Chapter 910
"Kill me,,,,,," Gongsun Yuan waved his hand, and the commando who had been waiting for a long time rushed out immediately. The soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army looked at the shields and ladders, and rushed towards the tower with their weapons. At this moment, the tower The defenders on the ground were already overwhelmed by the continuous explosions. As for the deputy general who commanded the defenders to fight, he was very unlucky, and now he couldn't even find a complete body.

"Blow up the city gate and kill in..." The captain commanding the commando commanded the soldiers carrying small explosive packs around him and shouted: "Quick, blow up the city gate while the enemy army is in chaos!" , move quickly,,,,,, "

For this kind of siege battle, the Beijiang Army has practiced many times during this period, and it has also practiced many times in the previous confrontation with Cao Jun, so all the soldiers of the commando knew what they should do.

Not long after, the trebuchet stopped firing, and the archers stepped forward to cover the commando. With a loud noise, the city gate was blown to pieces, but when the commando entered, they realized that the enemy had almost run away. However, there are only two kinds of people who stayed on the tower and didn't escape, one was the one who couldn't die anymore, and the other was the one who was too injured to move.

As for gunpowder, after Gongsun Xu developed it, he only used it in the grasslands and when he was dealing with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. Jingzhou knew very little about gunpowder. In addition, it didn’t take much time for the Northern Frontier Army to defeat Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. Therefore, there are very few records about explosives in the intelligence scouts of the Jingzhou Army from the north, and these Jingzhou Army soldiers have rarely experienced wars, and now they have seen the power of explosives for the first time. If you don't retreat, it can only show that the Jingzhou Army is too well-trained.

After more than an hour, the deputy general ran to Gongsun Yuan and reported: "General Qi, our army has controlled four city gates, the enemy general has been captured by us, and is now recruiting the defeated defenders. General Zhang Liao sent cavalry to capture Capture the defenders who escaped from the city in the chaos, what should we do next."

"Without further delay, we were able to take this city because of the explosives, but if the enemy knows that we have such a sharp weapon, they will definitely take corresponding countermeasures." Gongsun Yuan pointed to the city and said: "We must Continue to attack the city before the news spreads, and call the enemy general, I have something to order.

In addition, all the seized materials were counted immediately, and what was needed in the army would be added to me, and an order was sent to Zhang Liao to leave [-] cavalry to wipe out the remnants of the enemy, and let him lead the army to attack the next city immediately.There are only [-] soldiers stationed here, and I will lead [-] troops to set off first, and you will lead the follow-up soldiers and horses to escort the luggage to follow.

If there is not enough manpower, all the captured enemy troops will be transferred to me. Be sure to keep up with my speed. The commander wants us to cooperate with his progress, so we must complete the task..."

"The last general takes orders,,,,,,"

Two days later, in Liu Biao's mansion in Xiangyang City, Liu Biao was in a pretty good mood today, and his body seemed to be getting better. He had a good appetite and was about to enjoy a delicious meal, but not long after he picked up the chopsticks, he saw Cai Maoman He ran in sweating profusely, then stood there without saying a word.

"De Gui is here, you haven't eaten yet, come, sit down and eat together, and try your sister's cooking." Liu Biao pointed at the seat and smiled: "It's quite difficult for your sister to cook, we are all a family, Don't be restrained, sit down and eat together."

Mrs. Cai smiled after seeing her younger brother's expression: "What's the matter, maybe the sky has fallen, and he looks like he's sweating profusely. Even though he's such an adult, he's still like a child."

Cai Hao didn't speak, just stood there blankly, when Liu Biao wanted to continue questioning, Kuai Liang, Kuai Yue and the others also hurried over, everyone's face was not very good-looking, but no one spoke.

"What happened?" Liu Biao also sensed that something was wrong, he put down his bowl and chopsticks and asked, "Tell me, is the sky falling? You are all the pillars of Jingzhou, what have you become now, just say what you want... ,,,,"

Mrs. Cai understood that it was not suitable for her to stay here at this time, she stood up slowly, and then said: "I am not feeling well, so I will step back first..."

"No, I want to know exactly what happened." Liu Biao waved his hand and said, "Tell me,,,,,,"

Cai Mao turned his head to look at Kuai Liang, and the others were also staring at Kuai Liang. Among them, he was the oldest, and generally he spoke the most weightily.

"The Northern Frontier Army attacking Nanxiang has already begun to move." Kuai Liang lowered his head and said, "The leader of the army is Gongsun Xu's brother, Gongsun Yuan. Although he is young, he has rich experience. He is the key training of Gongsun Xu. The family generals of the family,,,,,,"

"Let's get straight to the point, how was the battle in Nanxiang?"

"Northern Army, the Northern Army launched a strong attack on the second day after entering Nanxiang." Kuai Liang continued to lower his head, and he said slowly: "Gongsun Yuan commanded the main force of the army and broke through the first city that day. ,,,,,,"

"So, this Gongsun Yuan is also very good..."

"Then, then, Gongsun Yuan continued to advance without stopping. Within two days, we broke through six cities and thirteen strongholds of our army. Nearly half of our army's stronghold in Nanxiang has been wiped out..."

"Pfft,,,,,," Liu Biao, who thought there was nothing wrong at first, was about to take a sip of soup, but was so frightened by Kuai Liang's words that he sprayed it out. Mrs. Cai hurried up to wipe it for him, but Liu Biao, this Sometimes he didn't bother to take care of his own image, he slowly turned his head to look at Kuai Liang and asked, "What did you say, say it again..."

"Northern Frontier Army, within two days, six cities and thirteen strongholds of our army were destroyed, and nearly half of our army's strongholds were wiped out..."

"Degui, let me ask you, what is our army's deployment in Nanxiang and how is our defense?"

"All the cities are guarded by sufficient troops." Cai Mao replied: "Although none of the cities and villages are very tall and strong, it is not difficult to hold on to them. In addition, there is sufficient food and grass in the cities and villages, so there is no danger of being cut off. Under normal circumstances, a city can hold out for at least five or six days in the face of an enemy army ten times its size..."

"There are usually only about two or three thousand people in a city, right?" Liu Biao said, "That is to say, even if the Northern Xinjiang Army dispatched twenty or thirty thousand people to attack, it shouldn't be taken so quickly, but the result is that our army's two Nearly half of the city was lost within a few days. Do you want to tell me now that the one who attacked Nanxiang was the partial division of the Northern Army? Or do you think it was just a feint attack..."

"The combat power of the Northern Xinjiang Army is indeed strong, but I don't believe that the feint attacking troops will be so powerful." Liu Biao continued: "This must be Gao Shun mobilizing all the main forces to attack separately, otherwise how could it be possible to win the war within two days?" Don’t they need to rest after going down so many cities? Go, call everyone, I want to know the exact situation.”

"Why are you in such a hurry, it's not too late to hold a meeting after eating first..."

"Eat, eat, what else to eat, if you eat Jingzhou again, you will be gone..."

(End of this chapter)

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