The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 6 It Wasn't Their Fire

Chapter 6 It Wasn't Their Fire

The trees on the top of the mountain were brought down by Lu Bu and the soldiers. From a distance, the hill looked like a Mediterranean hairstyle with a bald head and hair all around.

The forest on the mountain is not lush, so the flag fluttering in the wind can be seen by people in the distance.

There is no road to the top of the mountain, only through the trees.

Xiahou Dun and others led two thousand Cao troops to climb up the hillside.

As long as they looked up, they could see the dilapidated battle flags fluttering in the wind on the top of the mountain.

"Move faster, and everyone who kills Lu Bu will be rewarded!" Xiahou Dun, who was walking in the front, roared.

Cao Jun hastened his pace one after another. If it weren't for the difficult mountain road, they would have launched a charge long ago.

Seeing that he was approaching the mountainside, Xiahou Dun, who was rushing to the front, suddenly felt something tripped under his feet.

Just as he was about to lift his foot, he heard the sound of "bang bang bang" being ejected from branches.

Accompanied by the sound of ejection, an unknown number of wooden sticks cut into javelins flew out of the bushes.

Xiahou Dun secretly said: "Not good!"

Wielding his halberd, he tried his best to shoot javelins from all directions.

Li Dian and Xia Houyuan were also flustered by the flying javelins.

How could the Cao Jun soldiers who followed up the mountain have such superb martial arts as them.

The javelins flew around, and many Cao soldiers were shot and fell to the ground.

In the chaos, some Cao soldiers panicked and hid behind the big tree in order to avoid the javelins flying in mid-air.

Some people suddenly disappeared without running a few steps, and fell into a trap with spikes.

After a while, the last javelin was nailed into the soft soil.

The wailing of the injured Cao Jun echoed in the woods.

Nearby trees and the ground thick with fallen leaves were spattered with blood.

After counting the number of people, there were dozens of Cao Jun killed by the trap.

Holding the war halberd and looking up at the top of the mountain, the corner of Xiahou Dun's one-eyed eye twitched a few times.

"Leave a few people to take care of the wounded, and the others will follow me up the mountain!" He roared, and rushed to the top of the mountain first.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Lu Bu listened attentively.

The hill was not very high, but he still couldn't hear the sound from the hillside clearly from his position.

Just as he was calculating the timing of setting the fire, he heard a cry of killing coming from the mountainside.

Cao Jun launched a charge.

The direction where they shouted was just above the mountainside where traps were set up.

The trap worked, and without any hesitation, Lu Bu shouted to the soldiers on the top of the mountain: "Light up the fire and keep them warm!"

When the trees were felled, the soldiers applied pine oil to each trunk.

Although there is not much oil, it is enough to ignite the thick trunk.

The trunks cut into logs were set on fire, and the soldiers kicked them down the hillside with all their might.

The logs tumbled down the slope of the hill, and some of them hit the trees along the way.

The flames licked the dead leaves on the tree trunk and the surrounding ground, and the small flames spread rapidly.

Cao Jun who was charging was not wary of so many fireballs rolling down the hillside. When they reacted, many trees around them had been set on fire.

Some rolling logs flew past Cao Jun's soldiers with flames.

Cao Jun, who was almost hit, could even hear the "whoosh" sound of the flames being blown by the wind as they flew by.

Fire is like a glutton, devouring everything it encounters along the way.

Looking down the mountain, Lu Bu smiled slightly.

The traps were set up just to anger Cao Jun.

He knew very well that it was impossible for the trap to cause too many casualties to Cao Jun.

To annihilate this Cao army, we have to rely on setting fire on the mountain!

But if Cao Jun is not provoked, he will not launch a strong attack prematurely.

After all, they set the fire down from the top of the mountain. If they didn't speed up the speed up the mountain, if the fire ignited, they would still have the opportunity to evacuate calmly.

The mountain fire spread, and two thousand Cao troops were surrounded by flames.

The flames engulfed the panicked generals of Cao Jun, and many Cao Jun, who were covered in flames, ran around screaming and panicking, their hands were still beating the flames on their bodies.

The running Cao Jun was like fast-moving fireballs, bringing fire to places that hadn't been burned yet.

The flames were raging, and Xiahou Dun rushed down the hillside with some Cao troops.

Continuing to charge upwards is nothing more than seeking death, and going down the mountain is their only choice.

Running down the hillside, Xiahou Dun extinguished the flames on his body, and Xia Houyuan, who was beside him with a scorched face, gasped and said to him: "Brother...your eyebrows..."

Touching his brow, Xiahou Dun felt a burning pain.

He didn't need to see it with his own eyes, he also knew that his eyebrows were burned off...

Cao Jun, who ran down the mountain with them, looked like mud monkeys that had just emerged from a coal pile, their faces and bodies were all the color of charcoal.

The fire was raging on the hillside, and Cao Jun, who had not escaped, howled in the flames.

After counting the people around him, Xiahou Dun found that only three or four hundred of the two thousand soldiers escaped...

"General Xiahou, what should we do?" Li Dian asked Xiahoudun after glancing at the demoralized soldiers.

"We'll fight back when the fire is extinguished!" Xiahou Dun gritted his teeth and said.

"In my opinion, let's retreat." Li Dian said, "A big fire has already burned the soldiers. We only have such a small number of people left. It is impossible to attack from the bottom up!"

"Could it be that Mancheng is afraid?" Xiahou Dun asked with a stare.

"I have followed Duke Cao for many years. When have I ever been afraid?" Pointing to the top of the mountain, Li Dian said, "It's not like General Xiahou doesn't know Lu Bu's bravery. If we lose the advantage and attack him by force, why are we going to capture him? It's just sending his head away." Go and chop him!"

Clenching his fists, Xiahou Dun glared angrily at the top of the mountain, his only remaining one eye gushing out strong hatred.

"Brother, what Mancheng said is correct." Xia Houyuan also persuaded from the side: "Let's go back first and make plans after seeing Duke Cao!"

Both Li Dian and Xia Houyuan advocated withdrawing, Xiahou Dun shouted unwillingly: "Let's withdraw!"

The fire broke out on the hillside, and Cao Cao saw it from a distance.

"What are Yuan Rang and the others doing?" Looking at the burning hillside in the distance, Cao Cao muttered, "Could it be that they plan to set fire to Lu Bu?"

Standing behind him, Guo Jia frowned and stroked his beard.

He didn't take Cao Cao's words.

It's just a wildfire, and nothing can be seen.

"My lord, General Xiahou and the others are back!" A guard ran to Cao Cao's side and said with a bow.

"It's broken!" Cao Cao yelled, "Yuan definitely didn't ask them to set this fire!"

Not long after, Xiahou Dun and others came to him.

The soot on their faces and bodies confirmed Cao Cao's guess.

"How many people came back?" Cao Cao didn't ask about the outcome, Cao Cao only asked how many people they brought back.

"Three or four hundred!" Xiahou Dun answered with his head down.

"Lü Bu is brave and foolish, how could he think of such a method?" Frowning, Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia.

"Ever since he left the city to burn food and grass, I feel something is wrong." Guo Jia said uncertainly, "Could it be Chen Gong's idea?"

"The forest is on fire, and it cannot be extinguished within two or three days!" Cao Cao said: "Our army does not have enough rations, and if we don't break the city, we really have to retreat."

(End of this chapter)

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