jue received the news of Niu Fu's defeat and death within three days of his departure. While they sent people to gather the scattered soldiers of Niu Fu's army, they discussed how to deal with Lu Bu.

For these former future generations of the Xiliang Army, it is impossible to say that they are not afraid of Lu Bu. Lu Bu's bravery has long made these people terrified. Fortunately, but now, all they have left is fear.

But fear could not allow them to defeat their opponents. After the two armies met, the number of Li Jue's army had risen to as many as 14, and those soldiers of the Xiliang Army who had fled were called up again.

The encounter between the two armies was naturally another fierce battle. The Xiliang army originally wanted to rely on the advantage of numbers to teach the opponent a lesson, but it didn't want to be more difficult to command with the larger the number of troops, especially in the situation where the Xiliang army is currently lacking. In the case of unified scheduling, they simply cannot take advantage of the number of people.

Lu Bu led his army to fight the Xiliang army for five consecutive battles, five battles and five victories. The morale of the Xiliang army was lost, and Li Jue and others were beaten to death. They never thought that they would be defeated by Lu Bu when they had an absolute advantage in strength Beat like a stray dog.

In desperation, Li Jue had to summon other generals to discuss countermeasures. Although they lost five games, fortunately, the Xiliang army did not lose many people. Lu Bu also needs to rest now, and the Xiliang army still has a chance to counterattack.

"Lü Bu is unstoppable, how should our army deal with it?" Guo Si said dejectedly, "I knew that there would be no good results against Lv Bu. You just didn't listen. Now you know, alas, this should be done." What can I do."

Li Jue looked at Guo Bang with contempt and cursed: "Fart, no matter how powerful Lu Bu is, he is only one person. He can kill our 10,000+ army. You can't let others be here to destroy your own prestige. I thought about it , we can't go head-to-head with Lu Bu. For the current plan, we can only divide our troops and attack.

When Lu Bu went out to attack, he must have taken most of Chang'an's soldiers and horses. If we send a detour to attack Chang'an, Lu Bu will definitely lead the army back to help, and then we will chase after him. "

"This, is this method feasible?" Guo Bang seemed to see some hope, but he was not sure.

"I'll know if it's okay after you try it." Li Jue said angrily, "I will lead the 4 troops from the headquarters to retreat to the mountain. Guo Si, you will lead the 4 troops from the headquarters to detour and set up another battalion. If Lu Bu comes to attack me, you will lead the army Attack his rear army. If Lu Bu leads an army to attack you, I will lead an army to attack his rear army.

Zhang Ji, Fan Chou, you two led 4 people from your headquarters to attack Chang'an. You must reach the city of Chang'an in the shortest possible time. It doesn't matter whether you can capture Chang'an or not.

As long as Lu Bu retreats, we will be able to take the initiative. At that time, Lu Bu will have no time to deal with us. With our army of more than [-] troops, can't we still defeat Lu Bu? "

"Okay, let's do it like this. I will let my nephew Zhang Xiu lead [-] elite riders to set off." Zhang Ji echoed: "It is not too late. We must not give Lu Bu a chance to breathe."

After everyone discussed the strategy, they immediately went to work on their own affairs, and after everyone left, Li Jue grabbed Zhang Ji and asked, "Is the strategist's strategy useful? If this strategy fails, we have to retreat. "

"The military commander wants to be shrewd, I believe him." Zhang Ji replied: "Besides, even if we retreat, we have a total of 10,000+ troops, and this time we can reach the city of Chang'an again, so the emperor is not afraid.

Even if we can't win, he should weigh whether Chang'an is capable, so what about us? Even if we fail, we can retreat to Xiliang and wait for Chang'an to recruit. Anyway, this battle must be fought, and it must be won Under the city of Chang'an, I believe in the military division. "

"Okay, that's the only way to go." Li Jue said, "I'll try my best to hold back Lu Bu, and you have to reach Chang'an as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, my nephew Zhang Xiu is extremely brave. With him leading [-] elite cavalry, we can reach Chang'an within four days."

It turned out that this strategy was also proposed by Li Ru in the kit. However, after discussing with Zhang Ji, Li Jue and Zhang Ji decided not to move Li Ru out, because they also wanted to establish their own prestige, especially now that the factions in the army are more obvious. They can no longer let others threaten their status.

When Lu Bu led his army to pursue the Xiliang army, Li Jue immediately led his army to resist, and the stalemate lasted less than an hour. Li Jue fled to the mountain and defended with stones, bows and arrows, so that Lu Bu could not attack.

Guo Si led the army to attack Lu Bu's rear, and when Lu Bu fought Guo Si, Li Jue came to kill him again.Lu Bu went to fight Li Jue, and Guo Si came to kill him again.After a few days of confrontation, they suddenly heard that Zhang Ji and Fan Chou had arrived at the city of Chang'an. Lu Bu hurriedly withdrew his troops, and Li Jue and Guo Si led their troops to chase and kill them.

After all, Lu Bu was no match for two fists and four hands. In this case, he had to return to Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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