Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 911 Calculating Jiang Xia 1

Chapter 911 Calculating Jiang Xia 1
In the hall, all Liu Biao's officials came together. They already knew about the battle in Nanxiang and the situation on their own side. Within two days, the Northern Border Army captured nearly half of the city wall. Who would do it for this result? It is also difficult to accept.

"Tell me, what's going on with the current situation?" Liu Biao slapped the table and shouted, "I want to know your views on this matter, whether the Northern Border Army that attacked Nanxiang belonged to Gao Shun's army or not?" Main force."

Everyone remained silent, because they didn't know how to answer. Who can tell whether the Northern Army in Nanxiang is the main force, but one thing is certain, the Northern Army in Nanxiang is very terrifying .

"Cai Mao, tell me." Liu Biao pointed to Cai Mao and asked, "Last time you concluded that the Northern Frontier Army attacking Nanxiang was the main force of Gao Shun's army. Now it seems that your original point of view is very likely to be correct. You Can you tell me what you thought at the time? How did you decide that Gao Shun turned to attack Nanxiang instead of breaking through Nanyang's southern defense line first?"

"This, my subordinates are just guessing." Cai Mao didn't know what to say now. He didn't know that the battle in Nanxiang would become like this. If Nanxiang was really the main force of Gao Shun's army, then he would be even more Don't talk nonsense.

"I told you to say,,,,,,"

"According to my subordinates, Gao Shun is not only good at using soldiers, but also very good at guessing the opponent's mind." Cai Mao said bravely, "He sent two armies, not so much to confuse our army, but to make it difficult for us. We fell into his trap and followed his train of thought. In this way, every move we made was carefully planned by him in advance.

From the superficial appearance, we would definitely guess that Gao Shun would not be so stupid as to reveal his strength to us, so we have always suspected that the northern border army in Nanxiang is a partial division, and Gao Shun's main force is most likely waiting in Nanyang. That said, the [-] vanguard troops seemed to be small in number, but it was very likely that Gao Shun did it on purpose.

Because we all think that Gao Shun is a veteran on the battlefield and an expert in the art of war, we naturally think that Gao Shun's arrangement must be exquisite, at least it won't let us see through it at a glance.It's just that, sometimes, the final general thinks that the easiest strategy to fool the opponent is not so wonderful, the key is to keep the opponent from guessing.

For example, this time, we were all wrong. Gao Shun transferred the main force to Nanxiang. His arrangement was exactly the same as on the surface. He really wanted to detour to Xincheng through Nanxiang to avoid the northern defense line of our army. , and then launch an attack on our Xiangyang, when the time comes, the troops on the northern defense line will most likely go south to deploy defenses. In this way, our army will be led by the nose by the opponent, and the initiative in the war will always fall into Gao Shun's hands middle. "

Cai Mao said a lot in one breath, he may not be very good at fighting, but if he is to reason, then he is definitely an expert.After all, he has been trained by his family since he was a child. After so many years, he has read so many books and understands a lot of truths. It must be difficult for him to practice the principles in the books, but if you ask him to say, it is definitely a piece of cake. .

"What you said is very reasonable." Liu Biao nodded and said, "The best strategy is not so subtle, the key is to make the opponent unpredictable, let the opponent's every step be in his own calculation, this is the real master .De Gui, I handed over the 20 navy to you. It seems that this decision is correct. Your understanding of the war has reached a certain height.

This time, Gao Shun plotted against us in this way. The most difficult thing to guess is the human heart.While we were speculating on Gao Shun, Gao Shun was also speculating on us, but unfortunately, we were speculated by Gao Shun. "

"My lord, the battle in Nanxiang is not good for our army. If Gao Shun's army is diverted to Xincheng to raid the west side of Xiangyang, then we will be in trouble." Kuai Liang stepped forward and said, "The most important thing now is to contain the enemy. The offensive of the army must not let our army be led by the nose by the enemy."

"It is absolutely impossible to mobilize the soldiers and horses in Xiangyang City." After thinking for a while, Liu Biao said, "We can only deploy troops from the northern defense line to deploy defenses in the Xincheng area. The most important thing is to contain the enemy's offensive."

"Report,,,,,,," outside the hall, a messenger ran in to report: "My lord, the spies are here to report that the Northern Xinjiang Army dispatched [-] troops from Nanyang to Nanxiang, and it is expected to arrive within four days Nanxiang,,,,,,,"

"No, our movements must not be slower than the enemy's." Liu Biao stood up and ordered: "Pass my order to send [-] troops from the southern area of ​​Nanyang into the new city to set up defenses. We must hold back the northern army, and we must not let them Close to Xiangyang, and the rest of the soldiers and horses will be deployed on the spot to defend the northern border army in the north of Nanyang..."

In Nanyang, Gao Shun was still rectifying the troops in the camp. In order to support the war on his side, Gongsun Xu sent another 2 elite troops. After receiving reinforcements, Gao Shun thought of Gongsun Yuan who was attacking Nanxiang. Just dispatched [-] troops, and mobilized more than [-] civilians, pretending to be [-] troops and marching towards Nanxiang. The Jingzhou Army scouts only used the number of earthen stoves and the flags of the Northern Xinjiang Army to judge the number of people. After all, the Northern Xinjiang Army The scouts of the Jingzhou army are too powerful. If the scouts of the Jingzhou army get too close, they will definitely come and kill them again.

In Yuzhou, south of Ruyin and northeast of Yiyang, an army of nearly 2 troops is speeding forward. This army keeps silent while marching.It is not an absolute elite army that will definitely not be able to do this. Among the [-] troops, there are [-] cavalry, and the remaining [-] infantry also use horses, cows, mules, etc. to travel. Simply put, the mobility of this army Very strong and goes fast every day.

The [-]-strong army is divided into three divisions, with [-] cavalry serving as the vanguard to clear obstacles and scout for intelligence. The distance between the troops is generally not more than fifty miles, and only in this way can they maintain communication with each other to deal with emergencies that may occur at any time.

"General, we have now entered the territory of Yiyang." Ji Ling rode his horse and came to Huang Zhong and said, "After passing Yiyang, we will be close to Jiangxia. Jiangxia is the place where Jingzhou's army is heavily concentrated. The last general also tried it back then. However, Jiangxia Huangzu is considered a veteran, and he is familiar with the local terrain, the navy and infantry cooperate with each other, and coupled with the cover of the city wall, the last general has not been able to capture it."

"We don't need to attack the Jingzhou army in Jiangxia." Huang Zhong nodded and smiled, "Speaking of it, this Huang Zu is still of the same family as me. Hmph, can't he rely on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River and the city walls? After Jiangxia, our army will go straight to Xiangyang, and then we will deploy soldiers and horses to ambush on the only way the Jingzhou army must pass for reinforcements, I don't believe that we can't defeat Huang Zu."

"We only have 5 people, can we take Xiangyang?" Ji Ling asked uncertainly: "Xiangyang is the strongest city wall in Jingzhou, and our number is probably too small."

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about this, the lord dispatched many soldiers and horses to besiege Xiangyang, we just do our own thing well..."

(End of this chapter)

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