Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 453 The Yellow Turban Moved North 1

Chapter 453 The Yellow Turban Moved North 1
After chasing for a while, Gongsun Yuan looked at the more than 400 cavalry around him. After thinking for a while, he said to Gongsun Yu: "I will lead 200 people to follow the cavalry, and you lead the rest to look at the other yellow scarves nearby. Jun, the lord said that someone was trying to make trouble behind the scenes, and I just took this opportunity to catch him.

Remember not to act recklessly, Li Bing has already reported back, and the lord will give us support in the shortest possible time. If you encounter the main force of the enemy, you can't fight, let alone rush into the battle, just rely on horses and bows to drag the opponent. "

After finishing speaking, Gongsun Yuan led two hundred cavalry to continue the pursuit, while Gongsun Yu turned to investigate the nearby Yellow Turban Army.

Not long after, Gongsun Yuan caught up with the previous group of cavalry. In terms of tracking and running, I am afraid that the front-running army is the best in the world. The previous cavalry is better than the general election in terms of riding skills and combat effectiveness. The forwards are too far behind.

Although Gongsun Yuan's side set off late, they had a small number of people and were more flexible in their movements. It was a breeze to catch up with the large enemy troops.

The opposing general obviously knew that Gongsun Xu's 200 cavalry had followed, he sneered and said, "[-] people dare to come and pursue them, is it true that the northern army is so brainless? Hmph, today we want you to come and go without returning .”

After finishing speaking, the general ordered the deputy general to lead five hundred cavalry to turn around and meet the two hundred enemy troops behind.From the point of view of this general, the opponent only has 200 people, so even if they catch up, it's no big deal, but he can't stand this tone, and the opponent's 200 people dare to come and chase him. Put it in your eyes.

The reason why he sent 500 cavalry was because he didn't want to get entangled with the opponent. No matter what the [-] people said, they could hold back the opponent's [-] cavalry, and maybe they could severely damage the opponent.

However, if you don't know enough about your opponent on the battlefield, you will suffer a lot. No, when the [-] cavalry in the front lined up to charge back, the [-] cavalry from Gongsun Yuan's side immediately detoured to the left. At the same time, the two hundred frontline troops all put away their weapons, bowed their bows and set arrows one by one, aiming at the five hundred cavalry in the dense charge formation in front of them.

This can be regarded as a pit for these 500 people. This cavalry has learned several simple charge formations since its formation, and this formation will only work when the two armies are facing each other.

The optional front army did not come head-to-head with them. Before the 500 people here had adjusted their formation, the arrows of the optional front army had already been thrown.

Now these 500 people are really in a situation of being beaten and not fighting back. Among them, there is really only one person in a hundred who can bend their bows and set arrows on a galloping horse. These cavalry can wield weapons on their horses. Not bad, it is indeed too difficult to let them shoot arrows.

Soon, the selection front army threw three rounds of arrows at the 500 people, and after three rounds, the 500 people lost less than 200 people, but some of the horses of the remaining cavalry were injured. These 500 people can no longer continue to fight.

Gongsun Yuan ignored the people here, he continued to lead his troops to pursue, and within half an hour, Gongsun Yuan caught up with the enemy again, but this time the number of enemy troops reached more than 2000.

It seems that the enemy reinforcements have arrived, and when 200 people from Gongsun Yuan's side appeared in the enemy's field of vision, the previous enemy general opened his eyes and said angrily: "How is it possible, I left 500 people to entangle them , was defeated in such a short period of time, and the number of the Northern Xinjiang Army did not lose much, what is going on."

A general next to him, who was also fierce but more handsome, squinted his eyes and rode forward to observe for a while, then said, "Yuan Rang, you underestimate the enemy, they are not just the Northern Frontier Army, they should be the forward selection army under Gongsun Xu's command. .”

"I know, what's the difference?" The general replied, "They are all Gongsun Xu's subordinates, and they are all enemies anyway."

"Before we came, the lord told us not to reveal our identities. It seems that there is trouble this time." The slightly more handsome general said: "You just said that the enemy army can survive dozens of rounds under your command. Then a school lieutenant can fight you for dozens of rounds, don't you see it?"

"What do you want to say in seconds, they are only 200 people, I will take someone to kill them now."

"Don't be impulsive. Have you forgotten Baima Yicong who was imprisoned in Hulao back then? The enemy army will never be so stupid as to fight us recklessly. As long as we charge here, they will definitely run away." The handsome general continued: "We can't afford to spend with them, and the Yellow Turban Army's affairs are almost done, and the Northern Xinjiang Army cannot be destroyed now.

However, this time I am afraid it will be difficult to continue to keep it secret. What the Lord is worried about has happened. The Northern Border Army is so difficult to deal with. I am afraid that it will bring a lot of trouble to the Lord. The people drove them away, and then urged Bian Xi to speed up. As long as they passed Yanzhou, the northern army would have no way to pursue them. "

"Well, you and I will each lead an army to encircle and suppress the enemy, and try to keep all 200 of them this time."

After finishing speaking, the two immediately led a cavalry to charge from the left and right sides. Gongsun Yuan saw that the other party was going to encircle and suppress him, so he quickly ordered to retreat, and at the same time released the friendly troops nearby to signal.

The 2000 frontier troops faced off against the enemy's [-] cavalry. Gongsun Yuan felt that there was no chance of winning, because the enemy's cavalry was not weak in combat effectiveness, and the enemy had such strong generals. If they were entangled, it would be difficult to escape.

But as soon as Gongsun Yuan escaped ten miles back, he met the five hundred cavalry who were defeated before. They blocked Gongsun Yuan's retreat, and now they formed a three-sided attack. If they can't break out of the encirclement , Gongsun Yuan's side is in danger.

"Rush forward, don't look back, there are more than 300 enemy troops in front, kill,,,,,,," Gongsun Yuan took the lead in charging with his long spear, now only a relentless charge can get rid of this encirclement, if he turns back, it is definitely a A dead end.

Soon, Gongsun Yuan fought with more than 300 cavalry in front. Immediately afterwards, Gongsun Yu, who was sent out to monitor the Yellow Turban Army, also led the cavalry to join the battle group. Unfortunately, at this time, the enemy's more than 2000 cavalry The cavalry flanked from the left and right.

Gongsun Yuan finally got rid of the entanglement of more than 300 cavalry from the other side, but soon fell into the siege of [-] cavalry from the enemy.

Soon, Gongsun Yuan and Gongsun Yu's more than 200 cavalrymen killed the more than 300 cavalrymen who blocked the road, but at this time the opponent's encirclement circle had formed, and if he wanted to break through, he might have to fight a bloody battle up.

"The thieves are so courageous. Hundreds of people in the district came to chase and kill our army. Didn't Gongsun Xu teach you how to write the word dead?" Defeating my five hundred cavalrymen, and then killing them, hehe, you guys are amazing."

Gongsun Yuan looked at the more than 400 cavalry around him. He knew that even if he rushed out, he might lose half of them. If he could delay the time, reinforcements might arrive.

Seeing the other party's arrogant attitude, Gongsun Yuan pointed directly at the other party and said: "What? Are you afraid? You think you can keep us here, hahahaha, I have seen this kind of formation a lot in the grassland.

The barbarians in the grassland were defeated by us, and you rookies who just learned how to ride horses wanted to stop us. It's a joke. Believe it or not, I will let you lose half of them. "

The two generals on the other side were a little shocked when they heard it. Gongsun Yuan was not bragging if he dared to say such a thing at this time. After all, they were able to kill 500 people on their side in such a short period of time. And fierce, enough to make them terrified.

Taking advantage of this time, Gongsun Yuan continued to say: "I didn't enjoy fighting with you before, but now we have a gamble. If you win, I won't chase you anymore, and we will hand over our horses and weapons. If you lose Let's go, let's go."

"Hey, hmph, you are all like this and dare to negotiate terms with me. If you lose, you all surrender."

"Fart, I never chose the front army to surrender. Hahaha, it seems that it is impossible not to fight hard. All soldiers, let's let them see what is called the first army in northern Xinjiang."

"Kill, kill,,,,,," more than 400 selected forwards roared at the same time, they did not mean to be afraid at all, even though the number of enemy troops was several times that of their own, their morale was still strong.

"Fight with him, take the opportunity to kill him." The more handsome general said: "He will definitely pester you desperately, you have to be ruthless."

"Don't worry, it's a small matter."

After finishing speaking, this general rode out into battle, Gongsun Yuan didn't talk nonsense and stood up to the battle, the two of them didn't talk nonsense, it was a unique move as soon as they came up, Gongsun Yuan knew the gap between himself and the opponent, so he didn't plan to win.From the very beginning, Gongsun Yuan had a strict attitude, he just wanted to entangle the other party.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought for forty rounds. At this time, Gongsun Yuan had gradually fallen into a disadvantage, and the situation was worse than he imagined. The opponent's martial arts were much better than him. At this time, the remaining soldiers of the draft army were all staring at him. There are two people in the field, and many people are ready to charge at any time.

But at this moment, the opponent's general secretly took out his bow and arrow. He quickly aimed at Gongsun Yu and shot an arrow. Make this move.

Gongsun Yu only felt his scalp go numb, he immediately lowered his head and wanted to slide off the horse, but the arrow still hit him in the shoulder, Gongsun Yu cried out in pain, Gongsun Yuan cried out inwardly when he heard it, but he As soon as he was distracted, he was caught by the opponent, and he was completely at a disadvantage within a few moves.

The general over there put away his bow and arrow and said with a sneer: "Xiao Niao, you don't even understand the principle of being cunning. It seems that Gongsun Xu's subordinates are not very good either."

After finishing speaking, he ordered his subordinates to prepare to charge, but at this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes ahead, and an eagle hovered in the sky.

The wounded Gongsun Yu looked up and shouted quickly: "Haitongqing, the lord is here, and the soldiers are ready."

Hearing this, the opposing general secretly exclaimed that something was wrong, but it was too late for them to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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