The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 3 I Don't Want To Die Who Can Kill Me

Chapter 3 I Don't Want To Die Who Can Kill Me

Outside the city of Xiapi, Cao Jun's battle array was full of spears and spears, and the battle flag was fluttering.

The cavalry ran back and forth in front of the formation, raising billows of smoke and dust.

Before the siege towers and ladders are arrayed, an attack will be launched at any time.

Lu Bu stood at the top of the city, and accompanied by Gao Shun, looked out of the city.

Two figures hurried up the city wall and came to them.

"Wen Hou!" The two greeted in unison.

The man on the left is slightly fatter, wearing a loose robe and a scribe's attire.

The general in armor on the right side has a burly physique, but a thin face, which makes people feel very capable.

They were Chen Gong, a counselor under Lu Bu's command, and Zhang Liao, another fierce general.

"Gongtai, Wenyuan, you are here!" Lu Bu nodded, and turned his gaze to Cao Jun outside the city again: "Cao Cao has a strong posture that he will not break Xuzhou, and if this confrontation continues, Xiapi will definitely not be able to hold on for too long. "

"After several battles, our army has only 2000 troops left. Yuan Shu remembers his old hatred and refuses to send troops to help." Chen Gong said: "If you don't want to think of a way, it will only happen sooner or later."

"Does Gongtai have a plan to defeat the enemy?" Lu Bu asked.

"I once asked Wen Hou to go out of the city to occupy the hills. General Gao and I guarded Xiapi, and we echoed each other to harass Cao Cao. The enemy would retreat when they were troubled, but Wen Hou refused." Chen Gong sighed: "The golden opportunity has passed , what else can we do now besides sticking to it and waiting for help?"

"Wait for help?" Lu Bu shook his head. "Where will there be reinforcements? We can't rely on anyone except ourselves."

"What's Hou Wen's plan?" Chen Gong asked.

"The soldiers and horses go ahead before they move their food and grass. I plan to burn their rations." Lu Bu said, "I will lead two hundred elite cavalry out of the city at night. You stay in the city and wait for me to come back after my achievements."

At the beginning, Chen Gong invited Lv Bu out of the city, but Lv Bu missed Diao Chan and refused to leave.

Now that he offered to lead two hundred elite riders out of the city, Chen Gong and others were very surprised.

"Wen Hou really intends to do that?" Chen Gong asked.

"If you stick to it, you will die. If you go out of the city, you may still have a chance. I have other choices?" Lu Bu smiled lightly.

His smile is calm, calm as if talking about something that happened to someone else.

Since Cao Cao besieged the city, there was a time when Lu Bu was in a state of ugliness.

He even called Cao Cao Ming Gong at the top of the city, trying to surrender to Cao Cao in exchange for a chance to survive.

Two days ago, Lu Bu approached Chen Gong and others to talk about Wei Xu's possible rebellion, and Chen Gong realized that he was different from before.

Lu Bu's eyes became more resolute and decisive, and he never mentioned surrendering to Cao Cao.

He only knew that Lu Bu had changed, but he didn't know that Lu Bu at this time had the cognition of 2000 years later, and he knew that he would die if he surrendered!

Since he must die, he might as well give it a go if he ran out to be the fish on someone else's chopping board.

Even if you can't turn things around, at least you'll die standing up!

"I wish Wenhou all the best!" Lu Bu's feelings inspired Chen Gong, and he bowed and saluted.

"While I'm not around, Wen Yuan and General Gao will lead the army together." Lu Bu instructed the three of them: "All internal affairs and military affairs must be obeyed by the government."

The three agreed, and Lu Bu turned and walked down the city wall.

It was still early before dark, and he had to say goodbye to Diao Chan.

Women in troubled times are like floating duckweed.

All they can rely on is the man around them.

Wei Xu and others rebelled, and Diao Chan stood in front of him regardless of life and death. Lu Bu couldn't forget it for a long time.

Leaving aside her beauty, he has no reason to abandon this woman just because of this friendship!

When Lu Bu returned to his residence, Diao Chan came out to welcome him.

She was still wearing a pink skirt, floating like a cloud.

With a bow, the skirt of Luo Qun bloomed on the ground like a blooming peony.

He stepped forward to hug her slender waist, and pulled her into his arms, Lu Bu chuckled: "The waist is so soft, it's really wonderful."

"In this situation, my husband is still in the mood to joke around." Diao Chan wrapped her arms around Lu Bu's waist, and pressed her cheek against his chest.

"I'm not kidding, do I still have to cry?" Lu Bu replied, "If I can get rid of Cao Jun with a sad face, I'd rather stand on the city wall and cry aloud. But it's not only useless, but it will also be despised by others. Instead of worrying It is better to face the burden calmly than to be frightened by it, and maybe it can be solved easily.”

"A few days ago, my husband was worried all day long, and I couldn't eat anything." Diao Chan said, "I can't help you, I can only feel sorry for you."

"I've already figured it out." With his hands down two or three inches, Lu Bu hugged Diao Chan's lower waist, and smiled wickedly: "Don't talk about eating, even if you let me eat you, I can eat you several times a day."

"A concubine's body is not food, my husband is talking nonsense." Diao Chan raised her chin slightly, staring at Lu Bu's eyes.

"Didn't I often eat you when I was resting?" Lu Bu's eyes fell on her chest.

Understanding what he meant, Diao Chan lowered her head: "When did Husband become so dishonest..."

"Seriousness is for others to see. If you are alone with your wife, if you still pretend to be dignified, then you are hypocritical!" Lu Bu slightly strengthened his hands holding Diaochan.

Being pinched by him, Diao Chan fell into his arms.

Having been with Lu Bu for many years, she has long since lost the shyness of a young girl in front of her husband.

Lu Bu has not been close to her for a long time since Cao Cao besieged the city.

Even in the past, he'd never teased so blatantly.

I don't know why, the more he is like this, the more inexplicable sweetness in Diao Chan's heart.

Maybe in women's bones, they just hope that the man they love will be more attractive to them...

"I'm leaving the city tonight." Holding Diao Chan in his arms, Lu Bu said, "Chen Gongtai and the others will protect you. You can wait for me at ease. I'll be back within two days at most."

"Cao Cao is staring at you, what is your husband doing out of the city?" Diao Chan asked in surprise.

"If you stick to Xiapi, you will be breached sooner or later. Who else can turn the tide except me?" Lu Bu replied indifferently.

"When my husband is out of the city, who else can I rely on?" Diao Chan's eyes turned red as she hugged Lu Bu even tighter, "What if something happens to my husband..."

"I didn't intend to die. Who can kill me?" Lu Bu put his arms around her fragrant shoulders and said, "If Xiapi is breached, I will surely die, and you will also fall into the hands of others. Only by going out of the city and defeating Cao Cao, Only you and I can stay together forever."

He raised Diao Chan's chin and stared into her clear eyes: "I will go out to fight in the city, would you like to sing and dance for me?"

Diao Chan agreed, and told the maid: "Play the piano for me, and I will sing and dance for my husband!"

Lu Bu and Diao Chan embraced each other and entered the room. After a while, the melodious sound of the piano came from the room.

The melody of the piano is melodious, Diao Chan stretches her wide sleeves and dances lightly, her vermilion lips part slightly, a melody of nature flutters around the beam.

Pink clouds are flying every now and then, and every gesture of her hand and every gesture of her feet reveals infinite charm.

(End of this chapter)

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