Rebirth: The Queen of Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 449 Lin Chenming's "Peach Blossom Tribulation"

Chapter 449 Lin Chenming's "Peach Blossom Tribulation"

Lin Chenming sat on the sofa. Mu Yunzhe didn't intend to go in, but wanted to take Lin Yan along with him. It's better to solve the emotional matters by himself.

It's just that although Lin Chenming looked fine on the surface, Lin Yan was still a little worried.

After sitting on the sofa for less than a minute, Lin Chenming got up immediately and walked to the bedroom.

Lin Yan's eyes were full of worry. After knowing each other for so long, she already knew Lin Chenming very well.

He likes to keep all kinds of emotions in his heart and never expresses them, but seeing the undisguised disgust and disgust of the woman just now, he knows that Lin Chenming is not as indifferent and indifferent as he appears on the outside.

Mu Yunzhe stroked Lin Yan's hair, and persuaded: "Don't think about it, uncle is such an adult, nothing will happen!"

Before Lin Yan could answer, Lin Chenming had already walked out, changing all the clothes up and down.

As if he just realized that Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe were here, Lin Chenming sat on the sofa, pointed to the side and motioned for Lin Yan to sit down: "Is Yan'er okay just now?"

Lin Yan shook her head, Lin Chenming suddenly smiled: "You're not scared, are you?"

Mu Yunzhe pulled Lin Yan to sit on the sofa next to Lin Chenming, and Lin Yan shook her head again.

No one spoke again, and the atmosphere became calm again for a while.

After 2 minutes, Lin Chenming spoke first: "Are you all curious about who that woman is?"

Neither Lin Yan nor Mu Yunzhe answered. They wanted to persuade Lin Chenming but found that they didn't know how to speak. They wanted to make the atmosphere lively, but they didn't know what to say.

Lin Chenming looked at the distance and was a little dazed, talking about a romantic drama from a long time ago.

Li Meijia, Lin Chenming's first love, is also the only woman he has ever loved.

Young and young, he always thought that love was the whole of life. Lin Chenming tried his best to create romances one by one, and he was considerate and caring for Li Meijia.

In the third year of their acquaintance, they finally won the hearts of the beauties.

In the following two years, Li Meijia occupied Lin Chenming's entire mind, even in a position more important than his life.

When Li Meijia frowns, he will think about what he did not do well, and then make various compensations and self-reflection.

The consequence of this is that Li Meijia has developed an arrogant character, a person who always feels that she is superior, becomes even more unscrupulous.

In the fifth year of their acquaintance, the two entered the palace of marriage. At that time, Lin Chenming was still running his own clothing company, and the company was booming.

That year, can be said to be the most prosperous year for him, with a double harvest in career and love, even after that, he never felt the joy from the heart like that year again.

What happened after that is almost known to everyone, Lin Yan also knew about this rumor a long time ago, but she never expected that Li Meijia was Lin Chenming's legendary wife who absconded with money.

How proud Lin Chenming was in that year, how sad and downcast he was in the following year.

The company changed hands, his wife absconded, and he lived on the streets with heavy debts. He was a dishwasher, a cleaner, and a courier. He tried almost all the jobs he could do.

But he found that these are just a drop in the bucket, and that poor salary can only bear his living expenses. It is a dream to repay the huge debt, even if he dies, he will not be able to pay it off!
Before coming to Aowei Company, he had already gained a foothold in a listed company, but it was a family business, the factional struggle was too fierce, and everyone was so sure that the company was bound to win.

It was so easy to remain neutral. It happened that the Aowei Group had just settled in Huaxia at that time, and the newspapers and networks were full of photos and information. After thinking about it for a long time, he decisively resigned.

Since then, staying here for more than ten years, the family business has long since declined, and finally closed down, but he is still standing at the top.

It took Lin Chenming a long time to say these things, and he would stop for a short time every two sentences before continuing.

Mu Yunzhe had also heard rumors about Lin Chenming, but he always thought they were just rumors, never took them seriously, never thought they were actually true.

The pain of a lover, the pain of losing a lover, seeing Lin Chenming's silence, Mu Yunzhe can actually empathize with him.

It's just that he hasn't felt Lin Yan's betrayal, and he doesn't dare to imagine what unpredictable things he will do if Lin Yan betrays him.

As if realizing what Mu Yunzhe was thinking, Lin Yan clenched his hand, smiled at him comfortingly, and then looked at Lin Chenming: "Then, uncle, you two are still a couple in name?"

Lin Chenming shook his head: "As early as the day she came back to look for me, she had already signed the divorce agreement!"

Lin Yan asked again: "Is she here now to reconcile with you?"

Lin Chenming mocked continuously: "Oh, reconciliation? You don't know her well!"

Sighing, Lin Chenming continued: "She is a woman who puts interests first, and she can sell everything about herself for money, and now she has the cheek to come back to me, and it's only because of money!"

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yan still asked, "Then, what happened to that child?"

"Child?" Lin Chenming sneered, his tone full of contempt and disdain: "Who knows whose -wild-species!"

Probably because I saw Lin Chenming's stern look and venomous words just now, but when I listen to it now, I won't be as surprised as I was at the beginning.

"Didn't she take a huge sum of money with her when she left? Why..." Before Lin Yan finished speaking, Mu Yunzhe shook his head to stop her.

It is already very embarrassing to say in front of the juniors that he has failed in his relationship and failed in his marriage. Mu Yunzhe did not want Lin Yan's curiosity to cause gaps and cracks in the relationship between the two of them.

Lin Chenming didn't care, he said it anyway, and he had already lost enough face, so what are you afraid of?
What's more, these are facts!

Lin Chenming said sarcastically: "I investigated, and she caught a starlet in the first year she left, and then - including - raised that person for two years, and in the end all the money was cheated by that starlet!"

There was a smile on his face, but there was disgust in his eyes, and his tone was somewhat relieved. Lin Chenming sighed: "You will eat the consequences of your own evil! You will suffer for yourself! Retribution!"

Seeing Lin Chenming's weird expression, Lin Yan comforted with some worry: "Uncle, don't think about her, it's all over anyway!"

"Yeah, it's all over!" Lin Chenming sighed, thinking of his heartbroken look after she left, he felt extremely ridiculous.

It's not worth it to be sad for such a person!

(End of this chapter)

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