Chapter 465
Two months later, Gongsun Xu, in the name of a general, named Zhao Yun, the general of northern Xinjiang, as the commander of the coalition forces of the princes from all walks of life to inspect the grassland.During this inspection of the grassland, there were more than [-] cavalry from the princes of the world.

Among them, Lu Bu has [-] cavalry under his command, with his generals Zhang Liao, Hou Cheng and other commanders.Yuan Shu had [-] cavalry under the command of general Ji Ling, Cao Cao had [-] cavalry under the command of generals Xia Houdun and Xia Houyuan, and Yuan Shao had [-] cavalry under the command of general Gao Lan.

There are also 5000 cavalry under Sun Ce in Jiangdong, but these [-] people are not included in the other princes' coalition forces patrolling the grasslands. Gongsun Xu gave them the status of Qingzhou soldiers, temporarily commanded by Sun Ce.

Due to the relationship between Gongsun Xu and Sun Ce, and the fact that Sun Ce is Yuan Shu's subordinate, others have no opinion on Gongsun Xu's decision. In other people's eyes, it is because Gongsun Xu does not want his sworn brothers to lose face. Therefore, 5000 people were specially allocated for him to lead. Therefore, this matter is completely an internal matter of the Northern Xinjiang Army and has nothing to do with other people.

Finally, there is Ma Teng from Xiliang, who also requested to send [-] troops, led by his eldest son Ma Chao.Moreover, the [-] cavalry were recently recruited by Ma Teng, so even if they were sent out, it would not have much impact on his current situation.

In fact, Ma Teng wanted to use this opportunity to strengthen his military strength. As long as these 1 people returned from training, his military strength would recover to a level that could rival Han Sui.Besides, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces this time is Ma Teng's son-in-law, and Ma Teng feels that he is guaranteed to make money no matter how he looks at it.

Youzhou had already sent enough military supplies, and at the same time, Gongsun Xu himself was the host.He was not stingy either. In addition to rewarding a large amount of supplies to the soldiers who participated in the war, he also offered a reward. Those who made great contributions would receive tailor-made equipment and a large amount of property rewards from the Northern Xinjiang Craftsmanship Battalion.

For this coalition army, Gongsun Xu is also full of expectations, and finally gathered so many troops without spending too much money himself.After finishing the work in Zhongshan, Gongsun Xu led the Huben army to Youzhou.1 people went to Hetao, 1 people stayed in Bingzhou, and the remaining 1 people escorted the coalition forces to the Great Wall defense line.

More than ten days later, in the land of Bingzhou, inside Yanmen Pass.Teams of cavalry soldiers rode forward, led by [-] cavalry led by Zhang Liao and Hou Cheng. Looking at the tower of Yanmen Pass in the distance, Zhang Liao and others stopped.

"Finally back." Zhang Liao stared at the tower of Yanmen Pass and sighed: "I left here back then. Alas, I didn't take advantage of the good years to do something for the elders in my hometown. Now I am coming back to make up for some regrets."

"Yes, I waited for the children of Bingzhou, and finally I have the opportunity to do something for the elders in my hometown." Hou Cheng also said: "This time, I will definitely make the Hu people terrified."

"Hahahaha, good." Zhang Liao laughed loudly and said, "Brothers, go to the grassland and kill him to shake the world."

"Kill, kill, kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,..."" Once, they came back and returned to their hometown where they were born.

The army continued to advance, and Zhao Yun commanded the brigade as the main force.Since the Bingzhou army led by Zhang Liao and others was an elite cavalry force and was familiar with the terrain of Bingzhou, Zhao Yun appointed Zhang Liao as the pioneer.

After passing the Yanmen Pass, you will gradually enter the grassland. As long as you pass through the Great Wall, the coalition army will gallop across the vast grassland.

A few days later, all the soldiers of the coalition army gathered at the foot of the Great Wall, where they made their final rest.The main force led by Zhao Yun is about to arrive, as long as the army converges, they will march towards the grassland.

"The Great Wall is really majestic and majestic." Xiahou Dun looked at the Great Wall and praised: "It is a great blessing in life to be able to cross the Great Wall to conquer the Hu people in my lifetime."

"The Great Wall was built back then to defend against the barbarians in the north." Xia Houyuan also nodded and said, "It's a pity that there were very few lions in northern Xinjiang chasing the barbarians back then. Well, let me fill in the gap today."

Zhang Liao and other generals beside him also nodded in agreement. They are all bloody men, and of course they yearn for this kind of thing of fighting against foreign enemies on the battlefield.

"A Great Wall, if there are not enough troops to guard it, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the barbarians' iron cavalry." Hou Cheng sighed at this time: "Brother Wen Yuan, did you see that general on the tower? He has been staring at us."

"That should be the guard here." Zhang Liao replied: "After all, General Zhao Yun's order has not yet come, he can't let us go out, hehe, wait for a while, it won't be too late to leave when the follow-up troops come together."

"I'd like to see who the defender of the Great Wall is." Hou Cheng said with a smile: "The person who can take on this responsibility should not be a coward."

After finishing speaking, Hou Chengcheng ignored Zhang Liao's blocking policy and immediately shouted: "Listen, general in the city, I am Hou Cheng, the general under Marquis Wen, and I am ordered by the general to go out to seek thieves, why don't you open the city gate?"

"The military order has not yet arrived, so you wait first."

"Joke, we are not your soldiers, why should we obey your orders?"

"I am Mengfu, the defender of the Great Wall. No one is allowed to leave the fortress without the order of the general. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy."

"Oh? If the barbarians attack now and you can't resist, what should we do? Let us go out first, lest you pee your pants in fear when you see the barbarians, hahahaha,,,,,,"

"Absurd, with me on the Great Wall, how dare the barbarians go south." Meng Fu slammed the Changge in his hand on the ground, then stared at Hou Cheng coldly and replied: "If you come back with life, Let's make good gestures, don't just fart."

"You,,,,,," Hou Cheng was so angry that he couldn't speak, but fortunately Zhang Liao immediately stepped forward to persuade him, so the matter didn't worsen.Meng Fu's attitude is already very obvious, without the military order, it is impossible for him to open the city gate.

"This kid is quite interesting, he doesn't look weak." Xiahoudun smiled excitedly, "I'm interested in his weapons. Few people use spears. He must have some real kung fu to be able to sit in this position." .”

"Yes, the strength of the northern border can be seen from this." Xia Houyuan nodded and replied, "This time, don't embarrass the lord."

While everyone was discussing, a group of cavalry came galloping from a distance, the leader was a young general in his 20s.

"I am Xia Houlan, and I am leaving the pass under the order of General Zhao Yun." The visitor reined in his horse and stopped at the bottom of the tower and shouted upwards: "Here is the token, please check it quickly."

After finishing speaking, Xia Houlan threw the token up without waiting for the other party to send someone to pick it up. Meng Fuyan quickly caught the token, and after confirming that it was correct, he immediately ordered: "Open the city gate."

"Thank you, and General Zhao Yun has an order to open the city and let them go in half an hour."

"I understand, General Xiahou, go slowly."

Xia Houlan nodded, and then nodded to the Allied generals behind him, signaling them not to worry, but when he saw Xia Houyuan and Xiahou Dun, his face changed slightly, and the corners of Xiahouyuan's mouth twitched twice.

Without too much delay, Xia Houlan immediately led the two thousand cavalry behind him and rushed out of the city.After the people left, Meng Fu ordered the city gate to be closed, and the rest of the people had to wait another half an hour.

"What do you mean by General Zhao Yun? Why do you want us to wait here? His people can go out first, why can't we?" Hou Cheng asked dissatisfied: "Is it possible that General Zhao Yun treats friendly troops like this?"

"That's enough, Hou Cheng, don't cause trouble here." Ji Ling replied dissatisfied: "Didn't you see that general leading the troops out of the city just now? If my guess is right, he probably went out to explore the way first. There are still three hours before dark, and I think we have to set up camp not long after we leave the city, presumably General Zhao Yun is afraid that we will not be familiar with the place, so he will arrange a camp for us first."

Everyone nodded in agreement, because since Gongsun Xu had promised to let them come to the grassland, he would definitely not trip them up at this time. Besides, Zhao Yun is also famous, so there is no need for him to do so.

Hou Cheng was said to have no temper, so he had to keep silent.Zhang Liao didn't even bother to persuade him'

About half an hour later, Xiahou Dun frowned and suddenly said to Xiahouyuan who was beside him, "That kid looks familiar, why do I feel like I've seen him somewhere?"

"Didn't Zhao Yun and him stop us last time?" Xia Houyuan replied casually, "Why did you forget so quickly?"

"No, I said before." Xiahoudun replied: "That kid seems to be very prejudiced against us. I really seem to have seen that look somewhere. It's strange, why did I forget it? It's really strange."

"Okay, okay, don't think too much, get ready to go out of the city." Xia Houyuan changed the topic and said, "This is their territory, we don't want to cause trouble, the one who will be in trouble will be the master, and the speed of marching out of the city will be accelerated. When the time comes, don’t let our subordinates fall behind.”

"Yeah, that makes sense." Xiahou Dun nodded and said, "I heard that the cavalry of the Northern Border Army can march thousands of miles in one day and one night at the fastest speed. Our cavalry must not be able to do so. We really need to pay attention."

"It's time to open the city gate." Meng Fu on the city tower roared: "Everyone, the green mountains will not change and the green waters will flow forever. After killing Hu and making meritorious service, and the inspection mission is over, I will welcome you back here. Take care of you."

"Haha, this kid is really interesting." Hou Cheng laughed and said, "He is an upright guy. I will definitely have a good competition with him later, so let's go."

Teams of cavalry passed through the city, and several leading generals bowed their hands and bid farewell to Meng Fu. Although they didn't know Meng Fu, they only knew Meng Fu's words and the fact that Meng Fu's troops were stationed on the Great Wall to defend against the barbarians. It is worthy of everyone's deep friendship.

After a group of cavalry left the city, they increased the speed of their horses to the fastest speed, but the [-] cavalry led by Zhang Liao and others were obviously much faster than the others. Walking at the forefront, the marching speed of the others was about the same.

(End of this chapter)

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