Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 930 Machinations 2

Chapter 930 Machinations 2
After watching for a whole morning, the red and black sides played against each other several times. Generally speaking, Wenpin has been on the defensive, and Gao Wei's offense has become more and more crazy. In order to prevent the audience from feeling monotonous, Gongsun Xuming played together The place is divided into several areas, some are used as martial arts platforms, some are used as Cuju venues, and there is also a polo field. These are the most popular activities in the northern Xinjiang army. Gongsun Xu promoted them in the army very early. These ways of fitness and entertainment quickly mobilized the audience's emotions. Even though many people couldn't understand it, the lively atmosphere had already risen.

The lively day passed quickly, and Gongsun Xu was already familiar to many celebrities in Jingchu. The patriarchs of some aristocratic families wanted to find a chance to chat with Gongsun Xu, and many people discovered that the Northern Border Army and other The difference in the local army, the wilderness atmosphere, even these literati who don't understand military affairs can feel it, which is what is lacking in the Jingchu area.

After dark, the audience went back three times in a row. Only then did the yellow disc dancers come back talking and laughing. Mrs. Cai took them to play for a whole day and showed them many new things in Jingchu.During the exchange, Mrs. Cai and Huang Die Wu chatted more and more speculatively. After all, Huang Die Wu was also from Jingzhou. When the two got involved, they discovered that Mrs. Cai was a generation older than Huang Die Wu. After entering, Mrs. Cai immediately regarded herself as her elder sister, and she was her god-sister. As for the so-called seniority, Mrs. Cai couldn't care less about it at this time.

"Did you have a good time today?" Seeing that the three characters couldn't talk or laugh, Gongsun Xu stepped forward and said, "It's been a whole day since I left, there must be something interesting that attracted you, let Mrs. Cai worry about it today." Yes, I will host a banquet for Mrs. Cai in the future."

"The general is serious." Mrs. Cai replied: "It's not a matter of my duty. I have a good relationship with the two ladies. This small matter is nothing, but the two ladies have been playing for a day. tired."

"Not tired, not tired." Lu Qiling grabbed Mrs. Cai's hand and said, "Sister, let's go play tomorrow. You said so many novel things today. I haven't seen them before. We agreed to bring them tomorrow." Let's go and see."

"As long as my sister likes it, she can do it anytime."

"Ahem, Diewu, you two are tired from playing too, go back and rest first." Gongsun Xu coughed twice and said, "Madam Cai, I don't know many things about Jingchu very well. Since you are here, I I'm afraid I have to ask you for advice. I don't know if Madam has the time. "

"Husband, we,,,,,,"

"Sister, I'm sweating after playing all day, let's go back and take a shower first." Huang Die Wu held Lu Qiling back and smiled and said, "I will count you as the craziest player today, and we have to go out tomorrow. What's the hurry... ,"

After Huang Diewu left, Gongsun Xu looked at the night sky and said, "I have seen the night sky in Jingchu before, when I was only about sixteen."

"My concubine has been mentioned before." Mrs. Cai slowly followed Gongsun Xu half a step, she nodded and said: "It is rumored that the general traveled to the Yangtze River area and heard that there were dragons doing evil, so he led his subordinates to capture and kill those few. Flood Dragon, the General himself even captured the Flood Dragon King with one hand, these deeds have already been spread throughout Jingchu, and all men in Jingxiang admire them."

"It was traveling back then, but it's different now." Gongsun Xu smiled and said, "Madam, do you know what I'm most worried about now?"

"Appreciate further details,,,,,,"

"Hey, every time righteousness slaughters more dogs, ruthlessness is always a scholar." Gongsun Xu sighed and said, "My army went south to take Jingchu, but the scholars of Jingchu don't seem to really trust me. Beware that others will betray me, here is something you should take a look at."

After Gongsun Xu handed over a superstition to Mrs. Cai, he continued: "I am also very helpless. Sometimes, I would rather kill the wrong person than let it go. You can understand this kind of helplessness."

Madam Cai turned pale after reading the letter, but she quickly covered it up. After returning the letter to Gongsun Xu, Madam Cai said firmly, "This letter is a fake."

"How do you know that?" Gongsun Xu smiled and said, "Madam, what is your opinion, I am willing to listen to it."

"The general should know that the foundation of my Cai family is in Jingzhou, in the area of ​​Jingchu." Mrs. Cai replied: "If we leave Jingchu, the influence and strength of my Cai family will drop by more than one level. , Is it necessary for my Cai family to transfer to other places for development? Also, the most ridiculous thing is, how does Jiangdong compare with Jingchu? The general may not know, but we native Jingchu people know best, how can Jiangdong compare with Jingchu? Chubby."

"Oh, so that's the case, no wonder, no wonder." Gongsun Xu nodded and said as if he had realized something, "So, the hostile relationship between Jingchu and Jiangdong probably didn't start because of Liu Biao and Sun Jian."

"They intensified the conflict between Jingchu and Jiangdong only for their own benefit." Mrs. Cai said with a smile: "To be honest, Jingchu looked down on Jiangdong, and Jiangdong once wanted to integrate into Jingchu, but the struggle between the two places continued. In addition, in previous years, Jiangdong was poorer than Jingchu, and the hostile relationship between the two places gradually became prominent. The aristocratic families in Jiangdong paid more attention to their own one-acre and three-point land, while Jingchu had less land than Jingchu no matter what. Good Jiangdong, the General may be able to understand all of these, and perhaps this will be of some use to the General in governing Jingchu and attacking Jiangdong in the future."

"Jiangdong is more dependent on aristocratic families than other places." Gongsun Xu thought for a while and said to himself: "Private soldiers are prevalent among the wealthy families in the Jianghuai River, and the military system in the north of the Yangtze River. It turns out that this is the root of the two military service systems. No wonder , no wonder.

Bofu took harsh measures against the aristocratic family as soon as he swept Jiangdong. He must have wanted to control the military power in his own hands. Sun Quan did not have the courage and ability, so he would definitely compromise with the century family. Not only have financial resources but also terrifying military strength, moreover, these armies are hereditary, the father dies and the children are descended, and only with the aristocratic family to control Jiangdong, so that the interests of both parties are bound together, the original history is like this,,,,,, "

"General. General..." Seeing that Gongsun Xu had lost his mind, Mrs. Cai called twice and said, "Is there something for the general? If it is inconvenient, I will leave now." "

"Alright, go and see Cai Mao." Gongsun Xu nodded with a smile and said, "I'm afraid he is also very frightened now, hehe, if you go and see him, at least he will feel at ease."

"General, you..." Mrs. Cai frowned and asked, "You don't actually believe that Cai Mao will cooperate with the enemy, do you?"

"Hehe, as you said, he has to have the courage to do it." Gongsun Xu smiled wryly, "Before I came to Jingchu, I knew a little about this place."

"If that's the case, thank you General." Mrs. Cai nodded and replied: "I will hold a banquet at the mansion in the future, and I ask the General not to refuse..."

(End of this chapter)

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