The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 9 is not as warm as it is now

Chapter 9 is not as warm as it is now
Chen Gong and the others were appointed, and each resigned to go off to work.

Lu Bu walked towards the backyard escorted by several guards.

When he arrived at Diao Chan's residence, he saw a maid hiding in a corner holding a small bowl as soon as he entered the door.

The maid's fingers were twitching rapidly in her mouth, and she would pull out her fingers every few times and sip again.

She was too focused on gargling, and she didn't notice Lu Bu.

Some guards wanted to ask questions, but Lu Bu waved his hand.

The maid who was just rinsing her mouth was cleaning her mouth, and when she turned around, she saw Lu Bu standing at the place where she had just entered, looking at her.

Surprised, the maid quickly dropped the bowl and knelt down.

Thinking that she had caused a catastrophe, she trembled all over and said, "This servant did not see the general..."

"I didn't intend to blame you." Lu Bu asked, "You also use green salt to rinse your mouth?"

There are not many days in this era, and Lu Bu once used green salt to gargle.

Although the salty green salt can clean teeth, the taste is much worse than the toothpaste of later generations.

When Cao Jun was besieging the city, he only cared about retreating the enemy, and didn't pay much attention to the details of life.

Now that Cao Jun has retired, he is thinking about how to earn more money for military expenses. When he saw the maid rinsing her mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the era when technology was relatively backward, no one had used toothpaste, not even a toothbrush.

People can only smear blue salt on their fingers to clean their mouths.

Green salt can clean the mouth, but it will not have the refreshing feeling of toothpaste, and the cleaning effect will be worse.

The maid thought he was blaming him for wasting the green salt, and replied tremblingly: "I will never dare again..."

"Get up, I don't mean to blame you." Although the maid didn't answer directly, Lu Bu had already got the answer he wanted, and walked towards Diao Chan's room.

It wasn't until he entered the house that the maid kneeling in the small courtyard breathed a sigh of relief.

She wanted to stand up, but found that her legs were too weak to support her body.

After entering the room, Lu Bu did not see Diao Chan.

He turned around and backed out again.

Supporting the maid standing up, she heard him ask, "Where is Madam?"

Shivering shiveringly, the maid bowed her head and replied, "Madam is by the pond in the back garden."

After getting the answer, Lu Bu walked out of the courtyard.

When he came to the door, he told several guards: "Send someone to get some herbs, I will be of great use."

The maid who rinsed her mouth with green salt reminded him that if there is an item that replaces green salt to clean the mouth, it will be very popular once it is put on the market.

The formula of toothpaste is too complicated and requires a variety of materials that can only be obtained through chemical synthesis, which he has not yet been able to obtain.

But that doesn't mean he can't make toothpaste.

Although there are no synthetic materials, there are many herbs in the mountains and plains.

Finding the right herbal formula, he was able to develop the most original toothpaste.

"May I ask the general, what herbs do you need?" A guard asked.

"Willow branches, locust tree branches, mulberry branches, and some ginger and asarum..." Lu Bu named twenty or thirty kinds in one breath.

Although the guard could not read, he had a good memory.

It's hard for him, twenty or thirty kinds of herbal medicines, all of which are not bad in his mind.

After reporting the names of the herbal medicines, Lu Bu said again: "Help me get a few more doctors and let them come to my residence at night. I have important matters to discuss with them."

The guards who were ordered to buy herbs and seek medical treatment stepped back, and Lu Bu led several other guards towards the pond.

Not far from the pond, he saw a person sitting on the bank, and behind that person stood a maid with a low eyebrow.

The person sitting by the pond curled up his knees, resting his cheeks on his hands and looking at the water, as if he was contemplating something.

Her figure is slender, and the outline of her back is as soft as water waves.

Apart from Diao Chan, Lu Bu had never seen any woman with such beautiful curves.

Signaling the guard to stop, he walked over alone.

Seeing him coming, the maid hurriedly bowed.

Lu Bu stopped the greeting she was about to say.

Staring at the pond, every time Diao Chan blinks, her long eyelashes tremble slightly, like two colorful butterflies dancing on the bright moon, adding a bit of tenderness to her alluring beauty.

The clear pool water and her clear eyes reflect each other, her eyes are like two pools of sweet water, one cannot help but want to take a handful and savor it carefully. .

Just as Lu Bu was about to speak, Diao Chan let out a long sigh, as if she was thinking deeply.

"Ma'am!" Lu Bu said, "Is there something bothering you?"

Hearing his words, Diao Chan got up quickly.

Shi Shiran bowed and saluted, she said: "I'm not worried about anything, I'm just worried about my husband..."

"I have nothing to worry about." Lu Bu smiled calmly, "Cao Cao has retreated and the siege of Xiapi has been lifted. From today onwards, no one can threaten us."

"Although the siege of Xiapi has been resolved, has your husband ever thought that Xuzhou is surrounded by powerful enemies?" Diao Chan said, "When my husband was in trouble, I asked Yuan Shu for help, but he made things difficult for him and refused to send troops. My husband previously Having attacked Yuan Shu, I think he will send troops to Xuzhou sooner or later."

"It's a good thing that Yuan Shu refuses to send troops, so I have an excuse to beat him." Putting his arms around Diao Chan's waist, Lu Bu said, "If he really sent troops to save me, I would break my promise if I beat him again. But he just didn't bear my burden." The opportunity of notoriety, it is only a matter of time to hit him."

"Even if Yuan Shu can't do anything to my husband, Cao Cao can always catch my husband's eyes." Diao Chan said worriedly: "Although he left this time, he will come next time..."

"Next time he comes again, Xuzhou will not be the same Xuzhou as before." Lu Bu moved the hand around Diao Chan's waist down a little, and said, "It's not difficult to reverse the disadvantage, just like the hand I hugged you, as long as If you move the position, you will have a different feeling."

Looking blankly at Lu Bu, Diao Chan didn't understand what he meant.

"I put my hand around your waist just now, and it feels so soft and refreshing." Lu Bu blinked at her a few times with a smirk on his face, and said, "I moved my hand down half a minute, and the place I touched changed. It’s so bouncy, firm and interesting, it’s totally different from cuddling your waist.”

Lu Bu made a metaphor by teasing, Diao Chan covered her mouth and smiled softly: "When did my husband not learn to be serious?"

"I said earlier that seriousness is for others to see." With a slight force on Diao Chan's arm, Lu Bu pulled her into his arms: "You and I are husband and wife, and there is no part of me that you haven't seen. You There is no place inside or outside that I have not explored. The husband and wife are alone, so is it possible to put on a dignified appearance?"

"Since the mutiny of Wei Xu and others, my husband has been very different from before." Nestled in Lu Bu's arms, Diao Chan's cheek was pressed against his heart: "The former husband was not good at words. After being forced to leave Chang'an by Li Jue and Guo Si, everything Always suffocated in my heart, and is as cold as water to me, not as warm as it is now..."

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(End of this chapter)

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