Chapter 1 Rebellion
In the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, the chilly wind swept across the earth, bringing desolation.

On the city wall, soldiers in thin clothes shivered from the cold.Behind them, the dilapidated battle flag embroidered with the word "Lu" was fluttering in the cold wind.

Lu Bu was sitting in the room wearing armor, and Fang Tian's painted halberd was placed where he could grasp it.

The glowing red charcoal fire jumped up in the brazier, the wind was cold outside, but the room was warm and harmonious.

At this time, Lu Bu had no intention of experiencing this warmth.

After only two days in this era, he knew that he had time-traveled and become the number one general at the end of the Han Dynasty, but he didn't know why all this happened.

He only knew that this was Xiapi, which was besieged by Cao Juntuan, and the gate of Xiapi was the Baimen Tower where Lu Bu was hanged in history.

Before being transported to this era by the distorted time and space, he was a mercenary who used people's money to work for others. Wherever there was war, he was there.

Having experienced the flames of war, he is used to seeing life and death, but what he has to think about now is how to survive...

Cao Jun was besieging the city, and sitting in the room could hear the horns coming from outside the city.

Lv Bu, who was at the end of the road, had already betrayed his relatives. Wei Xu, Song Xian, Hou Cheng and others were plotting to tie him up and hand him over to Cao Cao outside the city.

If he traveled to Lu Bu who was in the early years and became a brave general who won the three armies and embraced the all-powerful Diao Chan, he could undoubtedly use the history he knew to change his destiny.

However, fate played a big joke on him and sent him to such a deceitful place as Baimenlou...

Lu Bu clenched his fists.

Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it's better to fight hard, maybe you can really turn the world around and escape from death.

The door was gently pushed open, and with the cold wind blowing in, a pink "cloud" floated into the room.

The woman who walked into the room had a light gait, her slender curves were outlined by the girdle of the skirt, and her glamorous face was like a bright moon in the dark night.

The wide skirt trailed behind her, like a blooming pink peony.

With her arrival, the room was filled with an elegant fragrance.

Lu Bu raised his head and looked at Diao Chan who was walking towards him.

With a bow, Diao Chan said softly: "My husband has been working hard for days and is getting thinner day by day. I made soup to nourish my husband."

Her voice is as sweet as Dingdong mountain spring, no amount of boredom will disappear with her greeting.

With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, Lu Bu waved to her: "Come here."

Coming to Lu Bu's side, Diao Chan sat down gracefully.

Holding her in his arms, Lu Bu lightly pressed her waist with his palm.

"Husband..." Diao Chan lowered her head, her voice was as low as a gnat humming: "Don't stay here, in case someone comes over..."

"I hug my woman, and anyone who sees it will only be jealous." Lu Bu chuckled.

He smiled very freely, as if he was not worried about the Cao family's army outside the city.

"It would be great if I could cuddle in my husband's arms for the rest of my life." Diao Chan asked leisurely with her cheek on Lu Bu's arm, "Cao's army has besieged the city for a long time. I wonder if my husband has a good strategy to defeat the enemy?"

"Of course you will grow old in my arms." Looking towards the door, Lu Bu said, "The Cao army outside the city is nothing more than a group of ants to me."

Diao Chan smiled peacefully.

Her smile is all over the country and the city, enough to fascinate the world.

In order to kill Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun gave her to Lu Bu.

After several years of ups and downs, she and Lu Bu are no longer using each other, but they are in harmony with each other.

As long as Lu Bu is by her side, Diao Chan will feel extremely at ease...

There were chaotic footsteps outside the door.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, someone shouted, "Don't let Lu Bu go!"

Diao Chan quickly sat up straight, looking at Lu Bu in astonishment and horror.

Holding her fragrant shoulders, Lu Bu smiled and patted lightly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

The door was kicked open, and the three generals rushed in.

There are more than a dozen soldiers in solid clothes following behind them.

More soldiers were unable to enter the house, crowded at the door, and surrounded the room tightly.

It has only been two days since he came to this era, and while possessing cognition after 2000, Lu Bu also inherited the abilities and memories of the past.

He recognized the three people in front of him as Wei Xu, Song Xian and Hou Cheng.

Knowing the historical development process, Lu Bu thought about making the first move on the day he came here.

The deployment was made secretly, but before he could make a move, Wei Xu and the others could no longer hold back.

"What are you going to do?" Lu Bu asked looking at the group of people rushing in.

"Wen Hou is headstrong, lacking morality and shame, so that everyone betrays his relatives. We have decided to serve Duke Cao." Wei Xu said.

"Unworthy and shameless?" Lu Bu chuckled, "As my general, but you brought troops to capture me, your conduct is really noble. I have seen a lot of shameless people, and I can be better than the few of you." Shameless, I really can’t find it.”

A look of shame flashed across the faces of Wei Xu and the others.

The shame only appeared on their faces for a moment, and then completely dissipated.

"Wen Hou, please don't make things difficult for us." Wei Xu said: "Tearing faces is not good for each other."

"I've already torn my face, what else is there to see?" Lu Bu stood up, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd to protect Diao Chan behind his back: "With just a few pieces of material, you are able to capture me?"

"We can't, but people outside can!" Wei Xu waved his hands.

The soldiers crowded outside took out their longbows and set up arrows, aiming at Lu Bu inside the house.

Wei Xu looked at Diao Chan behind Lu Bu with evil eyes: "We know that Marquis Wen is worried about Madam, and we have followed her for many years, so there is still some friendship. We will dedicate Madam to Cao Gong, and Cao Gong's temperament will definitely treat her favorably. If Wen Hou insists on Once a fight starts, the arrows may not be able to hurt you, but my wife will be riddled with holes. If a beautiful woman who is so beautiful is shot to death by random arrows, she will not look good."

"Haven't you ever thought that if the mutiny fails, you will die without a place to die?" Lu Bu smiled strangely, and said to Wei Xu and others: "The male members of the whole family will be killed, and the female relatives will be reduced to consoling the soldiers. Playthings. Aren't you afraid at all?"

"The camp is in my hands. Most of the soldiers are under the command of the two generals Song and Hou. How many soldiers and horses does Wen Hou have under his command?" Wei Xu said with a sneer, "Even if you are the champion of the three armies, you are just a single husband now! Still worry about it?" You're fine at home."

"I really can't scare you." Lu Bu chuckled: "If you want to capture me, then come!"

"Tie it up!" Wei Xu winked at the soldiers behind him.

Several soldiers then stepped forward.

Being blocked by Lu Bu, Diao Chan trembled slightly out of panic.

Someone tried to tie up Lu Bu, she didn't know where the courage came from, she forgot her fear and stepped forward, opened her arms to protect Lu Bu and glared at Wei Xu and the others angrily: "If you want to touch my husband, just step over my corpse! "

(End of this chapter)

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