Chapter 17 You are courting death
Zhongli is located at the junction of Xuzhou and Huainan.

The geographical location is important, and the garrison here is the largest in Huainan except Shouchun.

There are nearly a thousand Huainan troops stationed in the barracks.

Lu Bu and two soldiers were taken into the barracks, and many Huainan soldiers cast curious eyes on them.

The two soldiers trapped in the camp were not very eye-catching, but Lu Bu's height was the source of attention.

Huang Jue was already considered a tall man, but he was actually more than half a head taller than the guard Zhongli.

"Take them to my barracks." Huang Xuan ordered to the Huainan army who escorted Lu Bu, "I want to interrogate myself."

"Hurry up!" A Huainan soldier poked Lu Bu's back with a spear.

"Don't poke, it hurts..." The Huainan Army didn't use much strength, but Lu Bu pretended to be in pain, grinning and gasping.

The two soldiers trapped in the camp gave the Huainan army a hard look.

Feeling guilty after being stared at by them, Huainan Jun yelled: "What are you staring at? I'll dig out the eyeballs for you!"

"Hurry up!" The other two Huainan soldiers also poked the two trapped soldiers with their sticks.

They used much stronger force than the one who poked Lu Bu.

The soldiers trapped in the camp were poked and staggered two steps forward before standing still.

"General, we are really not bad people." When he came to Huang Jue's barracks, Lu Bu was full of bitterness and grievance: "Let us go, at worst we won't live in the city..."

Huang Yuan ignored him and ordered the Huainan army: "Bring it in!"

Lu Bu and two soldiers trapped in the camp were pushed into the room.

The barracks is divided into two rooms, the inside and the outside. There is a dark door leading to the inside, which should be the place where Huang Qiang sleeps.

The outside room is a small hall.

There is a large low table at the entrance.

Next to the pillars on both sides are two slightly smaller low tables.

From the layout of the barracks, it can be seen that Huang Yu often summoned his subordinates here.

After entering the house, a Huainan army closed the door.

Huang Zhen sat down and asked Lu Bu who was standing a few steps away, "Where are you from?"

"Hebei." Lu Bu replied.

"Where is Hebei?" Huang Xuan asked again.


"Handan?" With a sneer, Huang Xuan suddenly put on a straight face, and slapped the table: "Do you think I have never been to Handan?"

Bluntly answering Handan, Lu Bu knew something was wrong.

Hebei has a vast territory, and accents vary from place to place.

The Hebei dialect he speaks has an accent closer to that of the Taihang area, but Handan people don't speak like that at all.

The lie was exposed, and Lu Bu curled his lips indifferently: "I didn't intend to do anything to you, but why did you want to die?"

He seemed to be a different person before and after, Huang Xuan felt that something was wrong and sat up straight with his sword: "Dare to say that I want to die, you are really crazy!"

"Tie him up!" Huang Xuan shouted.

Two Huainan soldiers stepped forward, one from the left and the other from the right, and grabbed Lu Bu's arm.

"You want to tie me up with these few pieces of material?" Lu Bu shook his head contemptuously, "I really think you are so pitiful and cute that you still want to struggle when you are about to die."

Huang Xuan's face became more and more gloomy.

Staring into Lu Bu's eyes, he felt guilty for a while.

Lu Bu was held tightly by two Huainan soldiers who cut their arms backwards, but the more Huang Jue looked at him, the more he felt that his guilty conscience was turning into fear.

He quickly turned his gaze to the side.

Huang Xuan looked away, but Lu Bu stared at him: "Don't even dare to look at me, where do you have the courage to interrogate me? In fact, you don't have to be afraid at all, you will die very quickly, and you won't even have time to feel the pain."

"Kill him!" The fear in my heart became more and more intense, and Huang Xuan shouted hysterically.

"Be honest!" a Huainan soldier who was pulling Lu Bu's arm yelled.

Another Huainan army came up with his sword drawn.

Smiling at Huang Jie, Lu Bu suddenly exerted force on his arm, and the two strong Huainan soldiers were thrown in front of him like dolls.

The outstretched arms suddenly closed, and the two strong men who weighed three to four hundred catties were unexpectedly smashed together by him.

With a muffled "bang", the two Huainan troops rolled to the ground.

Everyone present was stunned.

The Huainan Army who came up with their swords in hand also subconsciously stopped.

He was still stunned, but Lu Bu had already turned around and rushed forward.

Pressing his cheeks with both hands and twisting forcefully, the Huainan army spun like a top and fell down.

The two Huainan soldiers at the gate were about to step forward, when two soldiers from the trapped camp quickly strangled their necks from behind and threw them to the ground.

Before the fallen Huainan army had time to struggle, the soldiers trapped in the camp grabbed their buns and knocked their heads hard to the ground.

After finishing off the Huainan army in the house, Lu Bu smiled kindly at Huang Chuan: "General Huang, long time no see?"

From the beginning to the end, Huang Yu didn't mention his name, but Lu Bu called out his surname in one breath.

"Who on earth are you?" Huang Jue suddenly stood up, pressing his sword and asking.

"General Huang said that I look like Lu Bu, and I thought it was funny at the time." Slowly approaching Huang Yu, Lu Bu said, "Is there anyone in the world who is not like me?"

"How could you be him?" He drew his sword and pointed at Lu Bu, Huang Jue's hands were trembling: "How did Lu Fengxian become a boy?"

"General Huang must have never heard of it. There are no surprises in the world." Lu Bu said obediently after being cheap: "God's will, what can I do? Maybe I did something good to move the sky, so I gave back to my youth." Opportunity."

Every time Lu Bu took a step closer, Huang Chuan felt as if an invisible wall was pushing against him.

The oppressive feeling became stronger and stronger, and Huang Jie even felt that the pressure he was under was extremely familiar, just like when he saw Lu Bu for the first time...

"Pretending to be a ghost, I'll kill you!" He almost collapsed in fear, Huang Chuan still refused to believe that Lu Bu could really return to his youth, and with a roar of courage, he rushed up with his sword.

The blade was only half a foot away from the throat, and Lu Bu sideways avoided it lightly.

Using old tricks, Huang Xuan staggered past him.

The moment the two of them passed by each other, Lu Bu grabbed his neck and pulled him back with force.

Losing his center of gravity, Huang Jue fell to the ground on his back, lying right in front of Lu Bu.

Lu Bu took advantage of the situation and knelt down on one knee, pressing his knee against Huang Juan's chest.

Struggling still, Huang Xuan shouted in horror: "General Lu, I believe it..."

At this moment, he couldn't help but believe this scene.

Besides Lu Bu, who else has such a vigorous skill and unparalleled strength in the world?
"Believe it?" Lu Bu lowered his head and smiled kindly at him.

"I really believe it." Huang Yu said, "As long as General Lu is willing to spare me, I can do whatever I want!"

"I really have something to do when I come to Zhongli." Lu Bu said, "It's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Sending General Huang on the road will cause less trouble. General Huang doesn't have to worry about my affairs."

Huang Jie still wanted to beg for mercy, but Lu Bu had already raised his fist and punched him in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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