Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 442 Qingzhou Yellow Turban 2

Chapter 442 Qingzhou Yellow Turban 2
When the discussion on this matter was almost over, Zhang Fei still said dissatisfiedly: "My lord, why should you be polite to them? If you want me to say, you have to blackmail a hundred thousand war horses anyway. If you don't let them bleed, how can you relieve my heart?" hatred."

"Your appetite is too great." Gongsun Xu rolled his eyes and said, "One hundred thousand war horses, thanks to your ability to figure it out, it is estimated that the two tribes can get [-] war horses together, which is not bad, but you still need one hundred thousand. Turn them back.

That's it for this matter, but it can't be left alone. Zhengfang, I'm afraid you will have to lead [-] cavalry to monitor them here for a while, and the follow-up [-] infantry will arrive in three days, so you have to stay here longer shocked. "

"No problem. If we just leave like this, I'm afraid these tribes will look down upon us." Gao Shun took the order and replied, "It's just that my lord means, do you want to go back? Back to Hetao or Bingzhou?"

"Hehe, you figured it out." Gongsun Xu looked at Gao Shun appreciatively and said, "I have to go back to Bingzhou, something happened in Qingzhou, this is already the fourth report about Qingzhou Yellow Turban.

Moreover, Kong Rong, the prefect of Beihai, has also sent people to ask for help many times. If I don't act again, I'm afraid I can't justify it morally. After all, my Beijiang army represents His Majesty and the court. Now Beihai is asking for help from the court. It's time to make a move. "

"An accident happened in Beihai?" Tai Shici was also a little anxious when he heard that there was an accident in his hometown. After all, he still had so many old friends in Beihai, and he didn't want an accident in his hometown.

"The Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou made troubles again and again, this time, they ran out to borrow food again." Gongsun Xu nodded and said: "The Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou have already grown stronger, if they don't take action again, it will be even more difficult to do so in the future.

I have already thought about it, this time I have to take someone to completely subdue the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou. Isn't our current refugee work already under way? According to the current situation, more refugees can be settled here in Hetao .

Moreover, I also need more Han people to come to Hetao. Only in this way can we overwhelm those nomadic tribes in numbers, which is more conducive to us gaining a foothold in Hetao.Therefore, this dispatch of troops is imperative.

Zilong, Ziyi followed me to lead the army to rescue Qingzhou, Yide and Gongming stayed behind to assist Zhengfang to deter these nomadic tribes, I don't know how long it will take to send troops this time, Zhengfang and Hetao will be handed over to you. "

"My lord, don't worry, the general will live up to my lord's entrustment." Gao Shun knelt down and said, "It's just, my lord, the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans don't cost more than a million. I don't know how many troops they plan to lead on their own initiative. The commander of Qingzhou Yellow Turbans is the former Yellow Turban The first general Guan Hai, this person also has some means, otherwise he would not have developed the tens of thousands of Yellow Turban remnants to the current number of millions, I don’t know my lord,,,,,,”

"I understand what you said." Gongsun Xu interrupted Gao Shun and said, "Qingzhou Yellow Turbans indeed already have millions, which is the main reason why I want to send troops. I am going to lead [-] draft troops to go out.

[-] picks are enough, and the remaining [-] picks will be left to you. The grassland is not peaceful. Those people must take the opportunity to find trouble. You don’t have to hold back. Whoever dares to provoke you, you will kill whoever dares to provoke you. . "

As soon as Gongsun Xu finished speaking, Zhang Fei on the side said dissatisfiedly: "My lord is biased. Why can't I get such a good thing as going to the Yellow Turban? Why do you leave me in the grassland to herd horses and sheep every day, and then tell those nomadic tribes to let go?" Be honest? This is too boring."

"Hahaha, Yide can also tell jokes, right?" Gongsun Xu said with a smile: "I went to Qingzhou to save people, but I left you in the grassland to kill people. Isn't this in line with your temper? That's all. It's decided, you and Gongming must assist Zhengfang if you stay here, besides, there is Bujun, he is now leading the army to guard the Hetao base camp, you two are on the grassland, how can you be lonely."

Zhang Fei sat down indignantly and didn't speak. In fact, he didn't know that Gongsun Xu's arrangement was the best. That's right, when it was the million yellow scarves, he couldn't sit still. If he had a choice, he would rather face the million yellow scarves with Gongsun Xu.

However, the prairie really needs people to guard it, and the prairie is so big, it’s not enough to have few powerful generals. Now the ones who have been settled are myself, Xu Huang, Wen Chou, and [-] others. The selection of the forward army is probably the only way to stabilize the situation on the Hetao side.

Gongsun Xu didn't stay here for too long. On the second day, he led [-] selected vanguards and left. This time, Gongsun Xu went for a million yellow scarves, and there were no yellow scarves in northern Xinjiang. However, there are still many remnants of the Yellow Turban Army active in the Central Plains.

Gongsun Xu understands a truth that many princes in the late Eastern Han Dynasty actually started their careers by relying on yellow scarves. For example, Cao Cao's brave Qingzhou army was selected for training after Cao Cao surrendered 30 Qingzhou soldiers.

Moreover, this Qingzhou army has indeed made a lot of contributions to Cao Cao. The strength of this Qingzhou army even made Cao Cao's successor Cao Pi feel a little afraid. After Cao Pi came to power, because he could not control this Qingzhou army, he In the end, they could only order the disbandment of this hundred-fighting lion.

Gongsun Xu understood that if he didn't take action to recover these Yellow Turbans, then the other princes would definitely take action, and then he would suffer a disadvantage.

In fact, a million yellow turbans sounds like a huge force, but it is not impossible to defeat the yellow turban army. At this moment, the yellow turban army still retains the original fighting method.

However, the biggest weakness of the Yellow Turban Army is the problem of food and grass, and they are like patches of locusts, eating up wherever they go. As long as the Yellow Turban Army arrives, they are almost destroyed.

Such a chaotic army is doomed to fail. If it weren't for the large number of people, I am afraid that other princes would have already started.

Gongsun Xu knew that the situation was urgent, so he did not delay along the way. In addition, the selection front army he led had long been an elite who had experienced hard battles, so Gongsun Xu led [-] selection front troops and [-] tiger guards in the shortest possible time. Then cross the Great Wall and arrive at Jiuyuan.

After resting in Jiuyuan for a day, Gongsun Xu immediately led his army through Bingzhou, and then joined Guan Yu's army in Zhongshan. After that, Gongsun Xu stayed again because he wanted the army to handle the logistics first.

This time, although he only brought more than 2 soldiers, he had no less than [-] horses. Moreover, in order to speed up the march, Gongsun Xu didn't carry too much food and supplies along the way.

This time he went to Qingzhou, he also planned to bring a large number of cattle and sheep. In addition to letting the cattle and sheep carry food and grass, these cattle and sheep can also be slaughtered when food and grass are in short supply.

In addition, there is another reason for Gongsun Xu to stay here in Zhongshan, that is, he has to wait for someone from Youzhou. As long as she goes out with the army, Qingzhou Yellow Turban will be recovered more easily. Wanxuan Fengjun went to attack the key point of Million Yellow Turbans.

After everything was ready, Gongsun Xu led his army out of Zhongshan, crossed the river, and then headed towards the North Sea via the Bohai Sea.In order to cooperate with this expedition, Gongsun Xu had long ago ordered Le Lang's navy to set sail across the sea and fight together.

At the same time, in order to ensure the situation in Chang'an, Gongsun Xu has asked the imperial court to order Xiliang Han Sui and Ma Teng to jointly send troops to attack the Chang'an rebel army. I'm afraid it won't be a good time for a while.

The representative Beihai sent for help this time was Wu Anguo, an old acquaintance of Gongsun Xu. With the help of two sledgehammers in his hand, this guy was surrounded by the Yellow Turban Army with the assistance of the cavalry sent by Liu Bei.

This time, he was also entrusted by Kong Rong to come to the rescue. It was not the first time that Beihai was invaded by the Yellow Turban Army, but this time, the number of Yellow Turban Army was indeed too many, so many that Beihai could only stick to it.

Speaking of it, Gongsun Xu still has a good impression of Wu Anguo. This guy is an honest man. He was not Kong Rong's subordinate, but he always worked for Kong Rong time and again for the sake of Kong Rong's benefit.

Every time, Wu Anguo didn’t ask Kong Rong for rewards or benefits. Every time he helped Kong Rong solve a problem, he would go home and go fishing. Wu Anguo was not very interested in being an official, but the key was because he was dissatisfied. The actions of those aristocratic families in the officialdom.

After staying in Beihai for so long, Liu Bei has become close to Wu Anguo, but Wu Anguo just admires Liu Bei. Up to now, Liu Bei has not been able to subdue Wu Anguo.

Perhaps there is a need for a little fate between people.Back then on the battlefield, Gongsun Zan stepped forward to save Wu Anguo's life from Lu Bu's men. Wu Anguo never forgot this kindness. In addition, the reputation of Gongsun Zan and his son has always been good. They are both great heroes who guard the northern border of the Han Dynasty. Wu Anguo is very happy every time he sees Gongsun and his son.

Perhaps because of Wu Anguo's relatively simple mind, Gongsun Xu was also willing to get close to him. No, when Gongsun Xu heard that it was Wu Anguo who broke through the siege to ask for help, Gongsun Xu ordered that Wu An must be settled. As for other things, Gongsun Xu also managed Wu'an.

If it wasn't because he was born in Beihai, Wu Anguo would have gone to work for Gongsun and his son long ago. This time, Wu Anguo successfully recruited soldiers from Gongsun Xu. Wu Anguo himself knows this kindness, and he may not be able to repay it now. up.

When Gongsun Xu led the [-] cavalry and the [-] infantry mobilized from Zhongshan to Leling, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban had already made a defensive posture, and Gongsun Xu had to order the army to slow down and wait for the follow-up logistics troops to catch up. superior.

Although the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans claim to be in the millions, only half of them are young and strong, and the number of soldiers who can actually go to the battlefield should not exceed 30. However, the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans are still getting worse. Gongsun Xu We must find a way to curb the development momentum of the Yellow Turban Army as soon as possible.

After Gongsun Xu's follow-up logistics troops arrived, Gongsun Xu began to order the assembly, referring to the news from the navy, that Gongsun Xu planned to start attacking the Yellow Turban Army.

(End of this chapter)

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