Chapter 7 Xiapi Removal
The hillside where Lu Bu was stationed caught fire.

At the head of Xiapi City, the soldiers looked nervously at the hills engulfed in flames in the distance.

Unable to know the cause of the fire, everyone was worried about Lu Bu.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun stood side by side.

Their palms were dripping with sweat, and the burning hills in the distance made them feel extremely worried.

"Look, general!" Suddenly, a soldier pointed to the hill and shouted: "The flag on the top of the hill..."

Looking towards the top of the mountain, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun vaguely saw the shadow of the battle flag fluttering in the flames soaring into the sky.

"General Lu is fine!" Zhang Liao shouted: "Soldiers, guard Xiapi and wait for General Lu to come back!"

There were bursts of horns from Cao Jun's camp.

The horn sounded, countless Cao troops marched out of the camp, and a new battle was about to begin.

The fire burned for two days.

Lu Bu led more than 200 soldiers to guard the top of the mountain. They cut down all the nearby trees. Although the flames could not burn them, even two days of roasting were unbearable.

The ground was as hot as a roasted potato, and the soldiers could only sit curled up with their armor under their bodies when they slept at night.

They were able to withstand the high temperature of the flames for two days, thanks to the fact that they found a mountain spring on the top of the mountain.

Dingdong's flowing mountain spring brought them coolness and sweetness, and also relieved them of a lot of dryness and heat.

The flames on the hillside have been extinguished, and the charred trees still have sparks and smoke curling up.

Some soldiers wanted to go down the mountain to check but were stopped by Lu Bu.

"The fire didn't go out until the fire was extinguished, and no one could stand on the hot ground." Lu Bu said, "Wait two hours before the ground cools down before going down the mountain."

"Raise the battle flag and wave it in the wind so that the soldiers guarding Xiapi can see it!" He shouted again to the soldiers holding the battle flag.

Several soldiers raised their battle flags and waved them in the wind.

At the head of Xiapi city, the soldiers who had resisted Cao's onslaught for two or three days in a row were exhausted.

Someone yelled, "General Lu is calling us!"

The soldiers resting on the battlements stood up one after another.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun also ran to the edge of the city wall and looked towards the distant hillside.

On the hillside, several battle flags fluttered in the wind, apparently someone was holding them up and waving them.

"Soldiers!" Gao Shun turned around and shouted to the soldiers at the top of the wall: "General Lu is aware of everything we do here. Follow General Lu and guard Xiapi!"

"Follow General Lu and defend Xiapi!" the soldiers followed suit.

Cao Jun's siege had no effect. On the hillside in the distance, Lu Bu asked the soldiers to wave the battle flag, as if he was demonstrating to them.

Looking at Xiapi, which has been unable to attack for a long time, Cao Cao's expression is very bad.

"Mr. Cao, Yuan Shu has sent troops!" Just as he was about to order another attack, the guard behind him pointed at the hillside where Lu Bu was stationed.

Turning his head, Cao Cao saw many flags of different colors appeared on the top of the mountain where there were only a few broken battle flags.

Although the distance was far away, he could tell from the color of the flag that it was Huainan Yuan Shu.

Cao Cao ordered: "Send scouts to find out how many soldiers Yuan Shu sent over."

Of course, the battle flag on the hillside was not Yuan Shu's reinforcements.

The two soldiers sent by Lu Bu earlier drove two carriages and brought hundreds of newly made battle flags.

In addition to the battle flag, they also brought several sets of armor made according to the standard of Yuan Shu's army.

The battle flag embroidered with the word "Yuan" is fluttering in the wind on the top of the mountain. Looking from a distance, it seems that countless soldiers and horses are stationed on this hill.

"You guys put on Yuan Shujun's uniforms." Lu Bu ordered the soldiers, "Cao Cao will definitely not retreat easily when he sees the battle flag, and he will definitely send someone to investigate. Intercept their scouts and save two survivors to report back. "

Several soldiers changed their clothes and hurried down the mountain.

Sure enough, they encountered Cao Jun's scouts at the foot of the mountain.

Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the scouts, the soldiers who were dormant in the dark shot and killed two of them and jumped up.

The remaining scouts saw that it was Yuan Shujun who rushed out, so they didn't dare to turn around and ran to Cao Jun's camp.

What the scouts brought to Cao Cao was the news that he was already mentally prepared for but the last thing he wanted to hear.

"How many troops did Yuan Shu send?" He asked the two scouts who came back by chance.

"We were ambushed, and we didn't see how many people came." A scout replied.

"My lord, the military rations are already insufficient, or..." Guo Jia whispered next to him.

"Even if the army rations are sufficient, and Yuan Shu sends troops over, we have no chance of winning." Cao Cao ordered: "Send the order and return to Xudu!"

Cao Jun, who had besieged Xiapi for several months, finally made preparations to withdraw.

"Is my lord unwilling?" Cao Cao was still looking at Xiapi, Guo Jia asked.

"After several months of siege, I finally returned without success." Cao Cao said, "How can I be reconciled?"

"It is difficult to allocate military rations. If our army does not withdraw, we may be the ones who will be defeated." Guo Jia replied: "If my lord is not reconciled, I can lead the army to attack again in a few days."

"Yuan Shu sent troops to help, and Lu Bu and him have resolved the conflict. How easy is it to attack again?" Cao Cao sighed.

"Although the scouts encountered Yuan Shu's soldiers, they didn't see the army." Guo Jia said, "I think there is only Lu Bu on the hillside."

Cao Cao was stunned: "Fengxiao means..."

"Lü Bu wanted the lord to withdraw, so he came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be Yuan Shu to help." Guo Jia replied, "Actually, he didn't do that. He couldn't attack Xiapi for a long time, and the army had no food, so the lord couldn't hold on. He did this. , It’s just an excuse for the lord to retreat.”

There is no food in the army, and Cao Cao really has no reason to persevere.

He nodded, narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Xiapi: "I feel more and more that Lu Bu is different from the past..."

"Actually, I also think he is different from the past." Guo Jia said: "It's just that these are no longer important. The most important thing now is to return to Xudu safely and fight again in the future."

Cao Jun retreated, but Lu Bu did not lead his troops down the mountain immediately.

Several groups of people were sent to investigate, and after making sure that Cao Cao had left, he led his troops away from the hill.

When Lu Bu arrived outside Xiapi City, the guards quickly opened the city gate.

Chen Gong, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun were all waiting inside the city gate.

When Lu Bu entered the city, the three of them bowed and saluted: "Congratulations to Marquis Wen for defeating the enemy!"

"Marquis Wen is mighty!" On the top of the city, an officer raised his arms and shouted.

Immediately afterwards, all the guards and soldiers cheered.

With a proud face, Lu Bu said: "Although Cao Cao has retreated, Xuzhou has experienced wars. If we don't step up the rectification of the local recruitment, sooner or later such things will happen."

"What's Marquis Wen's plan?" Chen Gong asked.

"How many soldiers and horses are there in the city?" Lu Bu didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

"Counting the wounded soldiers, there are less than 2000 people."

"Call all the soldiers, I will reorganize and assign them." Lu Bu said: "In the future, we will clarify military orders and strengthen military discipline. From today onwards, only we will fight others, and no one else will attack us!"

(End of this chapter)

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