The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 18 Making up a reason to cheat food

Chapter 18 Making up a reason to cheat food

Lu Bu was born with supernatural power, and his young body can exert his power to the extreme.

After just two or three punches, Huang Chuan stopped moving.

He stood up and lightly rubbed the fist that hit the yellow head, and ordered the two soldiers: "Put on their armor and go out. One of them will send an order for our people to rob the camp tonight. The other will guard the door. If anyone Stop them when you come over, and tell them that General Huang is interrogating important criminals, and we have to wait until tomorrow to discuss the big things."

The two soldiers stripped off the body armor and changed.

Walking out of the barracks, one of them stood with his back to the door, while the other walked outside the barracks.

Lu Bu sat down at the table and poured a bowl of water, drinking it slowly.

He sips very carefully, not like drinking water but like tasting delicious and mellow fine nectar.

There were several corpses lying around in the room, and he didn't bother to move them.

After dark it would be a death camp, and it didn't make much difference where the bodies lay.

Sitting in the house, he heard the soldiers talking to people outside the door several times.

It was already afternoon when he entered the city, and he was delayed by Huang Yu for a while, and it was not too far from dusk.

After sitting in the room for less than an hour, the light from the window gradually dimmed.

The door was gently pushed open, and the soldiers who came out of the camp came in.

"General, everything has been arranged." The soldier said, "They are already waiting outside the barracks, and they can enter the barracks at night as long as they open the gate."

"Let them in after everyone is asleep." Lu Bu ordered, "Kill the night watchman first, don't make any noise, and don't let anyone escape alive!"

The soldiers were ordered to leave.

The room was getting darker and darker, and night fell quietly.

Lu Bu personally lit several oil lamps in the house.

The flames lit up, dispelling the darkness of the night.

The dim light reflected Lu Bu's figure on the wall, and as the lights flickered, the shadow swayed slightly from side to side.

The barracks under the night was immersed in silence, Lu Bu did not step out of the barracks, and he did not hear any sound from outside.

The night is getting darker.

Finally, Lu Bu heard chaotic footsteps coming from outside, the footsteps stopped, and a person said at the door: "General, everything is settled."

Walking out of the room, Lu Bu saw soldiers from the camp waiting in four rows at the door.

"Are you sure you didn't miss any of them and killed them all?" He asked the officer leading the team.

"Report to the general." The officer replied: "There are 760 people here, and all of them will be solved without missing a single one."

"How many casualties did we have?" Lu Bu asked again.

"The other party was sleeping soundly and unprepared, and we had no casualties."

"Good job." Lu Bu nodded in satisfaction, and then asked the soldiers, "Who is using Cao Jun's weapons?"

No one responded.

Several soldiers in the team lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at Lu Bu.

Obviously they had what Lu Bu wanted on them.

"I know that some of you use it." Looking across everyone's face, Lu Bu said, "Men in the army dare to act bravely. Now that they have used it, what can we do if we admit it?"

A timid voice came from behind the queue: "I... used it..."

"Show it to me." Lu Bu looked in the direction of the voice.

A soldier stepped out from the third row.

He took off his saber and held it in both hands, bowed and handed it to Lu Bu.

Taking the saber, Lu Bu pulled out half of it and looked at it.

The blade was tough and sharp, indeed much better than the standard saber in his army.

It is no wonder that during the Battle of Xiapi, many soldiers liked to pick up the weapons left by Cao Jun on the battlefield.

"Will you feel bad if you throw him away?" Lu Bu asked the soldier, holding his sword.

Picking up enemy weapons and not handing them in, but keeping them for use without authorization, the soldiers have violated military discipline.

He lowered his head and replied, "The general can do whatever he wants."

"Although you have violated military discipline, you can hand it over when you need it most. I will credit you." Lu Bu handed the sword to the officer: "Leave the scabbard, and throw the sword into the barracks where there are dead people."

The officer took the sword and ran to the nearest barracks.

The raid took place at night, and except for the Huainan army who was watching the night, everyone else was killed in their sleep.

There were dead bodies in every barracks.

Throwing the sword, the officer ran back to Lu Bu: "General, it has already been thrown in."

Lu Bu immediately ordered: "Put on their armor, it's time to do serious business."

The soldiers scattered and went into the barracks to find suitable clothes.

The attack took place at night, and it was impossible for the sleeping Huainan army to wear armor.

None of the clothes found by the soldiers trapped in the camp were stained with blood.

Lu Bu also ordered someone to find a suit that fit him.

This is a pain for the few soldiers who were ordered to look for it.

He was so big and tall that he couldn't find a suitable suit in the entire barracks.

In the end, the soldiers could only choose a set of armor that looked the largest and sent it to Lu Bu.

After changing into his clothes, Lu Bu felt that the armor was fine, even though it was tied a little tight, it was still acceptable.

But the battle robe was like a short jacket on his body.

The most terrible thing is that the underarms cannot be stretched, and the two arms are bound very uncomfortable.

Pulling his clothes, he raised his arm vigorously.

There was only a "chi la" sound, and a long gash was torn open under the armpit.

In the same way, he tore off the sleeve on the other side.

The cold wind poured into the broken opening, and even Lu Bu, who was as strong as Lu Bu, was covered with goose bumps from the cold.

His sleeves were torn, but his arms could be stretched freely.

The officer approached him: "General, do you want to look for it again?"

"There's still no time to look for it, let's make do." Lu Bu shook his arms, making sure that his sleeves were no longer in trouble, and said, "You will lead the team to the treasury in a while, and I will follow behind. What should people who see the treasury say?" ,do you know?"

"Please tell the general clearly." The officer replied.

"You just say that Mr. Yuan has an order that Zhongli's defenders are about to advance into Xuzhou, and they must bring all the food and grass with them." Lu Bu said, "If someone asks the reason, just say that Cao Cao's retreat has not been long, and Xuzhou's vitality has not yet recovered. Yuan recognized it. Because it is the best time to attack."

Lu Bu casually made up a reason, and it really seemed like that.

The officer murmured in his heart that Wen Hou had not only returned to his youth, but was also much smarter than before.

In the past, he would never have thought of such an idea.

"Go!" Lu Bu ordered.

The officer led the team, and Lu Bu followed at the tail.

Although the height is still eye-catching, walking behind the team somewhat reduces the sense of presence.

A team of nearly 200 people came to the gate of the treasury in Zhongli City.

"Knock!" the officer said to a soldier.

The soldiers stepped forward and slammed on the gate.

The door was slammed by him,

A voice came from inside: "What are you doing by smashing the door so late? Are you going to the funeral?"

The night duty officer rubbed his sleepy eyes and opened the door, muttering something.

The officer stepped forward and grabbed him by the collar: "If you are blind, who is going to the funeral?"

(End of this chapter)

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