Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 441 Qingzhou Yellow Turban 1

Chapter 441 Qingzhou Yellow Turban 1
Just when Chang'an was under fire, a letter of information about the situation in Chang'an was also passed on to the court of Youzhou and Gongsun Xu in Hetao. Gongsun Xu never let go of his surveillance.

After all, when Dong Zhuo retreated to Chang'an, he didn't lose the main force. He is still a powerful prince in the world. Moreover, Dong Zhuo took a lot of food, grass, gold and silver from Luoyang. As long as he operates well, he can counterattack at any time .

Even though Gongsun Xu knew that Dong Zhuo would not live long, he was always worried about accidents. After all, the Xiliang army was very strong, so strong that even the Northern Xinjiang army would not come to provoke it casually.

"Report,,,,,,," several cavalry shouted and ran wildly on the grassland, when the cavalry in front finally heard it, they slowed down and stopped.

"Report to the lord, Chang'an urgent report, very urgent." The leading cavalry said panting. It was obvious that these messengers had traveled a long distance to chase them, and they must have suffered a lot along the way.

A soldier stepped forward to take the battle report and sent it to Gongsun Xu, who quickly opened it and browsed it quickly.

After a while, Gongsun Xu sighed after reading it and said, "I didn't expect things to develop so quickly. Dong Zhuo died, and the Xiliang army counterattacked Chang'an and forced Lu Bu to retreat."

"What?" Gao Shun replied after listening, "How did the situation in Chang'an develop like this? We only received news when we left the camp some time ago that there was a conflict between Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu. I didn't expect that we just led the army out to patrol. In a few days, Chang'an will change."

"The situation is very troublesome." Gongsun Xu nodded and said, "I'm afraid the people in Chang'an will suffer. Although Dong Zhuo is not a good person, he at least understands that the army must be supported by the people. Now that Dong Zhuo is dead, Wang Yun has also been disrupted by Xiliang. After the army beheaded and killed, Lu Bu led the troops to withdraw from Chang'an. Now Chang'an is dominated by the Xiliang rebel army.

According to intelligence, the Xiliang Army now has many factions, each of which has divided their territories. They often go to other factions' territories to plunder the people, and they are doing all kinds of evil.Alas, the aftermath left by Dong Zhuo.

When Dong Zhuo was here, at least he was able to control the Xiliang army. Now, the Xiliang army has become a Xiliang bandit. "

"Then, my lord, do we want to send troops out of Chang'an and take down the Xiliang army?" Xu Huang asked from the side: "Now that the Xiliang army has no leader, it is the best time for us to defeat the Xiliang army."

"No, not yet." Zhao Yun said quickly after hearing this, "Master, what is the situation of the Xiliang Army now? Is it suitable for us to send troops now?"

Gongsun Xu continued to shake his head and said: "Our army can only deploy 5 troops at most, which is our limit. If there are more, Hetao will not be safe. According to intelligence, there are now no fewer than 14 Xiliang soldiers entrenched in Chang'an.

Many of the Xiliang Army who had surrendered to Chang'an and Lu Bu temporarily turned against the water, and the generals of the Xiliang Army recruited many people in Xiliang in the name of Dong Zhuo. At this moment, the entire Xiliang Army is still a giant.

Moreover, although there was a gap between the generals of the Xiliang Army at this time, they understood the truth that their lips were dead and their teeth were cold. Attacking at this time would only make them more united, and it was almost impossible to send troops.

There is no way, Hetao must be freed up within three years. Our army can't bear the war now, and the strength that Youzhou can support us is limited, and Chang'an can only do so. "

"In this way, the people of Chang'an really have no way out." Gao Shun said with grief and indignation: "This account must be brought back to the Xiliang army."

"That's natural. However, we can now send people to spread the word near Chang'an, hoping that the people in Chang'an will migrate here voluntarily. Then we will exert some pressure. I think the Xiliang army will restrain itself." Gongsun Xu thought for a while. Then he said: "Looks like I have to transfer Hua Xiong here.

Hua Xiong is a general from the Xiliang Army, and he has a high prestige in the Xiliang Army. If he came forward, I think many Xiliang Army soldiers would surrender when they were desperate.Hmph, this Li Jue, Guo Si and the others really ate the bear heart and leopard courage. Now that they have kidnapped Liu Xie, they have proclaimed themselves as chariot generals and rear generals one by one.

Even Fan Chou and Zhang Ji proclaimed themselves General You and General Hussars. When did the official positions of the imperial court become so low? They are so low that they want to be able to have them. Do they still take our Northern Xinjiang Army seriously? , it seems that I have to give them some color and see.

Moreover, it can be said that the Xiliang army has committed the wrath of the public. I think other princes are also willing to come to gain some benefits from them. If we can unite with other princes to defeat the Xiliang army, hehe, that would be great But that's all. "

"Could it be that the lord still wants to form an alliance?" Gao Shun questioned: "If that's the case, then the Xiliang Army is nothing to worry about."

"We can have alliances, but not now, we are going to patrol the grasslands now." Gongsun Xu said with a smile: "Hehe, I think the matter of alliances should not be difficult, but the Hetao side is really troublesome.

I don’t know what’s going on in the grassland where the Hu and Qiang live in the west this time, and there is a rhythm of chaos again. Are these nomadic tribes so ignorant of current affairs that they dare to provoke me at this time. "

Gongsun Xu and others led an army of [-] to inspect the grassland this time. This inspection was purely because of some turmoil in the grassland where the Hu and Qiang lived together. Although the cause of the turmoil is still unknown, Gongsun Xu must let the grassland All forces understand one thing, that is, the Northern Border Army is the boss of the grassland, and anyone who disobeys will be beaten.

However, Gongsun Xu didn't expect that something big happened in Chang'an not long after he left the camp. After knowing this here, the war in Chang'an may have come to an end.

Anyway, Chang'an has become a foregone conclusion, and there is no need to take care of it for the time being. Gongsun Xu continued to lead his army to the Hu and Qiang mixed grasslands. Within two days, before Gongsun Xu's army arrived, those people in the Hu and Qiang mixed habitat areas All the leaders came to make amends to Gongsun Xu.

They also received the news that the Northern Xinjiang Army sent troops. Regarding the behemoth of the Northern Xinjiang Army, every tribal leader on the grassland knew that even the Xiongnu and Xianbei, the first-class powers in the grassland, were beaten up by the Northern Xinjiang Army. If they can't start, they will only be beaten.

Therefore, when they heard the news that Gongsun Xu personally led the army, these leaders quickly discussed together, and they immediately let go of their internal conflicts. In addition, the newly emerging tribe that caused the conflict did not offend them. Once you have a place to stay, you can immediately please other tribes.

So the previous conflicts were resolved. Under the suggestion of the leader of the emerging tribe, these leaders hurriedly brought a lot of gifts to apologize to Gongsun Xu. They didn't want the northern border army to bring the war to their doorstep.

After receiving this news, Gongsun Xu naturally didn't need to continue advancing. However, in order to prevent this from being a tactic by the enemy to slow down the troops, Gongsun Xu did not retreat either. He really wanted to see what kind of explanation these leaders would give him.

"Caomin wait to see the general."

In the camp of the Northern Frontier Army, in Gongsun Xu's big tent, seven representative tribal leaders knelt down to salute Gongsun Xu. They came to reconcile. .

"You guys are quite courageous, as soon as I turned my back, you all wanted to make trouble for me." Gongsun Xu said coldly: "I remember that there were three of you who participated in the grassland alliance last time.

Could it be that you didn't see how powerful our Northern Xinjiang Army was when we met in the Grassland Alliance, or that you are already stronger than the Xiongnu and Xianbei, and now you can completely ignore my Northern Xinjiang Army.

Hmph, the Huns are lingering, and the Xianbei have retreated hundreds of miles to the north. Do you want to follow in their footsteps, or should I help you understand what it means to exterminate the race?Otherwise, what's the face of my northern border army? "

"General, calm down, general, calm down." The seven leaders hurriedly shouted: "We have always admired the reputation of the general, and never thought of causing trouble for the general, but this time there are really two tribes who have some conflicts." , Later, they couldn't coordinate well, so they moved their hands.

But, General, we really didn't intend to offend you. No one on the grassland knows the strength of the Northern Frontier Army, and the majesty of the General. Even if we borrow ten of our courage, we dare not. "

The leader speaks Chinese fluently, anyway, he has memorized all the words taught to him by the leader of the rising tribe.

"When they learned that the Heavenly Army was coming, the two tribes gave up immediately. They also knew that they had caused trouble, so they begged us to intercede with the general. As long as the general is willing to spare them this time, they are willing to offer their war horses. [-] horses and [-] cattle and sheep are given as gifts, and I hope the general will accept them with a smile."

"Dog thief, you are not good enough to send the poor ghosts away. Such a small amount is not enough to feed my entire army for a few days. What do you think of us?" Zhang Fei scolded with wide eyes after hearing this: "You know Knowing how much food and grass our Northern Xinjiang Army spends every time it is dispatched, this thing just wants to calm this matter, do you think it is okay?"

"General, calm down, general." The leader hurriedly kowtowed to Zhang Fei and said, "It's just that these two tribes can only produce so much. If the general is not satisfied, we tribes will get together again, what are you talking about?" You can't let the general come here in vain."

"Forget it, forget it, because you are still a little sincere, I won't argue with you this time, but remember, it's only this time, and the next one will not be an example." Gongsun Xu said coldly: "Don't think that you are very powerful, even if you guys It's seven gourd babies, I can also beat you to the ground, understand?"

"Understand, understand, thank you General, General is really benevolent..."

After these leaders retreated, Gongsun Xu and several other generals continued to discuss the military situation.

(End of this chapter)

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