Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 468: Patriarch Gongsun 2

Chapter 468: Patriarch Gongsun 2
The person who came was the patriarch of the Gongsun family. The person in charge of the Gongsun family was not too young. He was also Gongsun Yuan's grandfather. In terms of seniority, all the children of the Gongsun family present today were his grandchildren.

"See Patriarch." Everyone knelt down to salute, but Gongsun Yuan said dissatisfiedly: "Patriarch, isn't it too abrupt to do this?"

Gongsun Yuan said this because he was the eldest grandson of the eldest house, and he was born to think about the future and safety of the Gongsun family.Therefore, as long as there is something that may affect the future of the Gongsun family, he will be the first to stand up.

It's not that Gongsun Yuan is hypocritical, nor is it that he likes to show off. This is his natural responsibility, and every child of the Gongsun family should bear the responsibility.Several other people actually complained in their hearts, but due to their identities, they could only complain in their hearts.

The man stared at Gongsun Yuan appreciatively and nodded, and then said: "This time I called you back, I do have something to discuss with you, I know you will be a little dissatisfied, but wait until I finish talking. "

Two servants helped the Patriarch onto the chair, and Gongsun Yuan and the others turned their heads and stood on both sides.

After a while, the head of the family said: "Let's all sit down, don't be restrained, we are all a family, today's matter is actually a family matter. But it is related to the future of my Gongsun family."

After hearing this, Gongsun Yuan and the others looked at each other. It was obvious that they still didn't know what the Patriarch's words meant. However, Gongsun Yuan took the lead and sat down. Anyway, things have to be said.

"I'm getting old, and time is running out." The head of the family said, "But you children are still young, and the Gongsun family needs you to work hard for it.

Children, it is indeed a bit inappropriate to call you here today.You are all generals in the army now, bound by military regulations and discipline.It must be wrong for me to use the family rules this time. Grandpa first apologizes to you. "

After finishing speaking, the Patriarch struggled to salute, Gongsun Yuan and others immediately knelt down, and Gongsun Yuan even supported him and said, "Patriarch, that's not what I meant."

"Hehe, you, hey." The Patriarch smiled and said, "You child, if I do something wrong, it is a mistake, especially at this critical time.

Let me ask you one thing first, how do you think my Gongsun family is now, how is Beijiang?What will my Gongsun family look like in the future? "

"The Gongsun family is already the largest family in Northern Xinjiang." Gongsun Yuan replied: "Nowadays, my Gongsun family has such heroes as Taiwei and General, which dooms my Gongsun family's status in Northern Xinjiang.

As long as there are no accidents, my Gongsun family will definitely be very prosperous in the future. Of course, if there is an accident, maybe it will.It's just that with the Taiwei and the general around, what can happen to my Gongsun family. "

"Hehe, you are young." The Patriarch shook his head and smiled, "Yuan'er, do you know the gap between you and Xu'er?"

"Ah? With the lord?" Gongsun Yuan said in surprise: "The lord is a rare hero, how can I compare with him?"

The head of the family nodded and said: "Xu'er is better than you in many aspects. Of course, you are also very good. However, your child's vision is far worse than Xu'er's. You, you are only worthy of Xu'er in your life. Pick up your shoes."

"Grandson has been taught." Gongsun Yuan nodded and said: "Please let the Patriarch express it."

"If it's a continuation, he will definitely talk about the current situation in the world, and then analyze the situation in northern Xinjiang." After analyzing these, he will talk about the future of my Gongsun family.

You are all young talents of my Gongsun family, and I am proud of you, but, children, if the Gongsun family is to prosper, they need you to become better and smarter.

In recent years, my Gongsun family has been able to emerge from a bitterly cold place in Liaodong and become the largest family in northern Xinjiang. It is all thanks to the Taiwei and the Great General. Both father and son are heroes of my Gongsun family.

It's just that the Gongsun family did feel sorry for them a lot back then. If those unpleasant things hadn't happened back then, I think the Gongsun family would have developed better.

The past is irreversible, but fortunately neither the Taiwei nor the General are people who forget their origins.Otherwise, my Gongsun family may never be able to leave Liaodong to get a place. "

Gongsun Yuan and the others listened quietly, there must be something else in the Patriarch's words, they were all trying to figure it out carefully.

"Children, it is indeed a blessing for the Gongsun family to have two outstanding talents, the Taiwei and the Great General, in the Gongsun family." The head of the family continued: "I hope you understand one thing. If the Taiwei and his son are here, my Gongsun family is here." , if the Taiwei father and son are not here, my Gongsun family may be destroyed, understand?"

"Understood." Gongsun Yuan and the others answered with hands folded. Gongsun Zan and his son were indeed the pride of their Gongsun family.

"Yuan'er, you are very good." The head of the family looked at Gongsun Yuan and said, "At the beginning you were able to let go of the airs of the eldest son of the house and serve as a soldier in the army, but in the end you still accepted that as the master. I am proud of your choice.

Hehe, back then your father had been arguing with me over this matter for a long time. Hey, in their generation, there is only one outstanding talent, the Taiwei, and the rest are hard to be responsible for.

Fortunately, your generation is not bad, I have already seen hope.You will all be the pillars of the Gongsun family in the future, so I will ask you a few questions now.

If someone will do something that endangers the Gongsun family in the future, what will you do?If anyone wants to hurt the Taiwei or the general, what will you do?If one day you had to choose between these two, what would you do?Think about it all. "

Gongsun Yuan and the others were dumbfounded when they heard these three questions. The first two questions were fine, and they could answer them without hesitation, but the third question was to ask them to make an agreement between the Taiwei father and son and the Gongsun family. choice?How do they answer this?
If they were disloyal to the Taiwei and the Great General, they would definitely not do this, but if they did something that endangered the Gongsun family, how would they be willing?
When everyone didn't know how to answer, Gongsun Yuan suddenly knelt in front of the Patriarch and said, "Please teach me, Patriarch, we are stupid and don't know the meaning of Patriarch's words."

"Hey, don't you even see through this?" The head of the family said in a slightly disappointed tone: "Or you have already made a choice but dare not say it. In fact, from the day you recognize your son as the master, don't you just make a decision?" Have you made a choice? Are you afraid to say it because I, a bad old man, is the head of the family?
Children, let me tell you that if Xu'er is here, the Gongsun family will be there. If Xu'er is in danger, the Gongsun family will be in decline. Do you understand? "

"Ah, Patriarch, this..." Most people didn't know how to answer after hearing this, but Gongsun Yuan seemed to have heard something, and he continued to ask: "Could it be that something happened in the city? Patriarch, this,,,,,,"

"People have short-term worries without long-term considerations. Children, no matter whether Xu'er is the ruler of the Gongsun family in the future, you must remember that only he can make the Gongsun family prosperous."

"We will keep the Patriarch's words in mind." Everyone replied in unison.

"Okay, then let me tell you something now." Patriarch said: "In today's world, the princes are in chaos. Since Dong Zhuo's death, the Xiliang Army has become a mess. The former No. [-] army in the world no longer exists. .

Xu'er and the Northern Border Army under his command naturally became the largest force in the world, which is a good thing, but at the same time, Xu'er had to face more troubles and dangers.

The reason why the Guandong Allied Forces attacked Dong Zhuo was not only because Dong Zhuo was in chaos, but also because Dong Zhuo was too powerful, so the other princes had to unite.

Nowadays, the power of other princes cannot compare with Xu'er. It is hard to guarantee that they will not unite to deal with Xu'er one day. You are in a hurry, no matter when and where, you must always support Xu'er, understand? "


"I am very happy that you can join the army and become a general in the army. In troubled times, only strength can save us. You and Xu'er are brothers of the same clan, and only sincere cooperation can keep my parents and grandchildren prosperous.

Xu'er is a smart boy, he will lead the Gongsun family to new heights.But it will also require your death-defying allegiance.I don't want anyone to hold back Xu'er in the future.

I am old and time is running out.The Gongsun family will be yours from now on.And this world will continue.Xu'er may be inseparable from Gongsun's family, but Gongsun's family is absolutely inseparable from Gongsun Xu, so don't have any doubts.

No matter who it is in the future, if someone does something to hurt Xu'er, you must charge to the forefront to protect Xu'er's life. My Gongsun family must not be a coward. "

"We swear to defend our lord to the death. If we violate this promise, we will be punished by heaven and earth."

"Okay, okay, this is the good son of my Gongsun family, this is the son of my Gongsun family." The head of the family took off the finger wrench and said: "This is a token of my Gongsun family, you must all know it.

The world is impermanent, and I can't guarantee what will happen in the future. Maybe in some cases you will do something against your will.

As long as your starting point is good, I think you can be forgiven.However, no matter where you are or what situation you are in in the future, as long as you see this finger wrench, it is like seeing me in person.Today's oath, no matter how many years, you must remember.I have handed over the Gongsun family to Xu'er, and it depends on whether you can help Xu'er well. "

Everyone looked serious when they heard this. They are all passionate men, and their minds are relatively simple. They have not been polluted by those dirty things in the family.

Therefore, the words of the Patriarch today fell deeply in their hearts.Compared with those older elders in the family, they may not be cunning enough, but at least they are sincere enough, they don't have too many tricks, and they are not greedy for life or fear of death.

"You are all fine. Tomorrow I will go and talk to Xu'er in person about this matter." The family said: "Children, the world will be yours. Yuan'er stays first, and the rest go outside and wait."


The rest of the people got up and left, leaving Gongsun Yuan in the house. They knew that there were some things that only a few people could know. This was the privilege and responsibility of the eldest grandson of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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