Chapter 14
The red flames jumping up in the pottery pot drive away the cold of winter.

The warm breath echoed in the room.

Lu Bu was lying on the bedding, Diao Chan put one arm on his chest, curled up slightly and slept beside him.

I don't know if it's because the room is too hot, or because she's tired from strenuous exercise, her cheeks are flushed, and her panting is a bit heavy.

"How was it just now?" Lu Bu asked with a smirk as he rolled over and pulled her into his arms.

"My husband was so powerful just now, even more powerful than back then." Diao Chan said softly, "If it's like this every day, I really can't serve you."

"It's getting late, let's go to sleep." Lu Bu closed his eyes as he hugged Diao Chan to his chest again.

Cuddled in his arms, the temperature of Lu Bu's body made Diao Chan feel warm, even without a brazier, she would not feel cold.

The two embraced and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Lu Bu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head.

He wanted to sit up, but his body couldn't move as if he was being shackled.

The pain became more and more severe, and he wanted to shout but couldn't.

In the severe pain, he could feel that the soul seemed to be being repelled by the body, pulling away slightly.

There was the sound of bones "cracking" in my ears, and the skin seemed to be torn from the top of the head to the heels.

I don't know how long the pain lasted. When he finally sat up with a roar, the severe pain disappeared immediately, as if it had never happened.

Sitting on the bedding, gasping for breath, he raised his palm to look, but Lu Bu couldn't figure out whether the scene just now was a dream or reality.

Diao Chan, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by him, sat up and asked in surprise, "What's wrong with your husband?"

Beads of sweat were all over his forehead, Lu Bu pretended to smile indifferently: "It's nothing, I had a nightmare..."

The moment he turned his head, Diao Chan covered her mouth and exclaimed, " face..."

"What's wrong with my face?" Lu Bu touched his face in surprise.

Diao Chan didn't explain, she put on her clothes and hurriedly got up and handed him a bronze mirror.

Gazing blankly at Diao Chan, Lu Bu took the bronze mirror and took a picture.

The light from the brazier and the burning oil lamp in the room allowed him to clearly see the face in the bronze mirror.

The moment Lu Bu saw the bronze mirror, he was taken aback.

At this age, he also looked at bronze mirrors.

What appeared in the bronze mirror at that time was a face full of vicissitudes.

At this moment, what was reflected in the bronze mirror was a heroic young man who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old at most.

Suspecting it was in a dream, he pinched his face hard.


Not in a dream.

Still not convinced that everything was real, he picked up the bronze mirror again.

In the bronze mirror is still a young and heroic face!

Lu Bu understood instantly.

The severe pain just now was not a dream, and neither is this scene.

He was originally a young man in his early 20s, but his soul passed into the body of a generation of heroes who were over half a century old, and the mismatch between the soul and the body caused rejection.

To say that he is rejuvenated, it is better to say that he has returned to his original age.

"God's help!" Diao Chan shouted joyfully and inexplicably: "My husband turned into a young man with gray hair overnight, it really is God's blessing!"

"I was going to take people out of the city early in the morning, and now I have changed my appearance. If I don't meet Zhang Wenyuan and others, they will think that I am an impostor when I come back." Lu Bu got up and put on his armor: "Have someone take Chen Gongtai, Zhang Wenyuan and others Come, I want to tell the good news to the soldiers of the armed forces."

"Come on." Diao Chan called out.

The maid and the master's room are adjacent to each other, which is convenient for taking care of them at night.

The maid who slept in the outer room was also called Tongfang girl later.

Often when the host is interested, he can also treat them as concubines.

When Lu Bu woke up, the maid had already been alarmed.

Hearing Diao Chan's greeting, she hurriedly put on her clothes and went inside.

"Have someone invite Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Chen Gong here, and my husband has something to say to them." Diao Chan ordered.

After the maid left, Diao Chan helped Lu Bu tidy up his armor with his own hands.

From time to time, she peeked at Lu Bu's youthful and handsome face, and a faint smile could not help but float on the corner of her mouth.

Lu Bu, who was past middle age, turned into a handsome boy overnight.

The weather-beaten vicissitudes disappeared, and the youthful skin glowed with a touch of gold under the light and shadow.

Since ancient times, beauties love heroes, but old heroes and young heroes are completely different concepts.

"Do you like my current face very much?" Lu Bu lowered his head and asked Diao Chan.

The world's most powerful general, of course, is not bad in height.

Diao Chan's height was outstanding among women, but standing in front of Lu Bu, she was still more than a head shorter than him.

"No matter what my husband looks like, I like it, but God helps my husband, which makes me a little more surprised." Standing on tiptoe, helping Lu Bu tie the hair crown, Diao Chan's cheeks turned red.

Having been married to Lu Bu for many years, the old couple should have lost their shyness long ago.

The youthful Lu Bu in front of her always made her feel that her heart was surging, as if she was about to burst out of her chest.

"I'm getting older, and I can't handle some things." Holding Diao Chan in his arms, Lu Bu stared into her eyes with a smirk: "It should be easier to worry about planting seeds after today."

"My husband is not serious." Diao Chan pursed her lips and smiled: "There are so many military and government affairs all day long, how can I care about my concubine?"

"When a man gets older, his physical fitness will always be worse than before." Holding Diao Chan in his arms, Lu Bu's hand dishonestly moved down her waist: "Since the heavens have favored me and let me live again, of course I must cherish it." , can’t live up to the great time.”

"Chen Gongtai and the others will be coming soon, and my husband is still so dishonest." Diao Chan gently took Lu Bu's hand away, and said, "What if they bump into me?"

"Even if they come, they have to report first." Lu Bu said with a smirk, "Why don't we come again? Let them wait outside?"

"Husband, don't make trouble." Diao Chan said, "I want it whenever I want, or can I give it anytime?"

"That's right, then I'll come back to you again after finishing the business." Lu Bu put his lips close to her ear, and said in a low voice, "But you have to be careful, I'm going to be a teenager again, I can use my strength."

"Marrying your husband, why don't you just let him mess around?" Thinking of being in love with Lu Bu who has returned to his youth, Diao Chan's heart beat faster, and her cheeks were as hot as if they had been burned.

The husband and wife were whispering privately when the maid reported outside the door: "Report to Wen, General Chen and others are here."

Gently pushing Lu Bu away, Diao Chan said, "My husband has something important to do, so I will leave first."

"Don't leave in a hurry." Lu Bra stopped her: "If you leave, who can prove that I am young again?"

Diao Chan thought about it, and it was indeed the case.

Except for her witnessing Lu Bu's return to youth, no one else can prove it.

Leaving Diao Chan behind, Lu Bu ordered outside the house: "Please come in and talk to some generals."

(End of this chapter)

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