chapter 15
Chen Gong and others arrived.

Entering the room, they saw Diao Chan standing with a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young general.

"Who are you?" Zhang Liao and Gao Shun quickly drew their swords.

Chen Gong looked at Lu Bu suspiciously, he felt that the young general looked very familiar.

"Why, I don't know you anymore?" Lu Bu smiled calmly: "Is it because I can't adapt to my current appearance?"

Hearing his voice, Zhang Liao and others were bewildered.

The voice is still Lu Bu's, but with a little more youthful magnetism and less thickness that has gone through vicissitudes.

But his youthful face...

The three still couldn't believe it, it was Lu Bu standing in front of them!

"Heaven help me, make me a young boy overnight." Walking in front of Zhang Liao and others, Lu Bu clenched his fist and said, "Who did I fear when the heroes of the Hulao Pass were fighting outside? It's a pity that the heroes are late and mourn their old age. I won't have any great achievements in this life, I didn't expect that the sky will not kill me, let me reincarnate again!"

His eyes swept over the faces of Chen Gong and others, and a confident smile floated on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth: "Now I have a young and powerful body, and I have experiences that others cannot have. Who can conquer the world like me?"

"Congratulations to Wen Hou for being blessed by the heavens!" Chen Gong and the others came to their senses and congratulated him one after another.

"In troubled times, the flames of war coincide with youth." Lu Bu said to Chen Gong and the others: "Please come here, I want you to accompany me to meet the soldiers of the three armies, and let them know that I am blessed by heaven!"

In fact, Lu Bu knew very well that it was not because he was blessed by God that he turned into a young man overnight, but because his young soul was unwilling to be trapped in a body that was far from its prime, so he repaired and transformed his body.

He just returned to the age he should have been.

But in front of Chen Gong and others, he could only explain it with the protection of the heavens.

Lu Bu was very puzzled. He couldn't understand why the body and soul had never had rejection in this era, but it took many days before the rejection occurred.

Everything happened, and he didn't bother to think about it.

To be younger and stronger would do him no harm but good.

Shocked by Lu Bu's changes, Chen Gong and others accompanied him to the barracks.

The soldiers were tossed up in the middle of the night, none of them understood what was going on.

When they saw Lu Bu and learned what happened, the army suddenly boiled.

Blessed by the sky, the God of War, full of youthful vigor, greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers.

When Lu Bu returned to his residence, the sky in the east had already turned the color of fish maw.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, Diao Chan greeted her: "My husband is back."

"Why didn't you sleep?" Lu Bu asked.

"I haven't slept since my husband left." Diao Chan said, "I have ordered the kitchen to prepare porridge. Your husband is about to lead the troops out of the city, so I must eat something."

"You're still virtuous." Lu Bu chuckled, "I plan to have another fling with you, but it's getting late, so I have to leave after dinner."

With her lips pursed and a slight smile, Diao Chan said, "My husband is even less serious now than before last night."

"You are too serious to be a young man." With a smirk on his face, Lu Bu stepped forward to put his arms around Diao Chan, and whispered to her ear with his lips: "Do you think I will easily spare you in the future?"

"The concubine is a husband, so the husband can do whatever he wants?" Diao Chan's heart fluttered as Lu Bu hugged her.

Lu Bu, who has returned to his youth, exudes a masculine breath.

Being held in his arms, Diao Chan felt that every piece of skin on her body was about to be melted.

She was as delicate as a moon and as gentle as water, and Lu Bu couldn't help but kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"Husband, don't make trouble, let's eat quickly and do serious business." Facing Lu Bu who had returned to his youth, Diao Chan seemed to be seeing him for the first time, and her cheeks were still slightly flushed.

Lifting Diao Chan's chin, and staring at her spring rippling eyes, Lu Bu said, "You are so beautiful no matter how you look..."

"My husband is very handsome now, I don't know how many women will be mesmerized in the future." Diao Chan's eyes showed a trace of resentment.

Looking at her pretty face, Lu Bu didn't say anything.

He once lived in an era where only monogamy was allowed.

But there are still some people who are sitting on the crowd.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, men could have married many women.

Incarnate as Lu Bu, with a handsome and majestic appearance, youthful vigor and unparalleled strength, even he himself didn't believe that he would only guard Diao Chan, a woman.

He couldn't promise not to marry another woman, and of course he wouldn't make promises indiscriminately.

Gently breaking free from Lu Bu's arms, Diao Chan shouted to the outside: "Bring the breakfast."

The waitress waiting outside answered.

Not long after, she came in with a tray with two clay bowls on it.

In the earthenware bowl was sticky millet porridge, and there was not even half a wild vegetable.

"I wanted to get some minced meat to make porridge for my husband." Diao Chan said, "But there is a shortage of food in the city, and even we don't have meat..."

"The food eaten by the soldiers is much worse than this." Lu Bu said, "I still have millet porridge to eat, which is very good."

Picking up a bowl of millet porridge, Diao Chan held it high above her head: "My husband, please use the porridge."

After taking the bowl, Lu Bu said, "There is one more bowl, you eat it."

"I'm not very hungry." Diao Chan said, "My husband must eat enough to go out."

"If you don't eat, I won't eat either." Lu Bu put the bowl on the tray held by the maid, "If you lose weight from hunger, I will feel sorry for you."

Married to Lu Bu for several years, although he loved Diao Chan very much in the past, he was definitely not so considerate.

"Husband..." Diao Chan still wanted to persuade her with her vermilion lips parted.

Lu Bu interrupted her: "Even for me, you can't starve yourself."

His words made Diao Chan's heart warm, and when she looked at Lu Bu, her eyes became more tender.

But what Lu Bu said next made Diao Chan's head full of black lines.

"I don't like women who are too thin, and I don't want my women to lose weight because of hunger. When the time comes, don't lose much flesh, but your breasts will shrink first." Lu Bu curled his lips: "If you lose your pride, you will lose weight." What should I eat in the future? What should I knead?"

Holding the tray in her hand, the maid lowered her head and wanted to laugh but didn't dare, holding back very uncomfortable.

Diao Chan's cheeks flushed, and she said angrily, "My husband's words are really becoming more and more explicit..."

"What are husbands and wives afraid of being explicit?" Lu Bu said indifferently: "Which inch of your body have I never seen or touched? It's already a familiar path I often walk, and I can't touch the wrong way even if I close my eyes. Could it be You still have to cover it up, and you can't even say it? Isn't that very hypocritical?"

"Husband, don't talk anymore, can I still eat it?" Afraid that he would say something worse, Diao Chan had no choice but to pick up a bowl of millet porridge.

(End of this chapter)

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