Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 449 Someone Behind the Scenes 1

Chapter 449 Someone Behind the Scenes 1
The two armies did not fight, which surprised the soldiers on the Beihai side.In the eyes of the officers and men of the Beijiang Navy, the Beijiang Army should adopt a swift and violent assault to defeat the Yellow Turban Army in one fell swoop. Moreover, according to rumors, the combat style of the Northern Xinjiang General Gongsun Xu has always been the same.

But this time, when dealing with the demoralized Yellow Turban Army, the Northern Frontier Army seemed to show mercy.Regarding this point, many people can't figure it out.But when the news spread to other princes in the world, it caused different reactions.

Now everyone in the world knows that the Northern Army sent troops to deal with the Yellow Turban Army one after another after regaining Hetao. The figure of the northern border army, with such combat power, should not be underestimated.

Cao Cao, who is in Yanzhou, is also gathering troops now, and he is also thinking about the Yellow Turban Army.After Chang'an was captured by Xiliang army generals, they hijacked Liu Xie again. Although other princes in the world hated their actions, no one dared to stand up to resist.

Moreover, Li Jue and others were also very smart and did not fight against other princes. He first added officials to Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and others. Yap.

In this way, Li Jue and the others can be said to have benefited some princes in the world.For Beijiang, they also honestly sent a lot of gifts in order to please the Gongsun family in Beijiang.

But they also understand that no matter what they do now, they are on the opposite side of the Beijiang Army, because there is a court in Beijiang, and they also control a court in their hands. If the Beijiang Army really admits their existence If not, then Gongsun Xu is slapping himself in the face.

This is also the reason why Li Jue tried their best to win over Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others. After all, the northern Xinjiang court could not reward these princes as generously as they did.

Obviously, the generals of the Xiliang army played very beautifully. Yuan Shao has always been at odds with the northern side. Now Yuan Shao is equivalent to gaining a powerful ally. With Yuan Shao's decree, it will be justifiable for Yuan Shao to do certain things. For example, he is now taking over most of Jizhou's territory. With Chang'an's approval, Yuan Shao will encounter much less resistance.

And Cao Cao is also thinking about this now. Of course he doesn't want to offend the Northern Border Army, but he wants to find a stable base for himself. Since the alliance, Cao Cao has only laid down a small base so far, but this site is fundamental It is not enough for him to raise soldiers.

When the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou was in trouble, Cao Cao's mind became active. Long before Gongsun Xu sent troops to wipe out the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, Cao Cao had already sent someone to Chang'an to deliver a letter.His request was very simple, it was nothing more than asking Chang'an to give him a decree, allowing him to let go and do certain things.

Chang'an quickly reached an agreement with Cao Cao. After Zhu Jun's recommendation, Cao Cao was ordered to crusade against the Yellow Turban.Li Jue instructed Liu Xie to draft an imperial edict, and sent people to Dongjun to let Cao Cao and Jibei Minister Bao Xin work together to destroy the bandits.

Cao Cao had already made preparations. When Gongsun continued to send troops, he also set off immediately.There are too many Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, and the scope of their activities is too large. Gongsun Xu is now leading the Xuanfeng Army to confront the main force of the Yellow Turbans in Beihai.

In other places, due to the internal struggles of the Yellow Turban Army, it is impossible for Guan Hai to make every leader of the Yellow Turban Army obey his orders. When Guan Hai assembled the main force of the Yellow Turban Army in Beihai, 10,000+ Yellow Turban Army from other places gradually entered Yanzhou activities.

Jinbei Prime Minister Bao Xin and Cao Cao are also old acquaintances. He knows that he is not capable enough, and at the same time his soldiers and horses lack training.When he saw that Cao Cao was already the elite under Cao Cao's command, he entrusted the task of conquering the Yellow Turbans to Cao Cao.

If there is any shortcoming of Bao Xin, it is that he is a bit overjoyed, he can't offend the northern Xinjiang court, but at the same time he can't offend the Chang'an court either.So he was very happy when Chang'an made a decree for him.

After working in Jibei for so long, he has not been appreciated by the court, so he decided to make some achievements this time.Moreover, Bao Xin's idea is very simple, the difficult and powerful enemies belong to Cao Cao, and he only needs to take credit for it a few times.

However, Bao Xin didn't guess what Cao Cao was thinking.Cao Cao is in urgent need of a piece of land now, and he has already negotiated with Chang'an. As long as he can win a piece of land, Chang'an will help him rectify his name, so as to explain to the world the rationality of Cao Cao's occupation of this land.

Bao Xin did not expect that there would be so many tricks behind the scenes of the campaign against the Yellow Turbans. After Cao Cao helped him win a few battles, he was also very excited. Under such a situation where he relaxed his vigilance, Cao Cao seemed to have given him another credit. .

However, this time, Bao Xin's luck was not so good. Because Bao Xin's army went deep alone, he was surrounded by heavy troops, and finally failed to break through and died.Cao Cao went to Jinbei and took over the territory and family business of Bao Xin, the Prime Minister of Jinbei, and all the soldiers under his command became Cao Cao's soldiers.

After that, Cao Cao defeated the Yellow Turban Army one after another, took in tens of thousands of surrendered soldiers, and let the surrendered soldiers be the vanguard.After the victory report was sent to Chang'an, Chang'an immediately named Cao Cao
The general of Zhendong, Cao Cao became more and more famous, and then stationed in Yanzhou, recruiting talents.At the same time, Cao Cao's eyes were still fixed on the main force of the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou. He was waiting for the Northern Xinjiang Army to deal a fatal blow to the Yellow Turban Army.

According to the estimates of Cao Cao and Cao Cao's think tank, as long as the Northern Army can defeat the Yellow Turban Army, they can recruit at least 10,000+ people. However, the Northern Army has been holding back and did not make a move, which made Cao Cao have to find a way to attack the Yellow Turban Army. up.

Guan Hai has been lying in bed recuperating since he was injured. Although the [-] troops in his hands obeyed his orders and did not provoke the Northern Frontier Army, the other leaders were different.

They were not subordinate to each other, and Guan Hai was the commander-in-chief in name. Now that Guan Hai is busy recovering from his injuries, they have to think about their own way out.There were many rumors among the Yellow Turban Army, some said that the Northern Frontier Army wanted to drive them all to death, and some said that Guan Hai was going to surrender, but the premise was that they would kill [-] Yellow Turbans.

These rumors spread quickly in the army. Under the bewitching of many caring people, some of the Yellow Turban Army wanted to break through and leave Beihai, but due to the surveillance of the Beijiang Army, it was difficult for them to move forward. The Xinjiang army came here to attack.

Guan Hai, who was lying on the hospital bed, didn't notice this, he just ordered the army to strictly guard the camp.Don't provoke the Northern Frontier Army, but Guan Hai didn't expect that his orders could not be fully carried out.

In a camp of the Yellow Turban Army, a group of people gathered in a relatively conspicuous tent. The leader was a leader of the Yellow Turban Army named Bian Xi. grain.

According to Bian Xi, he has received definite information that there will be a batch of grain and grass from Beihai to be transported to the Beijiang army camp, and the main force of the Beijiang army has no time to take care of this batch of grain and grass, and Beihai will not send too many troops. With more troops escorted, they have a chance to win.

For the current Yellow Turban Army, the temptation of food and grass is too great. They have no shortage of soldiers who can go to the battlefield, but they are short of food and grass. Of course the chief was moved by the food.

After some discussion, everyone reached a consensus to rob the food, and, because of Bian Xi's guidance, they all chose not to report to Guan Hai.

Several leaders of the Yellow Turban Army assembled 2 people and set off, while Bian Xi led his own troops to catch up. However, before leaving the camp, Bian Xi gathered 5000 people from his own army to attack the Northern Xinjiang Army. camp.

These 5000 people were actually coaxed by Bian Xi. A bowl of porridge that was not enough to eat could make a soldier of the Yellow Turban Army work hard on the front line. Bian Xi promised them that as long as these people go, their families will get a bag of food. Food is used as settlement expenses.

Five thousand Yellow Turbans set off towards the camp of the Northern Army after a hasty meal. Their purpose was simple, to attack the camp of the Northern Army. According to Bian Xi's idea, as long as these people could entangle with the Northern Army That's fine, and once he gets entangled, the news he wants to release will definitely reach the Northern Border Army.

How effective is the five thousand Yellow Turbans recruited in a hurry, especially the soldiers who have been hungry for a long time and just had a half-fed meal. This group of unorganized and undisciplined troops was discovered before they even approached the northern Xinjiang military camp.

Originally, Bian Xi had hoped that these 5000 people would cause some trouble for the Northern Xinjiang Army. Even if 5000 people were exchanged for a few hundred people from the Northern Xinjiang Army, it would be good. At least this would arouse the anger of the Northern Xinjiang Army. The army did not have a correct understanding.

When the two thousand cavalry beat the horses to divide and drive the five thousand Yellow Turban Army away, the five thousand Yellow Turban Army ran around like headless chickens. In the end, 5000 people were divided and surrounded by the Northern Xinjiang Army, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to. .

"Fire the arrows." Tai Shici commanded the surrounding cavalry to bend their bows and set arrows. Most of the trapped Yellow Turban soldiers looked sad. They couldn't even touch the shadow of the Northern Border Army, and could only watch helplessly as they aimed at themselves.

There was a sound of arrows piercing the air, and many soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army gave up their resistance. They all closed their eyes and waited for death. In such a dense situation, how many people could escape the opponent's bows and arrows.

However, there were not many wailing sounds after that, and many soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army shouted angrily: "Put down your weapons and surrender, or you will be killed without mercy."

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army opened their eyes, only then did they realize that the opponent was shooting an arrow without an arrowhead. Many people were shot by the arrow, but only left some bruises and did not cause any serious trauma.

There is no choice. If you don't surrender, you will only die. These people came here for a bite of food. After eating the food, they have sold their lives. Now the most important thing is to find a way to save their lives.

One by one, the Yellow Turbans raised their hands and surrendered. At the same time, news about the Yellow Turbans robbing food was also reported.The Yellow Turban Army is making trouble one after another at this time, I am afraid it is going to make the Northern Border Army angry.

(End of this chapter)

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