The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 13 The Concubine's Belly

Chapter 13 The Concubine's Belly
In order to facilitate the command and reconstruction of Xiapi, Chen Gong lived in one of the tents.

Several tents next to him lived with his guards.

When Lu Bu came, Chen Gong was not in the tent.

He stood in front of a pile of ruins, watching a few soldiers smash the half of the wall that had not completely collapsed with a sledgehammer.

The wall collapsed, and the soldiers and civilians waiting aside rushed up and shoveled the broken stones and soil onto the wheelbarrow.

"Be careful, don't bump into each other." The crowd was a little confused, and Chen Gong shouted.

While watching the group of people clearing the ruins, a guard ran up behind him: "General Lu is here."

Chen Gong turned around and didn't see Lu Bu: "Where is Marquis Wen?"

"Waiting in the tent."

"Stay here and watch." Chen Gong ordered the officials at the side: "Tell them to be careful, don't hurt anyone, there are already enough wounded people in the city."

After explaining to the officials, he ran to the tent with the guards.

The tent where Chen Gong lived was empty, except for a set of bedding, there were no other decorations.

Not even a low table was placed.

On the bedding lay a scroll of letters.

The book slips are engraved with the "Plain Book" that Han Xin learned in those days.

Lu Bu picked up the letter and was browsing through it when the curtain was lifted.

Chen Gong came in and bowed his hands: "Why is Marquis Wen here?"

"I'm just here to take a look." Lu Bu put down the letter: "How many days will it take to clean up the Xiapi?"

"At least it will take half a month." Chen Gong said: "The flood can cause serious damage to Xiapi."

"How did the merchant find it?" Lu Bu asked again.

"I have already arranged someone to look for it." Chen Gong replied, "It's just that Xuzhou is really dying, and merchants have nothing to sell or buy when they come. I'm afraid..."

"Let people tell the merchants that I have something that the common people may not be able to use for the time being, but the dignitaries will definitely like it." Lu Bu said: "Businessmen are always mercenary, as long as there is something that attracts them, they will definitely come."

"Wen Hou has such a thing?" Chen Gong asked in surprise.

"Yes! Of course there is!" Lu Bu said: "The merchants are invited here to find agents from all over the country. Only one person is needed for each state. It will depend on who is willing to pay a high price then."

"Agent?" Chen Gong asked: "Wen Hou said..."

"It is to give us a certain fee to get the qualification to sell goods in a certain state." Lu Bu said: "After buying out the sales qualification, no matter how they expand sales, it has nothing to do with us. Once they get the agency qualification, within a certain number of years , the entire state’s eligibility to get goods will be monopolized by him alone, and agents in other states are not allowed to cross-border distribution of goods, otherwise their agent qualifications will be cancelled.”

"I've never heard of such a business method." Chen Gong asked, "How did Marquis Wen come up with this idea?"

"I just had a flash of inspiration." Of course, Lu Bu would not say that this sales model has been played badly after 2000, and he just made excuses and prevaricated.

Chen Gong was a little puzzled, but he didn't want to ask more questions.

Lu Bu refused to say, even if he asked, he couldn't get a real answer.

"I'm going out of the city early tomorrow morning, and Xuzhou's government affairs have to be bothered by the government." Lu Bu changed the subject.

"Wen Hou is leaving the city again?" Chen Gong was even more puzzled: "Where are you going?"

"Xiapi is short of food, but there are many mouths waiting to eat." Lu Bu said, "If we don't find a way to get some back, we don't need Cao Cao to attack us and we will be finished."

Chen Gong was stunned: "Xuzhou is full of devastation and waste, where can Wen Hou get food?"

"Xuzhou doesn't have one, so Huainan doesn't have one either?" Lu Bu said, "Yuan Shu has been running Huainan for many years. If he doesn't have any food reserves, how dare he call himself emperor?"

"Huainan is a rich and prosperous place, and there will indeed be food reserves." Chen Gong said: "Food and grass are related to survival, how could Yuan Shu be unprepared? If he is so easy to deal with, we won't stay in Xuzhou. We just need to grab Huainan." .”

"It's only a matter of time before we win Huainan." Lu Bu said, "Cao Cao will have to raise food and grass to prepare for another battle, at least after next summer. The time left for us is not much, but it can't be considered too little. Before next summer, we have to make Xuzhou prosperous and strong. Otherwise, we will be powerless to resist Cao Jun's attack again."

In just a few months, he wanted to make Xuzhou prosperous and strong, but Chen Gong thought that Lu Bu was a bit whimsical.

"I once said that I intend to separate the government from the military." Lu Bu said, "Leave the military affairs to Wen Yuan and General Gao, and you will take care of all the government affairs. Unless it is particularly necessary, I will generally not ask."

Lu Bu has never trusted his subordinates very much, even Chen Gong, he did not follow his advice.

But now he wants Chen Gong to let go and do it without interfering.

"Xuzhou will have to worry a lot about the public table in the future. It's getting late, so I should go back and rest." Lu Bu lightly patted Chen Gong's arm.

"Congratulations!" Chen Gong bowed his hands.

Watching Lu Bu's back, Chen Gong, who is as smart as he is, felt a little at a loss.

In recent days, Lu Bu seems to have changed suddenly.

Not only are their personalities very different, but their speech and actions are also completely different from those in the past.

No matter how fast a person changes, it is impossible to suddenly look like a reborn person.

If it wasn't for the fact that his appearance hadn't changed and his martial arts were still there, Chen Gong really wondered if Lu Bu had been impersonated...

When Lu Bu returned to his residence, Diao Chan was still waiting for him in the room.

"My husband hasn't touched the house all day, so I must be very tired." Diao Chan helped Lu Bu take off his armor and said, "Chen Gongtai and the others are also, why can't we share some of the burden for my husband?"

"There's nothing I can do about hard work. There are too few talents under my command, and I have to do many things myself." Lu Bu said, "It's not easy for them on the public platform. I really don't know what I've been doing all these years."

He hugged Diao Chan's waist, and hugged her to his chest, Lu Bu smiled wickedly and said, "It's really a pity that I didn't let you give birth to a son and a half."

Nestling on Lu Bu's chest, Diao Chan's tender white arms hugged his waist: "I don't blame my husband, it's all because of my concubine's belly..."

"A few paulownia trees can still grow in saline-alkali land." Lu Bu hugged Diaochan up, and said with a smirk: "The only thing is that the posture of planting is wrong, and I have never seen a land where no seedlings can grow. I will do well tonight." Plow your land!"

Holding Diaochan in his arms, he walked to the bedding, and Lu Bu put her down gently.

With both arms hooked around the back of Lu Bu's neck, Diao Chan stared at him without blinking her beautiful eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lu Bu asked Diao Chan, "Do you think I'm old?"

Coming to this era to become Lu Bu, what he is most dissatisfied with is his age.

After years of trials and hardships, Lu Bu and Diao Chan were also a little powerless when they were lingering.

Before crossing, he was just a mercenary in his early 20s. It would be wonderful if he could return to that age.

"I'm not old!" Diao Chan gently stroked Lu Bu's cheek and said softly, "My husband is always in my heart, the heroic and gentle man of the past."

(End of this chapter)

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