The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 8 Separation of Military and Political

Chapter 8 Separation of Military and Political
Cao Jun besieged the city for several months, and once led Sishui and Yishui into Xiapi.

The soldiers and civilians in the city were killed and injured countless times, and there were ruins and ruins everywhere.

Riding a red rabbit, Lu Bu walked along the street accompanied by Chen Gong and others.

After a fight, perhaps Chitu recognized his bravery and was no longer as anxious as before.

The Cao army who had besieged Xiapi withdrew, and the soldiers and civilians who had been tense for several months finally relaxed.

They cleared the collapsed houses and searched for useful things in the rubble.

In the battle of Xiapi, Lu Bu was lucky enough to win miserably, but the gloom pervading the city was still extremely strong and lingered for a long time.

"Wen Hou." Accompanying him, Chen Gong said: "Although we have defended Xiapi, Pengcheng, Xiaopei and other places are still in Cao Cao's hands. Once they have prepared enough food and grass, they will still come to Xuzhou."

"According to you, what should I do?" Lu Bu asked.

"Cao Jun's food and grass were burned, and it will take some days to raise funds again." Chen Gong replied: "Wen Hou can just use this time to recover the lost land and stabilize Xuzhou."

"We only have 2000 troops, and the soldiers have long been exhausted." Lu Bu said, "There is simply not enough manpower to take back Xiaopei, Pengcheng and other places."

"Even if the manpower is insufficient, we must do it." Chen Gong said: "If you don't take those places, Cao Cao will enter Xuzhou again as if he has entered an uninhabited land, and I'm afraid Wenhou won't even be able to keep a foothold! "

"Do you have a plan to seize the city?" Lu Bu asked.

"Cao Cao broke through Pengcheng and massacred it, and it has become an empty city. Although he left nothing for Wenhou, he also cut off the retreat of Cao's army guarding Xuzhou." Chen Gong said: "Wenhou burned their rations, as long as they are trapped Live in the defenders of Pengcheng, and if you don't give them a chance to leave the city, they will definitely surrender in a short time."

"Pengcheng can be trapped to death, what about Xiaopei?" Lu Bu asked.

"How to capture Xiaopei depends on Cao Cao." Chen Gong said: "We know who he keeps guarding, so we can make targeted deployments."

"Then wait until Cao Cao is far away." Lu Bu agreed, and then said: "Xuzhou is a place where many battles have been fought. Ever since Cao Cao attacked Tao Qian, there have been constant wars here. In addition to taking back Pengcheng, Xiaopei and other places, we still have a long way to go. Something equally important needs to be done."

"Wen Hou said..." Chen Gong asked.

"Conscript soldiers and horses to strengthen Xuzhou." Lu Bu said: "In addition to conscription, merchants must also be recruited to do business. Conscripts require money, training requires money, and building places also requires money. No matter what time it is, money is very important. "

"After years of war, Xuzhou has long been impoverished." Chen Gong said, "Even if there are merchants, what can we sell to others?"

"I will find a way." Lu Bu said: "Gongtai is responsible for the reconstruction of Xuzhou. Now most of the villages in various places are deserted, we must find a way to let the villagers go home. No one is plowing the land. Sooner or later we will all starve to death. Leave the affairs to General Gao and General Zhang, and you must devote yourself to government affairs with all your heart."

In front of Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, Lu Bu deprived Chen Gong of his military power and put him in charge of government affairs in various places.

Of course Chen Gong was upset.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun were also very puzzled.

"General Gao." Looking at Gao Shun, Lu Bu asked, "How many troops are left in the camp?"

"There are only more than 300 people left." Gao Shun replied.

"All the young and strong are thrown into the camp. I want you to recover this strong team in the shortest possible time." Lu Bu said: "As for the number of people, it is no longer limited to 700, but 5000!"

Gao Shun was stunned: "There are only 2000 people in the city..."

"There are not so many people now, but there will definitely be in the future." Lu Bu interrupted him: "You will be in charge of the training camp, and you will not listen to anyone except me."

"Follow Wen Hou's order!" When Gao Shun replied, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Back then Lu Bu didn't trust him so much.

He drilled out of the trapped camp, but was handed over to Wei Xu by Lu Bu.

Even most of the standing soldiers and horses under his command were divided among Chen Gong.

Now he is not only ordered to regroup the camp, but also has a promise to lead this team in the future.

More importantly, from now on, the trapped camp will only obey Lu Bu's orders.

If he hadn't been regarded as a confidant, Lu Bu would never have made such a decision!
The moment Gao Shun took the order, Gao Shun felt that the distance between him and Lu Bu was getting closer, and he was no longer alienated and neglected like in the past.

"Wen Yuan." Looking at Zhang Liao again, Lu Bu said, "From now on, you will be my lieutenant general. Except for being trapped in the camp, you will be in charge of all affairs in the army."

Although one of the eight generals under Lu Bu, Zhang Liao had never been reused in the past.

He looked at Lu Bu in astonishment, unexpectedly forgetting to worship the leader.

Gao Shun pulled the corner of his clothes and winked at him.

Zhang Liao, who came back to his senses, responded: "I will do whatever Wen Hou asks me to do, even if I am smashed to pieces!"

Patting his arm lightly, Lu Bu said, "Wen Yuan will have to worry a lot about the lieutenant generals in the future."

As the lord, Lu Bu was able to pat Zhang Liao's arm lightly, which undoubtedly showed his closeness.

Zhang Liao, who was once disregarded like Gao Shun, suddenly felt a warm current in his chest.

"Does Marquis Wen feel that I can't use soldiers?" Gao Shun and Zhang Liao were satisfied, and Chen Gong, who had been stripped of his military power, asked bluntly with some annoyance.

"Of course not." Lu Bu said, "During the days when Cao Jun was besieging the city, I kept thinking about why I was powerless to resist it, and finally I finally figured it out."

"What did Hou Wen want to understand?" Chen Gong was full of doubts.

"Cao Cao is strong because he separated the military from the government. Some people are in charge of government affairs, and the local government is well-governed. The treasury is full of money and food, and he can use his troops whenever he wants." Lu Bu said: "At the beginning, our soldiers and horses also Quite a few of them are not Cao Jun's opponents, because they simply focus on military affairs and ignore local government affairs. Of course, they cannot be exhausted if they are poor and wealthy."

He grinned at Chen Gong again: "I don't have many people around me. Apart from the three of you, who else can I trust now? Who else can I trust? Gongtai is smart, if you don't tidy up the place, who else can you?" Take on important responsibilities?"

Lu Bu's words were sincere, without the slightest affectation.

Although he was still a little upset, Chen Gong understood what he did.

"Since Wen Hou can trust me, I'll give it a try." Chen Gong agreed.

He once took the military power from Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, so that the relationship with the generals was very tense.

Lu Bu's arrangement virtually eliminated the hostility towards him from Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

It's really not a bad thing when you think about it.

When he came to Xiapi Mansion, Lu Bu said to the three of them: "I have assigned the task to you. If you want to achieve great things in troubled times, you need a few of you to work together with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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