Chapter 16 Not like a good guy

Lu Bu led two hundred cavalry to leave Xiapi, and it was already three poles in the sun.

In order not to be recognized by the Huainan army, he was not riding a red rabbit, and the weapon he was carrying was not Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Riding a black war horse, he walked in the front with a long-handled war halberd in his hand.

Following him were two hundred camp soldiers dressed as civilians.

The trapped camp is good at infantry combat. Although there are only 700 people, they can always make great achievements every time they charge into the battle.

Lu Bu was originally strong and mighty, different from ordinary people, but now he is still young, with undisguised heroism all over his body, like a warrior god riding a war horse.

The soldiers of the trapped camp following him were all full of confidence.

Although Lu Bu's strength has weakened in his twilight years, his martial prowess is still unparalleled in the world. Now that he has returned to his youth, who else is his opponent?

The journey from Xiapi to Huainan is not very close.

Lu Bu led the team to walk for three full days before approaching the border.

He will enter Huainan a few miles ahead, he raised his hand and pointed: "Zhongli is ahead, whoever dares to stop us from carrying food and grass will be killed without mercy!"

Two hundred soldiers raised their weapons and shouted: "I will follow Wen Hou!"

"Go!" Shaking the reins, Lu Bu stepped forward first.

Entering Huainan territory, they galloped all the way in the direction of Zhongli.

With more than ten li away from the city, Lu Bu stopped.

The soldiers also stopped their horses one after another, waiting for his order.

Lu Bu ordered: "First find a place to hide the horses and long weapons."

There are some hills near Zhongli.

The hills are continuous, and although the vegetation is withered in winter, the dense trees are still the best cover.

Leading the soldiers into a mountain nest, Lu Bu jumped off his horse.

"Leave all the horses and long weapons." He told the soldiers: "Leave ten guards, and the rest will follow me into the city."

Hiding the horses and long weapons, Lu Bu led nearly 200 people to take a small road to Zhongli.

In wartime, he would never easily leave horses and long weapons to ten people to guard them.

There was no war in Huainan area recently, and Yuan Shu's scouts would not notice such a small mountain nest.

Not far from the city gate, Lu Bu told the soldiers: "Scatter into the city in groups of three or two, and meet in the city."

After dragging a soldier, he said to the crowd: "I will let him stand outside the door of the building if he finds a place to stay. As long as you see him, you can go in and lodge."

Everyone agreed and dispersed.

Lu Bu and the soldiers walked towards the city gate in twos and threes.

The soldiers in front entered the city quite smoothly, and the Huainan army at the gate of the city occasionally picked up a few interrogations and let them go.

Lu Bu brought two soldiers to the gate of the city, and two Huainan troops greeted them.

"What are you doing?" one of them asked, stopping them.

"We are passers-by on the road." Lu Bu said humbly: "I plan to go to Luzhou. It's getting late now. I want to find a place to stay in the city. I will leave early tomorrow morning."

"Accommodation?" The Huainan army, who looked like an officer, walked around them, looking at them from head to toe with puzzled eyes: "Where did you come from?"

Back then Lu Bu served under Yuan Shao's command and could speak a few words of Hebei dialect.

Although the soul has changed, many of the abilities possessed by the body are still intact.

"We are from Hebei." Lu Bu said: "The north is in chaos. We haven't had enough food in the past few years. We really can't survive. We can only leave our hometown and go to the south to join relatives."

The earnest words are also very reasonable, but the Huainan Army still has no intention of letting them go.

Lu Bu is much taller than the average person, and he can be found at a glance when standing in the crowd.

This proves that standing out from the crowd is sometimes not a good thing.

He was stopped, and the soldiers who had already entered the city did not go far.

The soldiers behind entered the city one after another, and they all waited nearby as if they were watching the excitement.

In case Lu Bu really showed his flaws, they would inevitably fight the Huainan army.

"No matter how I see it, you don't look like a good person." The Huainan army who stopped Lu Bu said, "You might be a spy sent by someone!"

"You can tell from my face that I'm honest and honest, so how could I be a spy." Lu Bu said with a smile, "I'm really a kind person."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a good citizen or not." Huainan Jun said, "Come back with us and ask us."

After waving his hand, he shouted to the side: "Take it away!"

Several Huainan troops stepped forward immediately.

The Huainan army was about to capture Lu Bu, and the nearby trapped camp quietly held down the hilt of their swords, ready to fight.

"What's going on?" Seeing that there was going to be a conflict, a voice came over.

The Huainan army surrounding Lu Bu dispersed one after another.

Lu Bu saw a general approaching with seven or eight soldiers.

The physical body has complete memory, and he happens to know this person.

The general who walked over had a slightly dark face and a full beard.

This person, surnamed Huang, was originally a horse thief in Yingchuan area, and later joined Yuan Shu.

When Yuan Shu sent Ji Ling to attack Liu Bei, Lu Bu met him when he intervened.

Since the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shu in Shouchun, when several generals of the Huainan Army were killed, a small man like Huang Jie got the chance to be the general guarding Zhongli.

The Huainan army who interrogated Lü Bu replied, "Reporting to the general, this man looks strange. I don't think he is a good man, so I stopped him. I am planning to take him back for questioning."

Seeing Lu Bu, Huang Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

"You think he's not a good person, but you have a bit of vision." Huang Teng said, "If he wasn't too young, I would have thought that Lu Bu had come to Zhongli."

Looking at Lu Bu, Huang Teng asked, "What's your relationship with Lu Bu?"

"I've heard of General Lu's name before." Lu Bu replied, "If it's related, it really doesn't matter at all."

"It doesn't matter why do you look so similar?" Huang Xuan asked, "Could it be that you are Lu Bu's illegitimate son?"

"The general is joking. I'm just a commoner. How can I get involved with General Lu?" Lu Bu said, "I just plan to stay in the city for one night and leave early tomorrow morning. Please make it easier for the general."

"If you are about the same age as Lu Bu, you will be carved out of the same mold." Huang Teng said: "How can there be such a similar person in the world? I can't let you go without understanding this."

He ordered to the Huainan army behind him: "Take them back to the barracks first, it won't be too late to let them go if they really have nothing to do with Lu Bu."

A group of Huainan troops stepped forward and surrounded Lu Bu.

The trapped camp, which had been prepared for the fight, quietly stepped forward, but Lu Bu winked at them.

Seeing Lu Bu's wink, the soldiers in the camp quietly let go of their sword hilts.

"Let's go." Huang Jue pouted at Lu Bu, "Do you still want me to invite you?"

Huang Jie wanted to bring him back to the barracks, and Lu Bu had other plans, so that he would not allow the soldiers who were trapped in the camp to attack immediately.

Being escorted by the Huainan Army and following behind Huang Chuan, he put on a miserable look: "General, I really don't know Lu Bu..."

(End of this chapter)

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