Chapter 503
A few people from Zhao Yun's side finally entered the camp of Cao Jun. This is only the camp where Cao Ren led the troops. These are the generals of Cao Cao.

In Cao Jun's camp, in Cao Ren's big tent, two groups of people sat facing each other. Cao Ren, as the host, naturally sat on the chairman's chair, while Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, and Xu Chu stared at the people opposite.

Zhang Fei and Dian Wei ate and drank there like nothing had happened, completely ignoring the murderous eyes of the three people on the opposite side. From their point of view, the three people on the opposite side were nothing to be afraid of. It was the three of them who went up together. Wei felt that he could handle it.

"General Zhao, my lord has already promised this marriage." Cao Ren raised his glass to Zhao Yun and said, "This is also a happy event for our family. I heard that General Zhang Fei has not married yet. I am very anxious to hear that. , Little General Huang Xu is the son of a general. I admire General Huang Zhong's bravery very much, even that Lu Bu is also General Huang Zhong's defeated general.

This time is really God's will, God wants to match my two nieces with Zhang Fei and little general Huang Xu, come on, everyone, for our family's happy event, let's have a drink together, let go of any unhappy things for the time being , now we are our own people, we must not cause any unpleasantness. "

Everyone raised their glasses and drank this glass of wine. No matter what unpleasantness everyone has, they still have to drink the first glass of wine, otherwise how can we talk about the rest of the matter.

"By the way, Yide, Huang Xu, my Cao family and Xiahou's family are family friends." Cao Ren said to the two: "The affairs of Xiahou's family are also the affairs of my Cao family.

This time you are going to marry my two nieces, we elders are of course happy, but my two families also have family rules, presumably it is the same in every aristocratic family.

Well, the person sitting across from you is my niece’s uncle. In order to show your sincerity, the two of you should go up and call him uncle, and then each of you should toast, otherwise people will laugh at us. The son-in-law of etiquette, the general will lose face when the words are spread. "

"What, you want me to toast them." Zhang Fei said angrily: "You are still sitting on my elders, are you stupid? Mean, do you look down on my lord?

Hmph, it doesn't matter if you look down on me, if anyone dares to look down on my lord or speak ill of my lord, don't blame me for being rude. "

The few people on the opposite side were going to watch Zhang Fei's jokes, and they all stared at him with mocking eyes. Who would have thought that this guy would drag the matter to Gongsun Xu.

Although they are all older than Gongsun Xu, and they can indeed be Gongsun Xu's uncle according to their seniority, but none of them dare to say so.

Not to mention Gongsun Xu's identity, Dian Wei and Zhao Yun who are facing him are not of the same generation as Gongsun Xu, this is a matter of etiquette, who dares to say that he is a generation older than his lord.

Xia Houyuan and the others have only now learned about Zhang Fei's cunning. He looks carefree on the surface, but in fact his heart is like a mirror. Now they understand a saying circulated in the Northern Xinjiang Army: Zhang Fei is bold when piercing a needle. Careful.

At this time Huang Xu stood up to ease the atmosphere and said: "Uncles, how did my son-in-law get here for the first time, please forgive me for any incomprehension.

I won't say much, these five glasses of wine represent my heart, father-in-law, please rest assured, I will definitely treat your daughter well, he is living quite well in Bingzhou now, we will get married when my father comes back. "

After finishing speaking, Huang Xu even drank five cups, and the people on the opposite side cupped their hands to signal that they were not interested in getting entangled with Huang Xu. If Huang Zhong was here, they might say a few more words, but Huang Xu Forget about this kid, if this gets out, people won't laugh at him to death.

"It's not impossible to be my son-in-law." Xia Houyuan said: "Things are settled like this, as long as the two children live well.

But this etiquette must not be missed, did you bring the bride price?Ordinary betrothal gifts are not acceptable, my Xiahou family is a famous family, so don't try to trick us with some low-end things. "

Xia Houyuan has already said this, which means it is obvious that he is going to ask for something.However, when Xia Houyuan said that Xiahou's family is a famous family, the inconspicuous Xia Houlan on the opposite side suddenly snorted coldly, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

But no one cared about Xia Houlan's unhappiness, but Zhang Fei, who looked up at Xia Houyuan, as if he was looking at a farmer who came to the city for the first time.

"I know what you want." Zhang Fei said: "War horses, food, ordnance, hehe, don't think too much, I can tell you, these are the secrets of my northern army, unless there is a warrant from my lord , otherwise no one can even think of calling a point.

If my lord finds out about your intentions, I'm afraid Cao Cao will feel embarrassed too. If I marry a daughter-in-law, I won't have to sell my lord. "

"Uh, here, General Yide was joking." Cao Ren quickly laughed and said, "Of course these things are the secrets of the Northern Frontier Army, how could we be such ignorant people.

But everything is subject to negotiation, the general can still sell some military supplies, besides, this is a dowry gift, and it needs to be sincere, otherwise how can it show the sincerity of General Yide. "

"That's right, what's wrong with me asking for something? If you can't afford it, don't slap your face like a fat man here." Xia Houyuan turned his head and scolded: "Poor ghost, seeing how stingy you are, I know that you must not be generous to your wife.

I don’t want too many. After all, I will be relatives in the future. Each of you will have [-] horses, [-] cows, and [-] sheep. Besides, no one will give me the regular spears, swords, infantry armor, and cavalry armor of the Northern Xinjiang Army. Three thousand sets, this matter is settled like this, I will invite relatives and friends to organize this happy event later. "

"How about sending you another [-] elite cavalry?" Zhang Fei rolled his eyes and said, "In this way, you can take people to rob things. Then I will tell the lord that you will go out from Yanmen, and I guarantee you one or two." After a year, you will be as rich as an enemy."

"This, this is fine." Xia Houyuan nodded and replied, "Anyway, you are not short of these things in Northern Xinjiang."

"Okay, it's easy." Zhang Fei said sarcastically, "Go to Puyang and ask Lu Bu for it. He owes me a lot, so just give me my name."

Zhang Liao spit out his drink as he listened to the sidelines. He didn't expect Zhang Fei to be so good at teasing, and he even pulled out his lord. Isn't this just turning around and scolding Xia Houyuan for daydreaming.

Xia Houyuan understood that he was being teased, he slammed the wine glass and cursed: "Bastard, what are you, Zhao Yun, what are you doing here, if you don't have the sincerity to propose marriage, get out."

"There is sincerity, and I can grab a lot." Zhang Fei replied first: "But I should give this dowry to my brother-in-law. When will it be your turn? My daughter-in-law is not your daughter. At most, I will give you some money. Repay your kindness of nurturing these years."

Huang Xu also stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Well, my father-in-law, although my son-in-law has some money, he can't afford to spend it like this. If my father finds out about this, he may come back to reason with his father-in-law, and then he will be in a stalemate." How bad.

Before I came, my sister also told me that I must meet the requirements of my father-in-law. For this reason, she also gave me a hard-earned BMW from my brother-in-law, saying that it was for my father-in-law. Look, If my brother-in-law knew about this, he wouldn't beat me to death later. "

"Who is your brother-in-law? He is so generous." Xu Chu scolded stupidly: "I am not afraid of giving my woman a sweaty BMW to another man, haha, it is now, look at your sister's back Let your brother-in-law give the BMW to someone else, hahaha."

"Huang Xu's older sister is called Huang Diewu." Dian Wei said coldly, "She is one of the mistresses of my family. His brother-in-law is the lord of my family. Today's great general, you are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you speak. Cao Cao didn't teach you to be so rampant. Are you a man? Or is it that he only taught him the ability to snatch other people's brides with Yuan Shao back then, and he would just mess around."

"Uh, here, what Zhongkang said." Cao Ren said responsibly, "If you can't speak, don't talk nonsense, just drink your wine.

Don't be angry, everyone, Zhongkang is not very smart.Let me see it this way, I'll be a middleman, according to what Miao just said, half of everything will be paid, Xiahou's family will also return the dowry, you will definitely not suffer. "

"Don't pretend to be a good person." Zhang Fei said dissatisfiedly: "I will give you five hundred horses, which is regarded as a bride price. If there are more, there will be nothing. If you think it is too little, I will give you a few hundred pigs. I have plenty of these things."

"You, how dare you humiliate me like this." Xia Houyuan wanted to curse, but he was afraid that his eloquence was not as good as Zhang Fei, so he held back.

Pork is something that lowly people eat. Even if they eat meat, they eat lamb or beef. Unless it is when the army is short of food, they generally don't eat pork.

"Are you my daughter-in-law's father?" Zhang Fei asked, "I'm giving you five hundred horses because of your kindness in nurturing him. Don't forget to give me back the equivalent dowry, or I will come to the door when the time comes." want."

"In addition to the hard-earned BMW for my father-in-law, I will give another thousand horses, two thousand cattle and sheep." Huang Xu also cupped his hands and said, "This is all my property. I can't touch my father's things. Otherwise, my father will come back to find his father-in-law to go back."

"Hmph, reckless man, reckless man, I, Xia Houyuan's married daughter, still have to bargain with you." Xia Houyuan scolded: "What a reckless man, pity my two children, alas."

"Well, my lord also sent a thousand horses, a thousand sets of cavalry armor, a thousand spears, and a thousand swords." Guo Jia said, "There are also fifty books on my northern Xinjiang specialties. How about it?"

"Fifty books?" Xia Houyuan said in surprise, "It's the kind of light and small books that are worth thousands of gold."

"Exactly." Guo Jia said with a smile, "Except for my lord, who else has such skills."

"Uh, why don't you?" Xia Houyuan replied, "Why don't you give up the spear and saber, and how about giving me another two hundred books?"

"Uh, this,,,,,," Guo Jia said awkwardly: "I'm afraid I have to go back and discuss it with my lord, but I promise you first."

"Okay, okay, okay, hahahaha." Xia Houyuan laughed loudly and said, "That's what makes sense, that's what makes sense, hahaha." "

(End of this chapter)

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