Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 464 Implementation of the Plan 2

Chapter 464 Implementation of the Plan 2
Gongsun Xu nodded in satisfaction and said, "You are always the one I am most assured of when you do things, but you should pay attention to a few points during this inspection, one is to keep an eye on the cavalry of other princes and record their changes.

Even if the cavalrymen under Lu Bu are not elite, they are probably veterans. Needless to say, most of the cavalrymen under Yuan Shu and Sun Ce are half-baked. If you find a way to accelerate their strength growth, it will be beneficial to us in the future.

As for other people, you have to remember that even if they get more cattle, sheep and horses, it doesn't matter, but the overall level of those cavalry cannot exceed our control.Also, there are many things to keep in mind during this in-depth grassland inspection.

The first is to divide the grassland tribes, and the second is to intensify efforts to attack those tribes that are expected to become the overlords of the grasslands.Another point is that some military secrets of our army's cavalry must not be leaked out.

Including stirrups, horseshoe falls and more.In other words, you are going to suffer a lot on this inspection tour.But these are also a last resort. After all, this is related to the rise and fall of our Northern Border Army. Zilong, can you do it? "

Zhao Yun frowned after hearing this, and then he replied: "The White Robe Army has always come from Chengyi Army, and it is an independent organization like the Xuanfeng Army. Even in the northern border, the White Robe Army has to separate itself from other troops.

How about keeping the stirrups and horseshoes and dropping these cavalry weapons?As for the other troops, only the [-] veterans of the Northern Border Army and the lord's personal guards have come into contact with these things, and I'll just grab them when the time comes.

Others, such as the servant army, the Montenegro army, and the Qingzhou army, have never been in contact with these things, so it doesn't matter if they are kept secret or not. Under normal circumstances, I just let them contact the troops of the princes.

Every time we clean up the battlefield, let our army go forward, at worst, give them more compensation. If there are any good things, how about we distribute them according to the degree of credit?If the white-robed army lost those cavalry weapons, their combat effectiveness would be compromised.Not to mention giving the enemy a fatal blow at a critical moment. "

"It should be possible to do this. Alas, fortunately, I have done enough secrecy work before, and I didn't leak these secrets even during the Northern Expedition to Hetao." Gongsun Xu nodded and said, "You can figure out these things." , you must choose competent subordinates, as for the generals you want, you can pick them yourself."

"Hehe, there are countless generals in the Northern Xinjiang Army, how can I choose them?" Zhao Yun thought for a while and then replied: "Xu Huang is capable and prudent in his work. I must have such a deputy general. With him, I will be able to manage it well." Servants and captives.

Xia Houlan has fought with me for many years and knows my fighting style well. With him around, I can save me a lot of unnecessary troubles. Such a lieutenant general is also necessary.As for the rest, I think Zhou Cang, Pei Yuanshao, Liao Hua and others are not bad. More importantly, they have participated in several long-distance raids and long-range sneak attacks, and they have rich experience in this area.

For the others, the lord will let you see. If there is trouble with the Black Mountain Army and the Qingzhou Army, the lord might as well send Zhang Yan, a group of Heishan Army generals, Guan Hai and those Qingzhou generals. This time is also an excellent time. opportunity to reorganize the army. "

"Rectify the army?" Gongsun Xu squinted his eyes and nodded, "It's time to rectify. The soldiers in the army have been fighting for many years, and many old subordinates are hard-working people. Some of them can go home to spend their old age.

Moreover, the composition of the army is complicated now, and it is time to find an opportunity to rectify it.Excessive military expenditure is not a good thing. Although our defense line is very long, we have too many troops. I think it's time for me to disarm after the migration of refugees.

If I can, I should also find a chance to find out some black hands in the army. Heh heh, some people think that they are perfect, but they dare to extend their hands into the army. This is really not a good thing. I need to make them understand my temper. "

"My lord is wise, these people must be given some color." Zhao Yun replied, "It's just that your majesty..."

"Don't worry, I won't act recklessly." Gongsun Xu said, "For the time being, I won't embarrass Your Majesty. If they don't know what to do, I don't think His Majesty will stop me."

"My lord, I have nothing to worry about doing things. It's just that after leading the army to leave, the troops on the northern border have been emptied a little bit. Does the lord think it's safe?" Zhao Yun asked: "Besides, if we patrol the grassland this time, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time." It consumes a lot of supplies, at least armor and weapons, food, winter clothes, etc., and there must be a lot of medicine to treat typhoid fever, this?"

"Hehehe, Zilong is always so meticulous and thoughtful about problems." Gongsun Xu nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Don't worry, these are not difficult problems. There was news from Youzhou a few days ago that some technical difficulties have been overcome. I have to take some time to go back, hehe, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I am really looking forward to it."

"Oh? It's not that there are things that can make the lord excited, but it's definitely not easy. Moreover, it's the first time I've seen the lord so excited, even more excited than the last time I got a lot of books in Luoyang. This? Haha, I'm a little bit excited Curious."

"Uh, what, how do you say this?" Gongsun Xu said a bit embarrassed: "Well, you have seen those glass too, right? This is part of it. This time is really a coincidence, and many problems are solved at once. , Finally, my investment over the years was not in vain.

Well, let me explain to you, so that when someone asks you, you don’t know what to ask, which will embarrass me.Forehead.Let me tell you a simple thing first. I have seen those craftsmen making weapons. They must hammer tens of millions of hammers. Those blacksmiths have to expend a lot of energy just to forge iron.

Now I have a way to save the troubles of the blacksmiths. They don't have to work hard in the future. Does this free up a lot of labor, understand?To put it simply, in the past, a skilled blacksmith could forge one saber a day, but now I have a way for him to forge ten or more a day, understand? "

Zhao Yun seemed to understand a little bit, but he still had a puzzled expression on his face. After thinking about it, he shook his head and replied: "Um, I don't understand."

"Well, I don't blame you for not reading enough books." Gongsun Xu nodded helplessly and replied, "I will give you a few books in the future and you will understand, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Warring States Policy, etc. You remember Take them all with you, and read more when you have time, Yun Chang will hold on to Chunqiu every day, you should learn from him."

"This, uh, this, I have been studying hard, but my lord, you also know how heavy books are." Zhao Yun replied helplessly: "You have also seen that Yun Chang's spring and autumn had to be transported by two carriages. , This is not suitable for me to run long distances."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I have already solved this difficult problem." Gongsun Xu explained: "A book of Spring and Autumn is just this big and thick, and Sun Tzu's Art of War is even smaller. Do you understand, don't you? It's okay , I will give you a set when the samples from Youzhou come back, and then you will understand."

Gongsun Xu explained while gesticulating, but he found that Zhao Yun didn't seem to understand what he was talking about at all, so he simply didn't explain. Some things may really not be explained in words. After all, there are times and knowledge in it. Moreover, even Gongsun Xu himself doesn't know much about these things.

Zhao Yun nodded even more annoyed, as if he had lost face in front of Gongsun Xu this time.Especially Gongsun Xu's eyes, when I taught Gongsun Xu Kung Fu five years ago, I had this look, and now, Gongsun Xu is looking at him with this look.

Ten days later, when the Northern Border Army was still doing business with the princes of the world in Zhongshan, news about his plan to patrol the grasslands had spread to all parts of the world. Yuan Shu and Lu Bu had already responded immediately, saying that To send troops.

Lu Bu even made it clear that the strength of the reply would not be less than [-]. As for some military supplies, Lu Bu would buy them directly from the Northern Xinjiang Army and equip them for his subordinates. He hoped that in this way, he could obtain a faster and better territory from the Northern Xinjiang court. .

Yuan Shu was thinking about how many troops should be dispatched. On the Jiangdong side, Sun Ce had already contacted many old troops. The 400 cavalry trained earlier had already recruited more than 2000 people. Sun Ce was very dissatisfied with the result and continued to recruit More than 5000 people were recruited, and finally [-] people were gathered before heading towards northern Xinjiang.

Most of the five thousand Jiangdong disciples are elite soldiers recruited from Danyang.At that time, Gongsun Xu also sent Guan Yu and others to Danyang to recruit soldiers, because Danyang's elite soldiers are the world's civilization.Thinking back to how domineering Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, led his eight thousand disciples across the river, most of the eight thousand disciples were Danyang elite soldiers, and these Danyang elite soldiers showed their prowess on the battlefield, almost invincible in the world.

When Sun Ce left Jiangdong, he swore secretly that if he could not train [-] elite cavalry in northern Xinjiang, he would never come back. Without enough strength, it would be of no use to return to Jiangdong.This is Sun Ce's goal, and it is also the reason why he went to northern Xinjiang.

A month later, teams of cavalry rushed to northern Xinjiang from all over the country. They each had different purposes and plans.But their destinations are the same. Bingzhou and Youzhou have been bitter, cold and barren lands since ancient times, and they have been repeatedly invaded by foreign races. Many Han children buried their bones in the grassland and spilled blood on the battlefield.

The strength of the foreign race is destined to be a disaster for the people of the Han family. When the prairie cavalry breaks through the defense line of the Great Wall, it is doomed that the people in the frontier will fall into dire straits.For many years, when the autumn wind blows in the grassland, the children of the Han family have to take precautions.

The Great Wall is indeed a miracle, but after all, it still cannot completely stop the cavalry of foreign races.Offense is the best defense. Only when one's own strength is stronger than the enemy can one's own safety be guaranteed. This is why Gongsun Xu often leads people to patrol the grassland.

Perhaps, many years later, Gongsun Xu's plan will become a good story.No matter what their purpose is, those soldiers who shed blood and desperately on the grassland will eventually become heroes remembered by future generations.

(End of this chapter)

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