Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 502 Making things difficult 2

Chapter 502 Making things difficult 2
Xia Houlan chased Xia Houyuan farther and farther, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.Zhao Yun understood that the two had private matters to resolve, so he didn't hesitate to ask. Besides, even if Xia Houlan's martial arts were not as good as the other's, it was not difficult to protect himself.

The competition between several people in the arena was still going on, Dian Wei's fighting power on the flat ground was absolutely comparable to that of Chu Chu, but if it was in the mountains and forests, Dian Wei's footwork might still have a greater advantage.

Although Xu Chu was at a disadvantage, he was able to hold the line of defense. Every one hundred rounds, it was difficult for Dian Wei to defeat him. However, Dian Wei's double halberds could completely restrain Xu Chu's sword, and Dian Wei could always find his gap Give him two feet.

Xu Chu was obese, so he was not good at this kind of fighting style. Fortunately, his skin was rough and fleshy. Even if a fierce man like Dian Wei kicked him a few times, he would be safe and sound. Not so good.

On the other side, Dianman has already suppressed Xu Yi, both of them are still children, and Xu Yi is one or two years younger than Dianman, so he must be inferior to him in terms of strength and experience.

As for Zhang Fei, although he came to be his son-in-law this time, he also forgot his identity during the fight, especially when he met a fierce general like Xia Houdun, Zhang Fei hadn't used force like this for a long time.

There is no shortage of masters in Beijiang, but Zhang Fei seldom uses ultimate moves in the competition with everyone, unless he meets an enemy on the battlefield, otherwise he will hurt his own people if he is not careful.

The last time he fought Xiahou Yuan, Zhang Fei also saved his hand. After all, he didn't know at the time whether Xia Houyuan was the father of his sweetheart. Now that the situation is clear, he doesn't need to hold back. I just came here for a draw.

Xiahou Dun is a powerful player, although his martial arts are not as good as Zhang Fei, but his indomitable momentum and desperate posture are not inferior to Zhang Fei's when they fight. In addition, he has rich experience in front of the battle. The winner is determined within.

"It's meaningless to compare anymore." Guo Jia suddenly said to Zhao Yun beside him: "It's time for them to stop. If they really hurt someone or kill someone now, I'm afraid the lord will not be able to talk."

"Hehe, should we stop now?" Zhao Yun said with a smile, "Look, military advisor, Xu Chu's face is blushing from being beaten up, and Xia Houdun only has the strength to fight back now, why not let them suffer more."

"Zilong, why have you become so bad?" Guo Jia teased: "Stop it, after all, it's on other people's territory, it's always good to save some face for them, besides, the lord wants us to inquire about each other The details, if the fight continues, I am afraid that their details will be found out by the other side."

"That's right. The military advisor was right to remind you." Zhao Yun nodded and said, "Well, I'll tell them to stop."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yun rode his horse forward and accelerated, the Yajiao spear in his hand kept shaking. When passing by Dianman and Xu Yi, Zhao Yun's long spear flicked, and the two weapons were shaken away. Zhao Yun said to Dianman: "Go back and wait for orders." .”

Dianman took the order to leave. Xu Yi had never met Zhao Yun, but he had heard of Zhao Yun's reputation. When he saw Dianman leave, he didn't dare to stay for long, so he backed away.

"Yide, stop, Xiahoudun is now your elder." Zhao Yun shouted: "Everyone is just fighting, don't be too friendly."

"This kind of person can also be my elder." Zhang Fei replied: "You don't want to see what kind of guy he is, that's all, I will listen to you today, and beat him another day."

Zhao Yun was speechless, and he could only turn his head to stare at Dian Wei and Dian Wei. Of course Dian Wei knew what Zhao Yun meant, but he shouted: "It's not that I don't want to stop, but the idiot is still addicted to playing. If he doesn't stop, how can I?" can stop."

"Bastard, you stop first, I will let go naturally." Xu Chu scolded: "I think you are a guest, if not, I will definitely kill you here today."

"Hahahaha, Zilong, you heard that too." Dian Wei laughed and said, "This bastard still wants to kill me, how can I keep him. You thief, let's see how I can take your head today."

Just as they were talking, the movements of the hands of the two seemed to be accelerating again, but just when the two were about to use their unique moves, Zhao Yun's long spear shook out countless spear points to cover Xu Chu, and then forced Dian and Wei to separate up.

Xu Chu only felt that Zhao Yun's spear had been tapped more than a dozen times by the tip of Zhao Yun's spear. In such a short moment, Zhao Yun's spear could be swung at such an extreme speed.

Xu Chu put away his sword, looked at Zhao Yun and said, "You are good at spears, let's compete some other day."

"I will definitely accompany you." Zhao Yun cupped his hands and replied, "If you are not convinced, let Dianwei compete with you another day."

"Hmph, Zilong, you think highly of him too." Dian Wei sneered, "This guy can throw stones. I guess he got it from hunting birds at home."

"You,,,,,," Xu Chu was about to scold back, but Dian Wei didn't bother to pay attention to him, and just got on his horse and left.In this martial arts competition, Xu Chu suffered the most in the end. Now that his mount has broken a leg, even if it can be cured, it will probably be a few months later.

"General Cao Ren, Mr. Cao shouldn't be treating guests like this." Zhao Yun shouted to Cao Ren, "If this gets out, won't you be afraid that the heroes of the world will laugh at you?"

"General Zhao was joking." Cao Ren cupped his hands and replied, "This is a sparring between generals. It's nothing more than normal. Even if it gets out, it will only become a good story. My lord has already prepared a banquet in front of you. Come.

Now that Miaocai and that young general haven't come back, I think we should send someone to look for it, Miaocai has a bad temper, it would be bad if he hurt that young general. "

"I'm back." A roar came from afar, but it was Xia Houyuan galloping back, and after a while, Xia Houlan also chased him back.

However, Xiahoulan's helmet fell off, and it seemed that Xiahoulan suffered a disadvantage in the fight between the two.

"Miaocai, how can you be so reckless." Cao Ren scolded, "If you hurt the other party, how can you explain to General Gongsun? My lord has already said that the visitor is a guest, and I will do my best as a landlord."

"Hmph, he has no ability himself, so do you still blame me for being merciless?" Xia Houyuan turned his head and argued, "I have already kept my hand, if not, he would be decapitated now."

"You, hey." Cao Ren turned his head and apologized to Zhao Yun: "General Zhao, please forgive me. Miaocai has such a personality. My lord scolded him a lot. Is this little general injured? I have good healing medicine." . "

"Thank you very much." Xia Houlan replied coldly: "His little ability can't hurt me."

Zhao Yun nodded to Xia Houlan, motioning him to back down, and then Zhao Yun said to Cao Ren, "You can set off."

"Of course, please." Cao Ren said to the people in front of him: "Our army has prepared a banquet thirty miles ahead, just to clean up the dust for you."

Everyone joined forces and marched forward. After observing, Cao Ren discovered that there were actually not that many people on Zhao Yun's side, but Zhao Yun's side carried more than 1 horses. Looking from a distance, people who don't know it will really feel that there are so many horses. Tens of thousands of cavalry.

After more than an hour, everyone came to a camp. Zhao Yun ordered his subordinates to set up camp by themselves. He didn't want to live in the other party's camp. Who knew if there would be danger inside.

However, they still went to the banquet as promised.When Zhao Yun and the others came to the gate of Cao Jun's camp, they saw a wine jar hanging on the camp gate. It seemed that if they wanted to enter the camp gate, they had to get rid of the wine jar first.

"General Zhao, you also said that everyone who comes is a guest." Cao Ren appeared at the gate of the camp and shouted: "Friends who come to my camp must drink, but the wine is not so good.

If you can drink the wine before the jar hits the ground, I, Cao Ren, will invite you to come in as guests. If you can’t, please go back. If you have no skills, don’t come as guests. Oh, yes, General Zhao , You must stand a hundred steps away. "

Everyone on Zhao Yun's side understood it. It turned out that this was the situation. Cao Ren was purely making things difficult. He stood a hundred steps away and drank the wine jar before it hit the ground. This was either deliberately finding fault or something.

"Bastard, Zilong, let's go in like this. I'll see what they can do to us." Zhang Fei scolded: "What, it's a shame to save face. If the lord didn't tell me again and again, I must remove it today." Their arms."

"Yide, don't be impulsive." Zhao Yun stopped and said, "I can't trouble me with this little thing, but I think they should have a backup, Huang Xu, come and help me.

I will shoot down the wine jar later, you have to keep an eye on the gate of the camp to see if anyone will come to stop it, if someone throws a sniper arrow to cause damage, you have to stop him. "

"No, the last general will take the order." After Huang Xu finished speaking, he took out his bow and arrow and stared ahead.

Zhao Yun drew three arrows and put them on the bow. He stared at the front and said slowly: "One arrow breaks the rope, and the other two arrows nail the wine jar. Even if you want to destroy it, let me see how you can block my three arrows at the same time." .”

After finishing speaking, the arrow in Zhao Yun's hand flew forward at the same time. The moment Zhao Yun shot, Xia Houyuan suddenly appeared at the gate of the camp.

Huang Xu's speed was not slow, the moment Xia Houyuan let go, Huang Xu also let go.

Suddenly there was the sound of two arrows colliding in the air, and then four arrows fell to the ground. Huang Xu said shamefully, "I'm sorry, General, I didn't expect him to shoot two arrows."

"It's okay, if Xia Houyuan really only has this ability, then it's fine." Zhao Yun said with a smile: "Anyway, we also took down the wine jar, Yide, go and get the wine jar."

Zhang Fei rode his horse and rushed forward. At this moment, the rope of the wine jar had been shot off, and the jar was nailed to the camp gate. Although it was a bit different from Zhao Yun's idea, he still did it.

"Zhao Yun's sharp shooting is beyond my reach." Xia Houyuan said to Cao Ren beside him, "Three arrows in one hand are really powerful."

"Don't be discouraged by Miaocai. Your talent is not inferior to him. In time, you will surely surpass him." Cao Ren said in relief, "He only has three arrows in one hand. You can definitely do four arrows in one hand, or even more."

"Hehe, I'm joking." Xia Houyuan laughed awkwardly. He didn't tell Cao Ren how difficult it is to practice three arrows in one hand. An archer can control three arrows with one hand at most, and he has to guarantee this The direction of the three arrows and the difficulty involved are beyond the comprehension of outsiders.

As for the so-called four arrows in one hand or ten arrows in one hand, unless the person has dozens of fingers, how can he control so many arrows at the same time?

(End of this chapter)

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