The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 11 What happened to stealing his food

Chapter 11 What happened to stealing his food

Cao Jun besieged the city for several months, and the disaster brought to Xiapi was undoubtedly huge.

Except for the seriously wounded, everyone else was cleaning up the ruins in the city.

The sallow and emaciated civilian husbands pushed the wheelbarrows and transported the cleaned up garbage outside the city.

The gates of the city are wide open, and there is an endless stream of people pushing carts.

Accompanied by Zhang Liao, Lu Bu rode a red rabbit on the streets of Xiapi.

The crowds passing by were like eggplants beaten by frost, and their morale was so low that if Cao Jun did not retreat, Xiapi would be breached in at least one month.

People pushing wheelbarrows left and right, carrying garbage along the sides of the street to the outskirts of the city.

As he was walking forward, Lu Bu saw an old man with gray beard and hair who was pushing a cart and collapsed on the road.

The few people who followed hurriedly put down the cart and ran over. One of them lifted the old man by the back of his neck and let him lean into his arms.

More people just glanced at them, then continued to walk forward feebly.

Lu Bu jumped off his horse and walked over quickly.

Squatting beside the old man, he saw that the old man had his eyes closed and his teeth clenched tightly, and he had already passed out.

Zhang Liao and several guards also followed.

"What's going on?" Lu Bu asked the men surrounding him.

"Hungry." The man supporting the old man replied, "I haven't had a grain in my stomach for several days, and there are still so many things to clean up in the city..."

He didn't continue talking, but just lowered his head with a sad face.

"Send him to rest and ask a doctor to treat him." Lu Bu instructed several men to stand up.

Mounting his horse again, he asked Zhang Liao, "How much food is there in the city?"

"It's not much anymore." Zhang Liao replied, "It's only for the soldiers, and it's just a month's ration."

"We can't watch the people starve to death." Lu Bu said, "Why did we capture Xuzhou? Wasn't it to conquer the world and achieve great things? If we starve the people to death, what do we need the world for?"

Zhang Liao didn't say anything.

He has long felt that Lu Bu is different from the past.

In the past, Lu Bu never cared about the life and death of the common people, not to mention the life and death of the soldiers in the army.

But the one next to him said that it is useless to have a world without people.

"Do you know where I can get food?" Lu Bu asked suddenly.

"Winter has not passed, and the grain will not be harvested until a few months at least." Zhang Liao said: "There may not be any in the whole of Xuzhou."

"The closest one to Xuzhou is Yuan Shu." Lu Bu asked, "Do you think there will be one there?"

"Although Yuan Shu in Huainan was defeated by Wen Hou and hurt his vitality, he will definitely have food in his place." Zhang Liao asked, "Wen Hou intends to..."

"Borrow it from him." Lu Bu said, "I'll take someone there myself."

"It's the middle of winter, and there's not much food everywhere, so how could Yuan Shu agree." Zhang Liao said, "I think it's better to let the people go to the wild to collect bark and wild vegetables..."

"There are still several months before the harvest of grain. Is it only for the soldiers and the people to eat bark and wild vegetables? By then, everyone will be yellow and thin. If Cao Jun comes again, who will have the strength to fight the enemy?" Lu Bu said: "I asked Yuan Shu to borrow food. , but did not intend to ask for his consent."

"Could it be that Wen Hou is going to..." Zhang Liao was stunned.

"Take care of Xiapi until I bring food back!" Lu Bu shook the reins vigorously without explaining, "Come with me to the barracks. I have to select two hundred capable soldiers."

Lu Bu urged his horse to leave, Zhang Liao followed closely behind him and tried his best to persuade him: "Mr. Wen must not take any risks. Although Yuan Shu is not as good as before, he still has a lot of soldiers and horses. What if..."

"Don't worry!" Lu Bu said, "If I take his food, I may not let him know who did it."

He never thought of borrowing food from Yuan Shu.

Huainan is not far from Xuzhou. Since there is food there, take people to grab it.

Since he chose to rob, of course he went quietly and returned quietly. If he really couldn't escape the fight, he might as well dress up as a bandit.

The tactics used in the battlefield, like technology, are gradually evolving and perfecting with the changes of the times.

Familiar with the tactics after 2000, and possessed the best martial arts in the world, Lu Bu didn't think it would be difficult to rob food.

After the soul enters this body, he gets a lot of information from past memories.

In order to ask Yuan Shu to send troops to help, Lu Bu wrapped his daughter in armor and left the city, but was intercepted by Cao Jun halfway.

Back in the city, my daughter had been smothered to death.

The wife who gave birth to his daughter also passed away a few years ago, and now only Diao Chan is left by his side!

Although the memory hovered in his mind, it was not a personal experience after all. He didn't have too many emotional fluctuations, but just regarded everything that happened to Lu Bu as a story.

Stories also have their uses, at least the death of his daughter created an excuse for him to snatch food and grass from Yuan Shu!

If you exposed your identity while robbing food, if you use this excuse, you can at least lead justice to your side.

Hearing that he planned to grab food, Zhang Liao was very worried.

Lu Bu is brave enough to win the world, and no one can match him alone.

However, Yuan Shu has a lot of soldiers and horses, and once he is trapped in a tight siege, he still carries food, and it is as difficult as going to the sky to break out of the siege!

When Lu Bu came to the barracks, the soldiers who were resting ran out of the barracks one after another.

After several months of fighting, and now they have to clean up the ruins day and night, the soldiers seem very tired.

Gao Shun came out to meet him, and greeted Lu Bu, "House Wen is here."

"How about being trapped in the camp?" Lu Bu asked Gao Shun after getting off his horse and handing Chitu to a guard.

"It's like sifting through a sieve for many rounds, but we can only make up 500 people." Gao Shun said: "There are too many old and weak soldiers in the army. If we don't expand our troops, we may not be able to handle them if there is another war in the future."

"We have no money, no food and no population, so how can we expand our army?" Lu Bu said, "Xuzhou has gone through several wars, and it is already in dire straits. If we want to recruit more soldiers, we must first make money. With money, we Only then can we buy more food, produce better weapons, and attract more people to settle down in Xuzhou."

"How many camps are there here?" He then asked again.

"Most of the soldiers are cleaning up the ruins." Gao Shun replied: "The ones who stayed here were busy all night before withdrawing, and there were only more than 200 people trapped in the camp."

"Bring them to the school grounds, I have something to say." Lu Bu walked towards the school grounds.

Gao Shun opened his voice and shouted: "The trap camp gathers, Hou Wen has something to say!"

Soldiers belonging to the trapped camp ran to the school field one after another, forming a neat formation.

The more than 200 soldiers raised their heads high and their chests upright, but their broken armor and ragged clothes made them more like a remnant soldier who wanted to retain a trace of dignity after being defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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