Chapter 452
Before Li Bing left the camp of the Yellow Turban Army, he saw two men being carried over. When Li Bing and others approached and took a look, the village chief immediately explained: "It was because they were arrested after escaping from Le'an two days ago. The young people who were taken away are all from the village, so it doesn’t matter.”

The two of them were probably too tired. After taking a break, one of them said: "Everyone, get ready. The leader wants to pull the strong men to escape, but the old, weak, women and children are not allowed to follow. We escaped while we were out on patrol. Everyone be careful,,,,,,"

Li Bing felt strange when he heard it. At this time, the leader of the Yellow Turban Army actually wants to recruit strong men. What does this mean?
Before Li Bing could figure it out, another person hurriedly said: "When I came back, I saw a cavalry group of more than 500 cavalrymen. It seemed that they were coming towards us. They are coming aggressively. I'm afraid it's not a good thing. I think we should just run away." Bar."

"Cavalry?" Li Bing questioned, "It can't be the Yellow Turban Army, nor should it be the Northern Border Army. Could it be that the captain brought someone here?"

After Li Bing asked the direction of the cavalry and the color of the armor flag, he immediately ordered: "Everyone, run away quickly. I guess this cavalry is coming for us. I will lead people to resist now. You just need to run north. I have sent someone to inform the camp, and someone will come to pick you up."

Just when Li Bing organized his subordinates to resist this mysterious cavalry, he saw a commotion in the distance of the Yellow Turban Army camp, and groups of Yellow Turban family members ran and shouted: "Everyone, run, the Northern Xinjiang Army is coming!" , everyone run,,,,,,, "

Just when Li Bing was wondering, a big fire had already ignited in the distance, and the fire quickly engulfed the camps of many families of the Yellow Turban Army. Li Bing was sure that the other party was definitely not from his side, although he didn't know what the other party was going to do. But Li Bing absolutely did not allow anyone to damage the reputation of the Northern Border Army, so he immediately led his men forward.

Soon, cavalrymen in black armor appeared in sight one by one. While killing the families of the Yellow Turban Army, these cavalry shouted that the Northern Xinjiang Army was coming and wanted to kill all the Yellow Turban Army.

Li Bing took a closer look and said angrily: "The thief is so brave, dare to pretend to be the Northern Border Army in front of my father, and seek death, all the soldiers, kill..."

The cavalry of the Northern Xinjiang Army quickly lined up and charged. Li Bing acted as an arrow, and a charge formation was formed. Many cavalry on the other side had already dispersed. How could they line up so quickly at this time? Li Bing just happened to fight They were caught off guard.

After rushing for a while, Li Bing also eliminated more than 60 opponents. At this time, the remaining troops of the opponent gathered under the command of a general. This is not the Northern Xinjiang Army, they are fake, everyone run."

Although many people didn't understand what Li Bing meant, they just saw that the cavalry on Li Bing's side were protecting them. At this time, they had no choice but to flee to the north. After all, some people had already fled to the north. It looks safe over there.

Li Bing rode his horse to the front of the formation. He looked at the more than 400 cavalrymen on the other side and shouted: "I am Li Bing, the captain of the North Xinjiang Selected Front Army. If you come, dare to report your name."

The other party was a little surprised after hearing Li Bing's self-registration number, but they did not answer Li Bing's words. At the same time, the other party's more than 400 people were still continuing to line up, as if they wanted to seize the time to defeat Li Bing's side.

"Captain, those who come here are not kind." Li Bing's lieutenant general said to him, "They dare to pretend to be us, I think they must have something in mind."

"It doesn't matter, let's kill them before they line up."

After finishing speaking, Li Bing rushed to the opponent's formation with his subordinates. The opponent's cavalry was obviously much worse than Li Bing's, and more than 400 people in formation must be more troublesome than Li Bing's 200 people in formation. Li Bing just wanted to catch The opponent has no chance to gain a foothold and defeat them in one fell swoop.

Although the number of people is less than half of the opponent's, Li Bing's side completely dominates the entire battle situation. After all, Li Bing's side is all soldiers of the forward army, and each of them is an elite who has survived a hundred battles. Which of these people is not in the grassland? They fought against the barbarians, how many times they have encountered this kind of scuffle with hundreds of people on the grassland.

After charging for a while, the opponent lost more than 70 people. Li Bing had already seen that these people were not elite cavalry. Even the ordinary cavalry in the Northern Xinjiang Army were better than them, and these people were not skilled in cavalry formation. , It is too far behind my own side.

"Brothers, let's charge again, kill them all, and let them know what is called the frontier army." Li Bing roared and ran forward with his spear straightened out. There is a complete grasp of victory.

When the third charge was over, there was another sound of horseshoes in the distance, and Li Bing quickly ordered to line up to stand by, because he heard the sound of horseshoes coming from the south, which also indicated that most of the people who came were not friendly troops.

Sure enough, not long after, a group of more than 1000 black armored cavalry appeared in the field of vision, and the remaining 200 people of the opponent immediately rushed towards this large army. The generals of the more than 200 people who were defeated called their commander General Xiahou.

But Li Bing didn't hear clearly, after all, the distance was so far away, and the leader of the other party seemed to have blocked the general's words.

After the other party approached, Li Bing realized that the general was a burly man with a thick face. Li Bing thought he had seen this man before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Li Bing could see that the other party was a master, even better than the few lieutenants in the army.You must know that several of the school lieutenants in the Xuanfeng Army are at least one-hundred-man beheaded generals, and many of the school lieutenants are even comparable to generals such as Xu Huang and Xia Houlan.

But the opponent's momentum was obviously not weaker than General Xu Huang's, which made Li Bing have to treat it with caution.

"It was you who led 200 people to defeat my 200 subordinates." The other party stared at Li Bing and said, "You also killed nearly [-] of my men?"

The other party seemed to notice that among the corpses all over the floor, the people on his side accounted for the vast majority, while most of Li Bing's side were just injured.

"I am Li Bing, Captain of the Frontier Army of the Northern Frontier Army. How dare you report your name when you come." Li Bing wanted to take advantage of this moment to get a few words out of the other party's mouth, because he knew that he would definitely not be able to fight hard. The number of people is five or six times that of my side, and the leading general is so strong, my side has no chance of winning at all.

"You don't deserve to know my name, you will know when you become a ghost."

After finishing speaking, the big man went out to fight with his gun, and Li Bing also hurriedly rode his horse to fight. The soldiers on both sides did not move at this time. Li Bing had already ordered his subordinates to watch their orders and retreat immediately if the situation was not right. Moreover, Li Bing had just experienced After a few charges, now is the time to rest.

It was only when he fought against the opponent that Li Bing realized that he had not made a mistake in his estimation. The opponent was superior to him in terms of strength and marksmanship. Moreover, the opponent's experience in front of battle was no worse than his own. According to this situation, Li Bing estimated that he would not be able to survive thirty rounds.

After ten rounds, Li Bing sent out troops and was beaten. This was Li Bing's most embarrassing battle. Usually in the army, except for the school lieutenant Gongsun Yuan, the rest of the school lieutenants could not push him to this point. , Li Bing's reach is not bad, at least he is at the same level as his school lieutenant, Gongsun Yu.

Such a captain, if placed in other armies, would at least be a school lieutenant leading 2000 men, but after only ten rounds, Li Bing was crushed and beaten, which only showed that the opponent was too strong.

After the two separated with great difficulty, the other party asked in a mocking tone: "Why, is the Northern Army like this? I don't think so. It turns out that the Xuanfeng Army under Gongsun Xu's command can't help but dare to call it something." The number one army in the world, hum."

"Northern border land, how can you allow you to be presumptuous." Before Li Bing could scold in anger, he heard a voice from behind: "Today you will never come back, dare to pretend to be our northern border army, and you will die. "

When Li Bing turned his head, he realized that the people who came were his immediate superior, Gongsun Yu, and Gongsun Yuan, the most powerful of several school lieutenants in the Xuanfeng Army. However, they were the only two who came, and no other reinforcements came.

Li Bing and others hurriedly saluted the two school captains, Gongsun Yuan immediately stepped forward with a long lance in his hand and said angrily: "What are you? How dare you insult my lord? Today, I will let you know how powerful our Northern Border Army is."

The other party still had a look of contempt, he looked at Gongsun Yuan and said, "Your surname is Gongsun, and you use a long spear. Who are you, Gongsun Xu?"

Gongsun Yuan stared at the other party and said: "Gongsun Xu is my master."

However, Gongsun Yu behind him replied arrogantly: "Gongsun Xu is my elder brother, this is my elder brother, what's wrong, be afraid now, there is still time to beg for mercy."

The other party replied with a sneer: "If Gongsun Xu came in person, I might retreat. Even you little-known shrimp soldiers and crab generals dare to be rampant. Today, I will let you know what is beyond the sky."

Gongsun Yuan didn't talk nonsense, he just danced his long spear to fight against the opponent. When the two weapons collided, they knew the opponent's strength. Gongsun Yuan was surprised that the opponent's martial arts were only stronger than himself, but the opponent was even stronger Surprised that an unknown captain is so powerful.

After [-] rounds of fighting, the two were tied. At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes and a large cloud of dust from behind the front guard. It seemed that the reinforcements had arrived.

The big man forced Gongsun Yuan back with one move, and said angrily: "It's tricky, so you are delaying time, I won't play with you today, withdraw."

After finishing speaking, this guy led his subordinates to flee to the south, and Gongsun Yuan also stopped his subordinates from chasing them. After the soldiers from the rear came, Li Bing and others found that there were only [-] cavalry.

Gongsun Yuan stared into the distance and said: "This man's martial arts skills are superior to mine. I can guarantee that I will not be defeated within fifty rounds, but after fifty rounds, he will definitely suppress me and fight. Such a powerful general should not be defeated." Unknown man, Li Bing, you immediately take the wounded back to report the situation here to the lord, and I will lead people to continue tracking, and those Yellow Turban soldiers will be handed over to you, try to bring them back to the camp."

"The last general takes orders." After receiving the order, Li Bing immediately led more than 30 wounded soldiers to leave, while the rest of them followed Gongsun Yuan in the direction where the enemy was fleeing. It seemed that he did not intend to let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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