Chapter 10 Developing Toothpaste
Peace and tranquility did not descend on Xiapi at night.

The soldiers and civilians cleaning up the ruins held torches and were still busy without knowing their hard work.

Relying purely on manual handling, the progress of ruin clearing is very slow.

Lu Bu sat in the study in the backyard of the government.

A few oil lamps were lit in the room, and the flickering flames dispelled the darkness, filling the small hut with a dim yellow light.

There are large and small sacks in the corner behind him.

Inside the sack are the herbs purchased by the guards.

Facing Lu Bu, several ragged civilians stood with their heads bowed.

Looking at them, Lu Bu asked, "Do you all know medical skills?"

"Back to the general's words, we all understand." The oldest replied.

The few people standing in front of Lu Bu are all doctors from Xiapi.

Before Cao Jun besieged the city, they lived a pretty good life, relying on treating the sick to make a living. Although they couldn't become rich, they didn't have to worry about food and clothing.

Cao Cao's arrival disrupted their lives.

The army besieged the city and everyone was in danger, and the common people had a headache and fever and didn't have the heart to treat it.

No one knows if they can live until tomorrow, and some people with weak hearts even look forward to dying soon, so that they don't have to worry about living.

There is no one to treat the disease, and of course the life of the doctor will not be easy.

"How many days have you not eaten enough?" Lu Bu's eyes swept over everyone's faces.

They were all sallow and emaciated, and it was obvious at a glance that they were suffering from long-term malnutrition.

"It's been several months." It was the oldest one who replied: "Not long after Cao's army besieged the city, our family also ran out of food..."

"If I hadn't stuck to Xiapi, you wouldn't have suffered so much." Lu Bu said apologetically.

"Don't dare to blame the general, it's all Cao Cao's fault!" The doctor who replied lowered his head: "The general didn't provoke him, but he went to Xuzhou to mess around..."

"That's right, Cao Cao is messing around." Lu Bu laughed, and said to the doctors, "One day we will go to Xudu and mess around."

"Come here." He called out the door.

The guard walked into the study.

Lu Bu ordered: "Buy the food, and ask a few people to protect the meal."

Hearing that there was food to eat, several people all raised their heads and swallowed subconsciously.

They are so hungry that even if they bring a cow, they will be eaten up.

"There is a very important thing that you must do." Looking at everyone's faces again, Lu Bu said, "I have someone get some herbs, and I plan to make some powder and ointment for mouthwash. But I just want to Knowing that two or three of the formulas are useful, the final perfection requires people who understand medicine."

"Whatever the general wants us to do, we will do our best." The doctors responded one after another.

After a while, several guards brought food.

There was a shortage of food in Xiapi City, and Lu Bu only ate corn and wild vegetables these days.

They are called wild vegetables, but they are actually just edible weeds.

Some wild vegetables have rough fibers and are difficult to chew in the mouth, and some have a bitter taste, which is really difficult to swallow.

In front of each doctor was a bowl of wild vegetables and a bowl of yellow corn and rice.

Seeing the food, several people swallowed subconsciously, but no one dared to pick up the bowl.

"Eat." Lu Bu said, "We'll talk when we're full."

Looking at Lu Bu timidly, they still didn't dare to serve their bowls.

"Xiapi was besieged for several months, and this is what I ate every day." Lu Bu said, "If you want to eat meat, you will have everything when Xuzhou is rebuilt."

From Lu Bu's tone, he felt that he was sincere. The already hungry doctor almost grabbed the bowl and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Some people ate so fast that they ate up all the corn and rice, and did not forget to use their tongues to lick the food left in the bowl.

When they finished eating, Lu Bu asked, "Are you full?"

After being hungry for so long, the stomach capacity has become very small.

Even if they are not full, Lu Bu will not ask people to bring food again, lest they will be stuffed to death by overeating.

Although they were still full of ideas, they didn't dare to say that they were not full in front of Lu Bu.

They replied one by one, "I'm full..."

"Since we are full, it's time to talk about serious business." Lu Bu looked at the sack in the corner: "My requirements for powder and ointment are very simple, I just hope that they can not only clean teeth, but also have a fresh taste after use. The most important thing There must be no bitterness, but a touch of sweetness."

What he described was the taste of toothpaste in later generations.

The doctor who didn't know what toothpaste was was dumbfounded.

"May I ask the general, can we take a look at the herbs?" asked the oldest doctor.

"Look at whatever you want," Lu Bu replied.

Several people stepped forward to look through the herbs in the sack and identified the types of herbs. One of the doctors said, "General, I think there are still two flavors missing."

"What are the missing flavors?" Lu Bu asked.

"You need mint and sugar cane." The doctor said, "The general requires something cool and sweet to eat. Without these two things, it would be difficult to do so."

"It does make sense." Lu Bu nodded, and shouted outside the door: "Come here!"

A guard walked in.

"Get some sugar cane and mint." Lu Bu told the guards, "Remember to get some more."

As the guards were about to leave, the oldest doctor said, "General, mint is easy to deal with, but sugarcane is difficult to deal with."

"What's wrong with the sugarcane?" Lu Bu asked, "Could it be that the whole Xiapi can't be found?"

"Sugarcane was born in Sichuan, and it is rarely seen in the Central Plains." The doctor replied: "Even if someone buys it occasionally, there will not be too much in stock, after all, there are very few places where it can be used."

"Can you use something else instead?" Hearing that sugar cane is not easy to handle, Lu Bu asked.

"The general just wants to take its sweetness?" The doctor didn't answer directly.

"As long as it's sweet." Lu Bu said, "Actually, it doesn't need to be too sweet. Too much sweetness will make people feel tired."

"If you don't need to be too sweet, many herbs can be substituted." The doctor said: "Peppermint, wintergreen, cloves, etc. can also add a sweet taste to the powder or paste."

"From today onwards, you only need to focus on developing the formula, and you don't have to worry about anything else." Lu Bu said, "I will ask someone to choose a new residence for you, and I will take special care of you and your family."

His eyes fell on the guards who were still waiting, and Lu Bu ordered: "Find a few big houses to accommodate them and their families. Then deliver the medicinal herbs to their residences."

The guards were ordered to leave.

Lu Bu said to several doctors: "You should know how important the formula is. No matter who it is, you are not allowed to reveal a word."

His body leaned forward, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "If anyone dares to leak the formula, I will be too clear about what he does."

Hearing the threat from his words, several doctors quickly responded: "General, don't worry, we will never tell anyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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