Domination of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 931 The military parade is over 1

Chapter 931 The military parade is over 1
In the military camp, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were imprisoned in the same tent, Gongsun Xu was not afraid of their playing tricks, although there were only two of them in the camp, in fact, there were people watching them all the time, although Gongsun Xu was not here, they Every move of the two is under Gongsun Xu's control.

It was the performance of these two people this day that made Gongsun Xu completely dispel his doubts. Two people like Cai Hao really did not have the ability to secretly cooperate with Jiang Dong. However, even after it was confirmed that the two were not suspected, Gongsun Xu didn't intend to let him go either. I'm afraid there are some things that need to be figured out by the two of them.

"This is the general's warrant. I'm here to deliver some food to them." Cai Mao heard a familiar voice. After a while, Mrs. Cai opened the curtain and walked in. The two of them rushed to meet her.

They were imprisoned for more than two days, and no one came to visit them. Most of them thought that they were bound to die, so they were unwilling to step into this troubled water. Even if the rest of them wanted to come, they had to ask Gongsun Xu's permission. OK.

"I brought you some food, so don't be too polite." Mrs. Cai put the basket on the table and said, "It's your two favorite dishes, and there's also wine. I've been locked up for two days. Are you holding back?" broken."

"Oh, sister, dear sister, you are here." Cai Mao quickly opened the basket, and the two of them ate and drank without being polite.

"Hey, you two, have you never tasted such delicious food before, or do you think it's a decapitated meal?" Mrs. Cai looked at Cai Mao and the two of them, and suddenly said such a sentence, which directly choked the two of them in fright. up.

After coughing a few times, Cai Mao quickly knelt down in front of Mrs. Cai and said, "Sister, don't scare me, we didn't do anything, we really wanted to serve the great general, why did this happen... ,"

"I went to see the general yesterday." Mrs. Cai said while playing with her bracelet, "He showed me the evidence of your collaboration with the enemy, including your handwritten letter to Sun Ce, and I recognized it as your notes. Come to think of it, the General arrested you for this, why are you so confused."

"Fake, fake." Cai Mao quickly explained: "How could we collaborate with the enemy? In Jingzhou, we were in charge of a 20 navy army and fought against Sun Ce for many years. We have always been against Sun Ce. Will unite him,,,,,,"

"Fortunately, I explained to the general for a long time,,,,,," Madam Cai ignored Cai Mao, she continued: "The general was also convinced by me, and he also believed that this should not be something you did, but, then The note on the letter is indeed yours. If it were someone else, you would have killed you directly. Lost it, otherwise there would be no such thing.”

"So, the general already knows that we have been wronged." Cai Mao said with a smile, "I'll just say, how can I say that I am the commander in charge of the 20 navy in Jingchu, I,,,,,,"

"Up to now, don't you understand why the general locked you up?" Mrs. Cai shook her head and sighed, "I'm pretty good at being a human being, but when it comes to critical moments, lard gets my heart out. You two, use your brains, okay?"

"Madam, please enlighten me." According to seniority, Zhang Yun is Liu Biao's nephew, even Madam Cai's nephew, so he really has to talk to Madam Cai respectfully.

"There are many generals in northern Xinjiang, and there are countless capable men and strangers." Mrs. Cai said slowly: "As far as you know, Yan Liang commanded 20 troops to guard Xiliang, and at the same time he had to keep an eye on Zhang Lu and threaten the Western Regions. Xu Rong led the troops in Hetao To ensure the safety of the grassland, Zhao Yun stationed troops in Yingchuan, beware of troubles in these newly occupied territories.

Gao Shun commanded the army to attack Jingzhou. These four people can be regarded as the pillars of the Northern Frontier Army. However, you should know that they will only lead so many troops when necessary. Commanded 5 horses to guard the southern defense line of Jingzhou?
How do you feel about yourself compared to them?I keep talking all day long that I am the commander of the 20 navy in Jingchu, acting as if the 20 people belong to you. It used to be the past, no matter how arrogant you are, no one would dare to control you. Now it is different. You have seen it before. Is there any general under the command of the general who is as arrogant as you? I heard that you often use this to show off in front of General Huang Zhong. I think you are not mentally ill. You are under the control of General Huang Zhong. He only has Jiang Xia in his hands. Those 20 soldiers and horses, you dare to say that you are the commander of the [-] navy.

This is Xiangyang, this is Jingchu, the Cai family and the Zhang family are so powerful, and the relationship network behind them is even more complicated. Doesn't the general know this?If you add the 20 navy in your hands, do you think the general will feel at ease?Even if the general doesn't care, do you think the general's subordinates and advisers will care?
I'm just a woman, I don't know much, you are all people who have seen big scenes, and you are both the heads of the Cai family and the Zhang family. When it comes to critical times, your words and deeds are related to the two big families. Life and death, you guys, alas, use your brains, the general has never appointed you a naval commander, do you understand,,,,,, "

"One word from Madam woke us up." Zhang Yun nodded repeatedly and said, "Brother Cai, apart from the general's direct subordinates, I'm afraid there are some people in Jingzhou who can't tolerate us. These days, we are really confused."

"Sister, you, how did you get close to the general, are you..."

"You bastard, what are you talking about?" Mrs. Cai slapped the table angrily and shouted, "I'm going to die, why did the Cai family have a patriarch like you, what are you pretending to be... If you want to, you have to be willing to do it, ah,,,,,, "

In the last two sentences, Mrs. Cai almost said it with her lips closed. Cai Mao and the two were very frightened and couldn't hear clearly. However, they now understand the reason why the two of them were imprisoned.

"I will invite the general to a banquet another day. You must behave well then." Mrs. Cai straightened her hair and said, "The northern army will definitely not leave idlers, but you definitely have the capital to gain a foothold in the army. Outside of other relationships, show off your abilities and abilities. Don't let outsiders laugh at you as idiots. Jingchu must have a lot of talents. Why don't you recruit more people under your command at this time, when it really comes to the time of war , if you can’t make credit for yourself, you can’t blame others,,,,,,”

"Understood, understood, thank you sister (Madame),,,,,,"

Soon after Mrs. Cai left, Cai Hao and the two were also released. However, since this time of detention, the two generals in the army and the heads of the family have changed a lot, at least they are no longer so hated.

(End of this chapter)

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