Chapter 5

Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear is only getting old, and Guan Yu's Broadsword will arrive shortly thereafter.

The two cooperated tacitly from one left to the other, greeting Lu Bu's vital points with every move.

Lu Bu's halberd flew flying, calmly resolving every attack they made.

Unable to attack for a long time, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were a little anxious, and Liu Bei, who was watching the battle from a distance, also clenched his fists nervously.

He wanted to step forward to help, but with his meager skills, even if he rushed forward, it would be just a meat target for Lu Bu to kill.

Feeling flustered and flustered, Guan Yu slashed down with his knife, using too much force and leaning forward a little.

Zhang Fei Snake Spear followed, Lu Bu swung his halberd aside, and then swung the halberd, stabbing Guan Yu in the shoulder blade before he could retract the knife.

His shoulder was injured, Guan Yu snorted, and the sword almost flew out of his hand.

"Second brother, go!" Zhang Fei yelled loudly, and slashed at the top of Lu Bu's head with a spear.

Lu Bu blocked the snake spear, Guan Yu had already turned around and retreated.

The combination of the two is not his opponent, and it is even more impossible for Zhang Fei to win alone.

He feigned a spear, and when Lu Bu received the move, he turned his head and followed Guan Yu closely.

"Kill!" Repelling the two of them, Lu Bu yelled with the front finger of his halberd.

Two hundred fine riders swarmed out.

Guan Yu was injured, just because Zhang Fei was no match for Lu Bu, Liu Bei would not dare to fight.

He shouted to the soldiers who brought him: "Quick retreat!"

Liu Bei turned his head and ran away with his troops. Lu Bu chased after him for a while, and stopped after beheading 30 people.

"Big-eared thief, remember to grab your ears when you run away, maybe you can fly like a kite against the wind!" Lu Bu laughed loudly as he raised his halberd on his horse.

The two hundred elite riders following behind him also laughed wildly.

Lu Bu laughed and scolded behind him, Liu Bei didn't even look back, he just ran forward.

Running away was no shame to him.

After all, he has long been used to being driven around the world.

After killing Liu Bei and the others, Lü Bu led two hundred elite cavalry to gallop in the direction of Xiapi.

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao stood guard at the top of the city. Cao Jun's attack failed for most of the night, and he had already retreated to the barracks.

When Lu Bu returned to Xiapi City, Cao Jun was busy clearing the battlefield.

Looking at Xiapi City from a distance, Lu Bu shouted to the two hundred elite riders behind him, "Follow me!"

Instead of going back to the city, he took 200 people straight to the hillside closest to Xiapi.

After fighting for most of the night, the sky has not yet fully dawned.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Lu Bu told the two cavalrymen: "You dress up as ordinary people and go to the nearest city to find a tailor to make one hundred Yuan Shu's flags, and send them here within three days."

The two cavalry led the way and left.

He led the rest of the people to camp on the hill.

The sky was slightly bright, and the battlefield outside Xiapi City had been cleaned up. The corpses of Cao Jun who died in battle were carried away, and there were still messy stones and arrows on the ground.

Two siege towers were burning not far from the city wall, making the messy battlefield even more depressed and dilapidated.

"Hold up the battle flag!" Lu Bu shouted, looking at the top of Xiapi City with his hips on his hips, "Let everyone inside and outside the city know that we are here!"

Several soldiers immediately set up the battle flag.

The cold wind raised the battle flag and made a loud roar.

Standing under the battle flag, the tall Lu Bu looked like a god of death.

At the head of Xiapi city, after fighting all night, Gao Shun, Zhang Liao and every soldier's tired bones seemed to be pulled out of their bodies.

"I don't know if Wenhou will succeed." Gao Shun looked outside the city: "If not, it will not be so easy to sneak attack the enemy's food and grass."

Zhang Liao's face was serious and he didn't say a word.

Lu Bu only took [-] elite cavalry out of the city. Although he saw him rushing through Cao Jun's camp, Cao Jun's pursuers followed closely behind and killed him.

Faced with Cao Jun's siege and interception, Zhang Liao asked himself that if it was him, it would never be possible to complete such a difficult task.

The two were still worried about Lu Bu, and the soldier next to him pointed to the distance: "Two generals, wait there!"

Looking in the direction the soldiers pointed, Gao Shun and Zhang Liao saw Lu Bu's battle flag flying on the hills in the distance.

"Wenhou is done! Otherwise, I would never return so soon!" The two of them were ecstatic.

"General Lu burned the enemy's food and grass, and they won't last long. The soldiers cheered me up!" Before, he thought that Lu Bu was unlikely to succeed, but Zhang Liao was now full of ambition.

The news that Cao Jun's food and grass were burned spread throughout Xiapi.

The guards and soldiers cheered as if they had been slapped with chicken blood.

Outside the city, Cao's barracks.

Cao Cao looked at the battle flag fluttering on the distant hills with a livid face.

Liu Bei and others who failed to intercept Lu Bu stood behind him in disgrace.

They lowered their heads one by one, not even daring to take a peek at Cao Cao.

"Thousands of people chased and intercepted 200 people, and let him escape!" Cao Cao said angrily, "If Lu Bu narrowly escapes death, we will have a hard time in the future!"

"My lord, I'll lead my troops to destroy him!" Xiahou Dun cupped his hands in shame as he failed to catch up with Lu Bu and watched him burn the food and grass.

"Lü Bu is brave, how can you be his opponent?" Cao Cao shouted, "Miaocai, Mancheng, you two go with Yuan Rang to take down Lü Bu!"

Two people stepped out of the crowd.

One of them was full of beards and looked very mighty. It was Xiahou Dun's younger brother Xiahouyuan.

The other person, although wearing a general's armor, has a somewhat bookish face, and it is Li Dian, the general Cao Cao relies on very much.

The two bowed to Cao Cao: "We will fulfill our mission!"

Xiahoudun greeted him, accompanied by Xiahouyuan and Li Dian, ordered two thousand soldiers and horses to rush to the hill where Lu Bu was stationed.

On the hill, Lu Bu was not idle.

While letting people get Yuan Shu's battle flag, he led two hundred elite riders to dig holes and cut trees halfway up the mountain, and he was very busy.

"General, someone is coming!" A soldier beside him reminded Lu Bu as he was wrapping rattan around a big tree with his own hands.

Looking back, he saw clouds of smoke and dust billowing in, at least two to three thousand people.

"Death is coming!" Lu Bu shouted, "Hurry up and fix the trap, let's retreat to the top of the mountain."

The method of laying traps for the soldiers was taught by Lu Bu himself.

The method he taught is very simple, but it is to use the vines to trigger the mechanism, and use the elasticity of the branches and vines to eject sharpened wooden sticks.

In addition, the pits dug on the ground were also stuck with barbs.

Once a person falls into it, there is no way to get up alive.

Cao Jun was getting closer and closer, and he was about to reach the foot of the mountain.

"Let's go!" The trap was almost ready, Lu Bu beckoned, and led the soldiers to run to the top of the mountain.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Cao Jun also began to climb up the mountain.

Lu Bu ordered the soldiers: "Cut down all the trees on the top of the mountain, and when they are halfway up the mountain, light the trees and roll them down. It's very cold, and we will help them keep warm!"

The two hundred elite riders shouted and ran to cut down trees one after another.

The trees on the top of the mountain fell one by one, and Xiahou Dun and others led Cao Jun to charge up the hillside.

(End of this chapter)

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