Chapter 450 Chapter 450

That night, Lin Yan and Mu Yunzhe went back very late, and it felt like it was almost dawn.

There are many stars, accompanied by street lights, flickering, very bright.

Fortunately, after speaking out all the words and bursting out all the emotions that have been suppressed for many years, Lin Chenming's mood is much better, and he has completely come out of the memories of the past.

These past events will never easily arouse any emotions in him again!
Lying on the bed, before closing his eyes, Lin Chenming thought: "This is probably the most embarrassing time in my life. However, there will be no such opportunities in the future. Let Mu Yunzhe see the joke!"

Mu Yunzhe really didn't take it as a joke. He had experienced the pain of losing Lin Yan in his previous life, and he also understood that betrayal is more unbearable than losing!

Lin Yan went to take a shower, and he stood alone on the balcony, smoking a cigarette.

Speaking of smoking, it seems that he has never touched it in his life. In his last life, he started smoking and drinking crazily after Lin Yan's death, and wantonly hurt his body.

But in this life, his body was not used to this smell, and his throat was choking. He coughed lightly, then crushed it and threw it into the trash can.

It was the memories of the past that turned over and over in my mind.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if he took a wrong step?

If he hadn't come back back then, or if he hadn't come to look for Lin Yan when he came back, he still doesn't know what it would be like now.

After all, I am not as happy as I am now!

The night is not so dark, it feels as if the sky is about to brighten, Mu Yunzhe blinked, and the new year has just arrived.

This also means that the day when the beloved becomes his wife is one step closer.

Wrapped in a bath towel and wiping her hair, Lin Yan came out in an unusual way: "Zhe, I'm fine, you go and wash!"

There is more than one bathroom and more than one bathroom.

In the huge villa, the two of them lived in an extremely empty space.

But even so, Mu Yunzhe was used to the room where Lin Yan stayed, and liked the feeling of being with her. He didn't feel the slightest emptiness, but full of enthusiasm.

With people who care, you don't notice these things.

The long hair was wet, and Lin Yan was tilting her head and gently wiping it with a towel. There were drops of water dripping down her cheeks from her forehead.

The fair skin was tightly wrapped in a bath towel, but it was still very charming.

Mu Yunzhe took a deep breath, waved away the inappropriate thoughts in his mind, took out the hair dryer, and walked towards Lin Yan.

"It's very late, you should go wash it quickly, I hope you can sleep quickly!" Lin Yan wanted to take the hair dryer, but Mu Yunzhe dodged it.

He turned on the switch, stroked Lin Yan's hair, and gently blew it: "Hey, I'll blow it for you, I'm going to wash it!"

Lin Yan didn't dare to move her hair, so she could only let him blow it.

The room was very quiet, only the "humming" sound of the hair dryer, and the two stood facing each other.

Lin Yan raised her head slightly and could see Mu Yunzhe's concentration, gently blowing her hair, each strand would be gently blown up, and put down carefully, as if facing some treasure.

She didn't even blow-dry her hair so meticulously!

Sensing Lin Yan's gaze, Mu Yunzhe looked down and met Lin Yan's gaze, pursing his lips, with the warmth and pampering that only belonged to Lin Yan, he asked softly, "Why are you looking at me like that? ?”

Lin Yan also looked at him with a smile, and the corners of her mouth curled up playfully: "Your Excellency is so charming, I want to see more of you!"

"Of course, Yan'er can do whatever she wants!" Mu Yunzhe said, but the movements of his hands never stopped, and the smile on his face was also very sincere.

The corners of Lin Yan's lips carried a warmth that she didn't realize: "Tomorrow, no, it's today, let's just stay at home!"

His hair was already half dry, Mu Yunzhe nodded, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's all up to my wife's arrangement!" The pampering in his eyes seemed to overflow.

Lin Yan blamed him, smiled and pushed him lightly: "Who is your wife!"

Mu Yunzhe turned off the hair dryer in his hand, put it aside, walked to Lin Yan's side with long legs, and looked down at her: "Who do you think is my wife?"

Lin Yan's eyelids twitched, looking at Mu Yunzhe's dangerous eyes, she felt a little guilty, then she smiled unkindly, lowered her head, and muttered, "I don't know who is your wife!"

Mu Yunzhe approached step by step, with burning eyes, pinching her chin with one hand, forcing her to look into his eyes: "Yan'er doesn't know? Huh?"

The long-lost "um" suffix reappeared, but Lin Yan was not afraid at all: "My lord, don't forget what you promised uncle on the aircraft today!"

Mu Yunzhe raised his eyebrows and asked Lin Yan with a half-smile: "What did I promise? Huh?"

The corners of Lin Yan's lips curled into a naughty curve, her eyes were a little sly, and she said like a sigh: "What did you say you promised? Sigh, I can't bear to see someone so pitiful on the first day of the new year. Go take a cold shower!"

Mu Yunzhe's eyes were dark, and he looked at Lin Yan without hiding his emotions.

Lin Yan looked at him with a smile, not afraid at all, and there would be no loss of meat, anyway, you really can't help it, hum!

At this time, Mu Yunzhe deeply felt that what Lin Chenming said was right, the more a woman is favored, the more confident she will be!

Sighing, looking at Lin Yan's teasing appearance, Mu Yunzhe suppressed the anger in his heart.

Alas, what else can I do with the baby I chose?
Pet it!
Thinking in her heart, those knuckle fingers had already picked up the hair dryer on the side, blowing Lin Yan's hair again.

Lin Yan raised her head and looked at Mu Yunzhe, smiling unscrupulously, haha, this feeling is so good, you can see it every day, but you can't eat it, haha!
The laughter grew louder and louder, and finally annoyed Mu Yunzhe. Looking at the man in front of him who was laughing wildly, he threw away the hair dryer in his hand, and bit it viciously.

"Hey, you are a dog!" Lin Yan was bitten and glared at him angrily.

"I'm not only a dog, I'm also a wolf, so don't provoke me all the time!" Mu Yunzhe stared at her with deep eyes.

That gaze, for some reason, made Lin Yan's heart tremble, and her hands trembled involuntarily: "I, I'll just say it casually!"

She is a little timid.

A joke is a joke, but I dare not really go too far.

Mu Yunzhe took a deep breath, he knew she would flirt and run away!
"Oh, I really can't do anything about you." Mu Yunzhe sighed deeply, turned and went to the bathroom.

Listening to the movement from the next door, Lin Yan stuck out her tongue, she was just testing it out!
Soon, Mu Yunzhe came out, his hair was still wet, Lin Yan also dried it for him to make up for his apology.

 already edited.

(End of this chapter)

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