Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 448 The End of the Yellow Turban 2

Chapter 448 The End of the Yellow Turban 2
Seeing that Gongsun Yu was reprimanded and obedient a lot, Gongsun Yuan slowed down and said: "You have to remember, you represent the Gongsun family and the face of the lord. I might only reprimand you in the army. If the matter reaches the Patriarch, you must at least shed your skin, have you forgotten what happened to the third child when he made a mistake before?"

"Yes, General, I know I was wrong." Gongsun Yu replied solemnly, "I guarantee that I will never do it again."

Although the highest rank in the selected front army is only the school lieutenant, the school lieutenants also have different sizes. Some school lieutenants lead 4000 troops, such as Gongsun Yu, and some school lieutenants lead three to [-] troops, such as Gongsun Yuan. It is determined that their status is different.

"I have experienced General Guan Yu's sword technique before, it is sharp, domineering, and unstoppable." Gongsun Yuan said: "If we meet on the battlefield, I can't guarantee that I can survive General Guan Yu.

If you have time, you can also ask these generals for advice. Your talent in martial arts is good. If you are willing to work hard, you will definitely surpass me in the future.There are not many such competitions anymore, you have to take a good look.

At the beginning, you did not encounter the battle before Hulao Pass, where Marquis Wen singled out the generals from all over the world, what a prestige it was, except for my northern generals, everyone else suffered under Marquis Wen.You are still young and know too little.

This Guan Hai is not a simple character, his martial arts are not inferior to mine, and he can face General Guan Yu head-on, which is quite remarkable.However, General Guan Yu hasn't used his ultimate move yet, you just watch it carefully, it will definitely be good for you, my lord has asked General Guan Yu for advice all these years, if you want to improve, you should do the same. "

Gongsun Yu nodded. He is also very obsessed with martial arts. Gongsun Xu is the pride of the Gongsun family and a role model for the young children of the Gongsun family. Young people like Gongsun Yu who have just joined the army naturally admire him very much. Therefore, Gongsun Xu He usually likes to imitate what he has done. He naturally remembered what Gongsun Yuan said just now.

In the distance, in the middle of the northern frontier army's central position, Zhang Yan asked a thin soldier dressed as a cavalry beside him: "Miss, General Guan Hai may not last forty rounds. If General Guan Yu makes a killing move, I'm afraid, ,,,,,"

"I think the general should have made a decision long ago. General Guan Hai's life should not be in danger. After the fight is over, you should find an opportunity to persuade Guan Hai and try his words. Don't let millions of yellow turbans because of you. He suffered." The man replied: "Father's sins, we need to make up for them, alas,,,,,,,"

While everyone was discussing outside the arena, the competition between the two in the arena also became fierce. After Guan Yu gained the upper hand, he gained the upper hand.

So far, the two have played against each other for 36 rounds. Guan Hai's current appearance can only be described as a mess. If it were someone else, he might have given up long ago.Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Saber is not so easy to pick up. Guan Hai has resisted so many times, which shows his ability.

After the two fought again, they passed each other, and Guan Hai didn't even have the strength to lift his sword.But he was still staring at Guan Yu, his eyes showed infinite fighting spirit, he refused to give up, and he refused to bow his head.

Guan Yu retracted his knife, looked at Guan Hai and sighed, "You can be considered a man, but it's a pity that you went the wrong way. Alas, it's time to end."

After finishing speaking, Guan Yu slowly urged the horse, and then the horse gradually increased its speed to the extreme. Guan Yu's broadsword was naturally dragged on the ground.

Guan Hai could only stare at Guan Yu in front of him, and his horse was exhausted, let alone running, standing still would be considered good.

In Guan Hai's eyes, Guan Yu's aura was getting stronger and stronger, and soon surpassed the aura of the previous confrontation. As Guan Yu got closer, Guan Hai even felt that his breathing was a little difficult.

This imposing coercion made him want to lower his head, but Guan Hai still insisted on staring at Guan Yu with his head up, not even daring to blink his eyes.Guan Hai knew in his heart that this might be the last shot in his life. Perhaps, after this stab, he would never see the world again.

Soon, Guan Yu's war horse galloped to a distance of less than seven steps from Guan Hai. At this moment, Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Saber swung from bottom to top, and Guan Hai could only feel that the opponent's momentum was too strong at this moment. , so strong that he didn't even have the strength to breathe.

But at this critical juncture, Guan Hai exerted the last bit of strength in his body to clenched the big knife and slashed forward. There was a sound of metal collision, and Guan Hai flew out like a kite with a broken string.

However, Guan Hai's war horse was not so lucky. Guan Yu swung Guan Hai with his saber, and the momentum of the saber did not decrease.

Guan Hai was lying on the ground, his broadsword had been broken into two pieces and lay beside him.At this time, he opened his eyes and looked at the sky, his mouth was bleeding continuously, and his face became paler and paler.

"Is this death?" Guan Hai thought in his heart: "It's such a powerful knife, it has even cultivated a stellar energy, so powerful..."

Guan Yu rode his horse back to the front line, Zhang Yan hurriedly rode his horse and ran to Guan Hai after obtaining Gongsun Xu's consent, he helped Guan Hai to feed him a few pills and said, "How? Now = how do you feel? "

Guan Hai opened his eyes and turned to look at Zhang Yan, and then said in surprise: "You, you are Zhang Yan, handsome Yan, you?"

"I have already surrendered, and the millions of Montenegro troops have surrendered with me. I don't want my old brothers to suffer with me anymore." Zhang Yan sighed and said, "Guan Hai, admit the reality. The ideal of a great virtuous teacher is not you and me." achievable.

The general didn't order you to be cruel, otherwise do you think your army can last until now?Alas, Guan Hai, I have seen the majesty of the Northern Frontier Army, and I have also experienced the power of the Xuanfeng Army. You don’t know how badly the grassland cavalry was beaten by the Xuanfeng Army. It is difficult for you to hold on to 10,000+ troops one day.

Miss is also in the army, but he doesn't want to see you now, Guan Hai, have you forgotten what the great virtuous teacher taught us back then?What is the purpose of our uprising, why bother to let the people suffer, why bother to let the people suffer, you can think clearly for yourself. "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yan left two bottles of healing medicine and left, leaving Guan Hai sitting there in a daze, not knowing what to do. He knew the strength of the Black Mountain Army and Zhang Yan's ability. It can be said that Zhang Yan Commander Yan's Black Mountain Army is much stronger than his Qingzhou Yellow Turban, otherwise he would not have planned to join the Black Mountain Army.

Some time ago, he knew that something happened to the Black Mountain Army, but he did not expect Zhang Yan to surrender. Moreover, from Zhang Yan's words just now, Guan Hai heard that the lord's daughter is still alive, and now she is in the Northern Xinjiang Army .

Guan Hai is extremely confused now. Even Zhang Yan said that he could not realize the ideal of a great virtuous teacher. The ideal turned out to be nothing but Guan Hai had completely given up.

Just when Guan Hai was in a daze, Gongsun Xu had ordered the army to retreat slowly. He did not attack, and today's engagement ended here. What the two armies should do next depends on how Guan Hai handles it.

After the Central Army of the Northern Xinjiang Army retreated, the left-wing Northern Navy had to be ordered to retreat, and the right-wing troops left behind. The Yellow Turban Army was left on the battlefield and did not dare to move around. Then he ordered the army to retreat.

The Northern Navy under the command of Liu Bei finally withdrew to the North Sea. Although the generals of the Northern Navy were very dissatisfied with the retreat of the Northern Army, they did not dare to face the 10,000+ Yellow Turban Army alone. Moreover, Gongsun Xu was already the supreme commander of the army. Had to follow orders.

After returning to the camp, Gongsun Xu summoned the generals to discuss matters, and Zhang Yan was also summoned to the big tent.

"Zilong, have those things been arranged before?" Gongsun Xu asked: "The next thing is to see if they can have an effect."

"The last general has selected more than 2000 people from among the captives and released them back. These people have relatives in our hands, and I have promised them benefits. I think that as long as they are normal people, they will know what to do." Zhao Yun He replied: "Moreover, I also selected more than 200 people from the army to join in. With them, things will progress faster."

Gongsun Xu nodded and said, "That's good. The next thing we need to do is to lure the Yellow Turbans to surrender. Ziyi, what's the situation at the pier? Has the navy landed?"

"Returning to my lord, the pier is almost built now. The navy transport ship has already delivered the supplies, and now the pier is unloading food and grass. Moreover, the navy is currently fishing in the nearby waters, and a large amount of sea cargo is delivered to the pier every day. , Our army’s food and grass problem has been solved, and there is no shortage of food and grass that Beihai promised to deliver.”

"Okay, defeating Guan Hai today, compared to == he must have seen the situation clearly. I didn't take the opportunity to attack the Yellow Turban Army. I have already made enough gestures. If he continues to be stubborn and refuses to surrender, then I can only give him Let’s have a look.” Gongsun Xu looked at the crowd and said, “Forget it, wait for the leaders to keep an eye on the Yellow Turban Army, and report to me their every move. After five days, if the Yellow Turban Army doesn’t surrender, we will attack. "

"If this is the case, the big thing will be settled." Guo Jia beside him said with a smile: "The Yellow Turban Army should not have much food and grass now. It is a miracle that they can last for two or three days. The Lord gave them five days. It must be to exhaust their food and grass. At that time, even if the Yellow Turban Army wants to fight back, it will be impossible."

"Hmph, food and grass will always be the Achilles' heel of the Yellow Turban Army." Gongsun Xu sneered, "Try to avoid casualties if possible. This is also a good thing for our army."

After discussing the matter, everyone went to their own business. At this moment, in the camp of the Yellow Turban Army, due to Guan Hai's defeat, the morale of the Yellow Turban Army was sluggish. Now that Guan Hai is recuperating, all the affairs of the Yellow Turban Army are handed over to his subordinates deal with.

No one noticed that some Yellow Turban soldiers with different complexions had mixed in, and no one noticed that the Yellow Turban Army was undergoing a huge change. Guan Hai is now lying on the bed and cannot move. The Yellow Turban Army is destined to be unable to persist. up.

(End of this chapter)

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