Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 469 One Year Rest 1

Chapter 469 Taking a Break for a Year 1
After everyone left, Gongsun Yuan asked: "Patriarch, is there anything important?"

"Come here." The Patriarch waved and said, "What do you think of the current situation in Northern Xinjiang?"

"Everything is under the control of the lord." Gongsun Yuan replied without thinking: "The generals in the army all respect the name of the general."

"Hehe, everyone respects you." The head of the family smiled and said, "It's not bad to have such a big influence among the soldiers in the army, but Yuan'er, you can't just focus on one point when looking at the problem.

You may have considered the thoughts of those ministers in the court, you may have considered the thoughts of those aristocratic families.Xu'er has always been committed to the construction of the army. In troubled times, the only way to seize the army is the kingly way. This is indeed true.

However, Xu'er ignored those aristocratic families a little bit.In other words, Xu'er didn't have time to deal with some things temporarily, after all, he was too busy now.

Those who hide in a dark corner and wait for an opportunity will not miss the opportunity to attack Xu'er, Yuan'er, you have to keep an eye on these people for Xu'er all the time, and don't let these people hurt Xu'er one by one cents.

You have been serving in the selection army, and now you are the leader of several major lieutenants in the army, which is enough to show your ability.However, as the head of the family, I not only ask you to be the sharp sword in Xu'er's hands, but I also want to be Xu'er's shield.

The Xuanfeng Army is indeed the best in the world, but after all, there are not many people, and it is impossible to continue to expand the Xuanfeng Army.You are a talented general, do you want to continue serving as a captain in the draft army?

You should become the commander in chief of an army, and in the future, you will grow up to be Xu'er's right-hand man.Zhao Yun and Yan Liang are indeed great generals, and I believe they will serve honestly under Xu'er.

But sometimes there are things these outsiders can't do, and even, they will be used by others, understand?At this time, you need to stand up and overcome all obstacles for Xuer.

What I said, maybe you don't understand it very well, but you have to remember that Xu'er needs you, and your responsibility is to help Xu'er. If any son of the Gongsun family blocks Xu'er in the future, you have to get rid of him for Xu'er. "

"What does the Patriarch mean?" Gongsun Yuan questioned, "You mean someone from within the Gongsun family will come out to oppose the lord? Otherwise, how can you say that General Zhao Yun can't control them?"

"It's good that you know, I can't say for sure about many things now." The head of the family said calmly: "Not all the children of the Gongsun family are so good. use.

After my Gongsun family became the largest family in northern Xinjiang, others naturally became jealous.Those people didn't dare to come out, because my Gongsun family has Taiwei and General, but they will definitely choose to attack behind the scenes.

And, hehe, the Gongsun family also has scum.Hey, in short, these things are left to you.To protect Xu'er is to protect Gongsun's family. You must remember your responsibilities. "

"Grandson understands." Gongsun Yuan replied, "I will definitely remove all obstacles for my lord."

"Sometimes things will go beyond your imagination." The Patriarch said again: "Son, let me ask you, if one day the Taiwei and the General turned against each other, how would you choose?"

"This, how is this possible." Gongsun Yuan said in surprise: "They are father and son, this kind of thing will definitely not happen. The Lord is thoughtful, he will definitely not let such a thing happen, this..."

"Hehe, you." The head of the family nodded Gongsun Yuan and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, my child. Remember, protecting Xuer is to protect Gongsun's family. Many things are not as simple as you imagine, but You will always have only one responsibility, keep it in your heart."

"No, grandson understands." Gongsun Yuan seemed to understand the meaning of the Patriarch's words.

"You quit too. I'm tired. I'll go to Xu'er to apologize tomorrow, understand? Xu'er has a kind heart, and there are some things he can't do. He will always treat you like a big brother, but you have to remember , he is your master, remember."

"No, my grandson will keep it in my heart,,,,,,"

Early the next morning, Gongsun Yuan and others came to Gongsun Xu's mansion to plead guilty, even though they had already asked for leave through due process, but because they were the children of Gongsun's family, they had to come to Gongsun Xu to plead guilty.

"Brother, what are you doing, and you guys, what do you mean by this?" Gongsun Xugang heard the report that all the young masters of the Gongsun family had come, so he rushed over immediately, only to see him kneeling on the ground. of the people.

"My lord, the last general left his post without the lord's permission, please punish him."

"Haha, I thought it was a big deal, you guys." Gongsun Xu laughed and said, "Get up, I have received the news that you all went home after due process, so There is no problem with emotion and reason, what kind of crime is this.

Get up, there are only military regulations in the army, and you have not violated military regulations, so I have no reason to punish you.Brother, you should set an example first, otherwise, what kind of words are brothers kneeling like this. "

Only then did Gongsun Yuan and the others stand up. In fact, Gongsun Xu knew everything that happened yesterday. Not only did his subordinates inquire about the situation clearly, but more importantly, the Patriarch of the Gongsun family came over last night to investigate the situation. The situation is clear.

They were all brothers of the Gongsun family, so Gongsun Xu had no reason not to believe them. Besides, they had done nothing wrong, and Gongsun Xu would not blame them.

"Brother, you came just in time." Gongsun Xu smiled and said, "Your Majesty's reward has come down. Brothers have worked hard these days, and this time His Majesty has a big reward. Come, take a look."

Gongsun Xu handed over the list of rewards to everyone, except for Gongsun Yuan, the rest of the people were all smiling, after all, they had been very busy during this period of time.

Seeing Gongsun Yuan frowning, Gongsun Xu patted Gongsun Yuan on the shoulder and asked, "What's the matter, are you not satisfied with the award? Tell me if you are unhappy."

"Oh, no." Gongsun Yuan explained: "In terms of rewards, this is already quite generous. But, my lord, why did you transfer me to the guard of Youzhou? I..."

"Why, isn't it good to command most of the soldiers and horses on the outskirts of Youzhou?" Gongsun Xu said with a smile: "This is a good job. No matter how many people want it, they can't get it."

When the others heard that it was the guard of Youzhou, they all stared at Gongsun Yuan excitedly.If Gongsun Yuan can become the general of Youzhou, then the younger generation of Gongsun's family will have a second big man with a heavy hand.

"The last general is still young, and there is still a lot to learn." Gongsun Yuan declined, "Besides, the last general's wish is to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, not to hide at home and enjoy the blessings.

My lord has known for a long time that I want to leave the forward selection army to lead the army, so I asked for the post of Youzhou guard for the general, and the general is very grateful.

But, my lord, do you think I should waste my time where there is no war?The last general would rather go to Liaodong or grasslands and other bitter cold places to behead the general and mow the flag for the lord.

Since ancient times, Wenrou Township has been the tomb of heroes, and the general is still young. Please send the general to the most dangerous place. I will guard the territory for the lord and resist foreign enemies. "

"Brother, you can think clearly." Gongsun Xu said: "My father wanted to come to the post of Youzhou Guard for you, and you must be qualified for it with your talents.

If you go to that bitter cold place, not to mention the harsh conditions, you may have to face the enemy's swords and guns all the time. You are the eldest grandson of the Gongsun family, so you don't have to suffer this kind of suffering. "

"My lord, is this insulting the last general?" Gongsun Yuan asked: "Others are generals, and so am I, Gongsun Yuan. If they treat me like this because they are the eldest son of the Gongsun family, how will other people treat my Gongsun family.

The last time I suffered a loss at the hands of that guy Xiahoudun, I realized the gap between myself and the heroes of the world. A single Xiahoudun beat me to the point where I couldn't hold my head up. Hmph, I must avenge this revenge.

My lord, please let me go to the frontier, I am going to command the northern border army to guard the territory.Whoever dares to invade my northern border, I will make him keep his head. "

"Yes, my lord, and I." Gongsun Yu also said at this time: "Don't tell me you were beaten by Xiahou Dun last time, Xiahou Yuan
The old man also shot me with an arrow, I want to avenge this revenge, my Gongsun family should throw their heads and blood on the battlefield. "

"That's what I'm waiting for, please be fulfilled, my lord."

The rest all knelt down and begged for orders, none of them wanted to waste their lives in their comfortable positions.Even if he can enjoy the glory and wealth of his life in this way, so what, a good man should live a chic life, not just enjoy happiness.

"Okay, okay, the children of my Gongsun family are indeed good men." Gongsun continued to praise: "Brother, since you have said so, then I will help you.

Ever since Hua Xiong was transferred to the Hetao side, Yan Liang had been writing letters saying that he lacked useful people.He often had wars with the Xianbei people there, and it was not a good place.

How about this, you can take Lao Qi and Lao Ba to practice there. If you can, you may still have the opportunity to serve under General Xu Rong. "

"Thank you, my lord."

Gongsun Yuan looked calm, but the two behind him looked excited. It seemed that they were also looking forward to going to the battlefield.

"Liu Liu, you said that you wanted to go to the navy to train. Now there is a shortage of people in the navy. If it is convenient for you, you can go there tomorrow. General Huang Zhong has already made a lot of achievements overseas, and I believe he will soon There is news, you have to work hard."

"No." A young man stepped forward to take the order.

"Old Ninth, don't expect anything. You'd better stay in the selection team and learn more. When you have the ability of big brother, when will you leave."

"Ah, then I can't leave." Gongsun Yu looked dejected, as if he was frustrated because he was not sent out.

"The rest of the brothers will stay at their original positions for the time being. After all, Youzhou also needs everyone's cooperation. I believe that as long as all of us brothers work together, our northern border will definitely be peaceful forever."

"I'm willing to go through fire and water for my lord, and I will not say anything." Everyone knelt down and swore to Gongsun Xu. They were all children of Gongsun's family, but they were also Gongsun Xu's subordinates.

Their oath today almost means that the younger generation of the Gongsun family will basically stand by Gongsun Xu's side, and how they will go in the future depends on how they go.

(End of this chapter)

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