Chapter 2
Diao Chan protects Lu Bu behind her.

Wei Xu sneered and said, "Wen Hou is a hero, I never expected to hide behind a woman. Since my wife wants to die, as a general, we have no choice but to do it!"

Lu Bu supported Diao Chan's fragrant shoulders: "Madam's skirt is still new, it's not easy to wash off the blood splatter, it's better to hide behind me. I also hope that the rebels will be defeated and Madam will sing and dance for me, the skirt will be stained with blood. It’s not as elegant anymore.”

Looking at Lu Bu in surprise, Diao Chan's eyes were full of confusion.

The soldiers and horses brought by Wei Xu and others surrounded the room. No matter how brave Lu Bu was, he would never escape from death...

However, his performance was very calm, as if he didn't take this group of people seriously.

"It seems that Wen Hou is determined not to let us tie him up." Lu Bu pulled Diao Chan behind him again, and Wei Xu sneered and said, "We can't keep him alive, we can only bring Wen Hou's body to Duke Cao... "

He was about to order Lu Bu to be captured when there was a rush of footsteps outside.

A voice shouted: "Wei Xu, Song Xian, and Hou Cheng rebelled. I was ordered by General Lu to seek rebellion. Listen up, rebellious soldiers, put down your weapons and forget the past, and those who are with the bandits will not be pardoned!"

As the shout came, a general led hundreds of soldiers and surrounded Wei Xu and others.

The soldiers drew their bows and arrows, aiming at the soldiers crowded outside the house.

Many of the people surrounding the room were soldiers from the trapped camp.

When the shouting general arrived, the soldiers trapped in the camp saw clearly that it was him, and threw their weapons on the ground one after another.

The trapped camp disarmed, and the others lost their fighting spirit to resist, and immediately put down their weapons.

The general standing in front of them was wearing a bronze armor and a red tasseled helmet. He was as tall as a god general, and it was Gao Shun.

Gao Shun trained them out of the trapped camp, but Lu Bu handed them over to Wei Xu.

In the camp, his prestige is far higher than that of Wei Xu, not to mention that Wei Xu is raising troops to make trouble, and many soldiers don't want to follow at all. It's just that the military order is issued, and they have to follow!

Gao Shun led more than ten people into the house, glared at Wei Xu and the others in disgust, and said to Lu Bu: "The rebels have disarmed, please wait and see!"

"Soldiers follow the general to rebel, reorganize and strictly restrain them, so don't be too harsh." Lu Bu said: "As for the three in front of me, they have been with me for many years, they can't just kill them, they have to give them a chance to live, otherwise they will die." People think I'm not kind enough."

The general situation is over, and Lu Bu's words brightened the eyes of Wei Xu and others who knew that they would die.

But then he said another sentence, which instantly extinguished the hope that the three people had just raised: "If you can beat me, let them go."

Lu Bu is brave, even if the three of them go up together, how can they be his opponent?
Saying to give them a chance to survive is nothing more than wanting to kill them with their own hands.

Gao Shun shouted, "Make way for Marquis Wen!"

The soldiers outside the door dispersed one after another.

How could Wei Xu, Song Xian and Hou Cheng dare to go out, they quickly knelt down, kowtowed and shouted: "We know we are wrong, please forgive me!"

"I'm very open-minded, and I'm willing to give you a chance." Lu Bu said with a light smile, "Either fight me or be beheaded, you choose."

Although there are two options, no matter which one you choose, the result is the same for Wei Xu and others.

Determined to kill them, Lu Bu put on a magnanimous attitude, which really makes people wonder what to say!
Wei Xu peeked behind Lu Bu.

Diao Chan, who was full of astonishment, didn't understand what happened, and was looking at Lu Bu blankly.

Seeing that Lu Bu was distracted by speaking, Wei Xu suddenly drew his sword and rushed towards Diao Chan.

As long as Diao Chan can be captured, Lv Bu may really have a way to survive!

Wei Xu made a sudden attack, and Diao Chan covered her mouth and exclaimed in surprise.

But he couldn't rush to Diao Chan.

After taking a step, Lu Bu grabbed the back of his neck by the collar.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Bu lifted him up high, and threw his head and feet to the ground vigorously.

Wei Xu was thrown to death. The desperate Song Xian and Hou Cheng broke their hearts and rushed forward with their swords drawn.

With both arms outstretched, Lu Bu grabbed the wrists holding the swords of the two men and twisted them violently.

With a crisp sound of "Gaba", the wrist bones of the two were twisted abruptly.

Accompanied by their miserable howls, the long sword fell to the ground with a clang.

He stretched his arms around the backs of the two men's heads, and Lu Bu pressed them together.

The two heads collided, and the howling stopped abruptly.

The soldiers carried the three corpses out, and Lu Bu asked Gao Shun, "How is Zhang Wenyuan?"

"The three people's units have been incorporated." Gao Shun replied: "Chen Gongtai also captured their family members, waiting for Wen Hou to deal with them."

"Let someone tell Chen Gongtai that all the men were killed, and the women were given to the lieutenant to relieve their boredom." Lu Bu said, "Although the three of them are dead, they cannot be blamed for their crimes, so hang their bodies on wooden stakes for public display."

Putting Diao Chan in his arms who hadn't recovered, Lu Bu said, "Don't be afraid, as long as I'm here, no one can do anything to you."

Nestling in his arms, Diao Chan nodded.

"Cao's army is still besieging the city. I have to go to the city to inspect it myself." Lu Bu said, "Wait at home. I haven't come back. Don't go out at will."

"I would like to obey my husband's orders." Diao Chan agreed.

After greeting Gao Shun, Lu Bu walked out of the room.

Looking at his back, Diao Chan felt at ease, but at the same time felt that something was wrong.

She always felt that Lu Bu was a little different from the past, but she couldn't tell what was different...

Accompanying Lu Bu to go out, Gao Shun said: "I don't understand one thing, please let me know."

"You and Wen Yuan are both my good generals, just like my own family members. If you have any questions, just ask." Lu Bu replied.

After following Lu Bu for many years, Gao Shun and Zhang Liao have been suppressed by Wei Xu and others, and their status in the army is not very high.

Two days ago, Lv Bu suddenly summoned Chen Gong and them to him, and told them that Wei Xu and others were plotting a rebellion, and asked them to make arrangements in secret.

Gao Shun and others didn't believe it at first.

It is possible for anyone to rebel. Wei Xu and Lu Bu are related, and Gao Shun's military power was even handed over to him by Lu Bu.

In Lv Bu's army, he was under one man and above ten thousand, and he had no reason to rebel at all.

"What I want to ask is how did Wen Hou know that Wei Xu and others would rebel?" Gao Shun said, "In the past, Wen Hou treated them well, how could he do such a thing?"

"I'm so blind that I'm willing to attract ashes. The wall is down and everyone pushes it. Cao Cao besieged Xiapi. They think I'm gone, so of course they have to make some plans for themselves." Lu Bu said: "If you and Wen Yuan are reused early, I won't fall into the trap. today's situation."

In Gao Shun's impression, Lu Bu was arrogant and headstrong, even if he made a mistake, he would never admit it.

It's really not his style to admit mistakes in person!
He didn't know that Lu Bu at this time was not the same person in the past at all, and when he mentioned his past mistakes, he was only from the perspective of a bystander, and of course he would admit it readily.

(End of this chapter)

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