The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 19 You Dare to Disobey the Military Order

Chapter 19 You Dare to Disobey the Military Order
The collar was grabbed, and the little official woke up at that time.

Seeing clearly that the person holding him was an officer, and also seeing a group of soldiers in hard-wearing clothes standing outside the treasury, he was almost so frightened that he fell limp on the ground.

"I...I mean I have dog eyes..." The clerk replied tremblingly: "How dare you say that the general..."

"Stop talking nonsense to me!" Pushing the little official back a few steps, the officer asked, "Where's Cang Cao?"

"Back... I went home..." The little official replied tremblingly.

"Send someone to find him, there is something urgent." The officer glared fiercely: "Hurry up!"

"I'll find someone right away!" There was no room for thinking, the little official quickly agreed, and ran into the treasury compound in a hurry.

The officer beckoned and led the team into the treasury.

After a while, a night-time official ran out of the treasury to find Cangcao.

The soldiers entered the treasury, and a dozen guards who heard the movement ran out.

Seeing that there were so many soldiers in solid clothes, the guards stopped and stood in the distance without daring to step forward.

"You guys, come here!" The officer waved at them.

Several guards came up.

"How many guards are there?" the officer asked.

"Just us." The guard who seemed to be the leader replied.

"Are you the leader?" The officer sized him up and asked, "What rank?"

"There is no rank." The guard replied, "It's just a senior."

"Extremely long." The officer nodded, showing contempt in his expression: "Let your people keep an eye on this place. There will be a big war soon, and you should know better than me how important the treasury is."

"I will definitely urge them." Chief Shi quickly agreed.

"Go." The officer waved his hand.

After dismissing the captain, he looked around and saw that the treasury officials and guards did not dare to approach, so he slowly approached Lu Bu and asked in a low voice, "General, what should we do next?"

"Let Cangcao gather the civilian men, and we will escort the grain to Xuzhou." Lu Bu stood upright like a soldier, his lips moved slightly.

"Go directly to Xuzhou? And bring their civilian husband?" The officer was very surprised: "Didn't you tell Yuan Shu that the general did these things?"

"The more we go directly to Xuzhou, the less Yuan Shu will suspect us." Lu Bu said, "The world is in such a mess, who would seize the opportunity and not blame others? When Yuan Shu and I fight, the one who benefits the most is Cao Cao. We I have already left behind Cao Jun’s weapons, and if I escort food to Xuzhou, any fool will think that Cao Cao may have set the blame on me.”

The officer was stunned.

Lu Bu said again: "Bringing their husbands, they not only earn food but also earn people. Why don't I do such a cost-effective business?"

He has served as a soldier under Lu Bu for several years.

In the officer's impression, Lu Bu would never do such a thing.

Although Lu Bu was mighty in the past and had some skills in tactics and strategy, his tactical ability was a mess.

Otherwise, with his bravery, he wouldn't be defeated repeatedly.

The person in front of him is not only young in appearance, but also very meticulous in tactical thinking.

Following Lu Bu today, the officer has a little more expectation for the future.

Not long in the treasury, Cang Cao hurried over.

When he came to the officer, Cang Cao greeted him and asked: "Dare to ask your lord, is there any important matter when you bring troops to the treasury in the middle of the night?"

The officer took out a piece of silk with words written on it from his pocket, and flashed it in front of Cang Cao's eyes: "Your Majesty has an order, the Zhongli garrison will leave for Xuzhou tomorrow. General Huang asked me to go here to allocate food and grass, and we will start transporting the food first."

Yuan Shu lent troops to Sun Ce in exchange for the Jade Seal that the Sun family had obtained in Luoyang.

With Yuxi, Yuan Shu, who was not the strongest, could not stand the instigation of the staff around him who were good at flattering and sycophanting.

Both Lu Bu and Cao Cao once attacked Huainan, and the reason was to fight against the national thieves who did not respect the Han Dynasty.

But in Huainan, the bureaucrats and soldiers still called Yuan Shu "Your Majesty".

"Can you show me the warrant?" Cang Cao asked the officer without seeing the words written on the silk.

"The military situation is urgent. General Huang asked me to come here with His Majesty's order, saying that it will be done just to show you." The officer glared at him: "Don't you dare to disobey the military order?"

"Without a warrant, I really dare not deliver the food. Please forgive me." Cang Cao replied, "As long as you show General Huang's warrant, I will deliver the food immediately."

"I'm giving you shame, right?" Cang Cao refused to deliver the food, and the officer glared fiercely: "In the middle of the night, General Huang has already fallen asleep, you dare to let me disturb him?"

The officer was angry, Cangcheng and the little official standing behind Cangcao lowered their heads and dared not look at him.

Cang Cao replied neither humble nor overbearing: "The responsibility lies, please forgive me!"

"I forgive your mother!" Cang Cao refused to accept, the officer drew his sword and stabbed him hard in the heart.

He suddenly drew his sword to kill, and more than a dozen guards stepped forward subconsciously.

Immediately, dozens of soldiers went up to meet the guards and stopped them.

Cangcheng and Xiaoli trembled all over, fearing that they would be the next to be killed.

"Who is Cang Cheng?" the officer asked.

Trembling forward, Cang Cheng replied: "I... I am!"

"I have punished Cangcao for disobeying the military order, would you like to pay him?" the officer asked with a cold face.

"Yes! Yes!" Cang Cheng couldn't stop answering.

"You are still sensible!" The officer patted him on the shoulder: "Call the civilians to load all the food and grass into the truck."

"Take them all away?" Cang Cheng was taken aback.

"Of course, take them all away." The officer frowned, and his face became unsightly: "The army is going out, so let the soldiers fight hungry?"

Cang Cheng shivered in fright, and didn't dare to ask even half a sentence: "I'll do it right away."

The government treasury often summoned peasants to carry supplies, and even though it was at night, two or three hundred peasants who drove ox carts soon came.

Cang Cheng flatteringly asked the officer, "May I ask you, where will the food be transported?"

"The border between Huainan and Xuzhou." The officer said, "We will wait for the army there."

"Cao Cao attacked Lu Bu, His Majesty almost sent troops to rescue him." Cang Cheng asked, "Why are you going to attack him now?"

"One moment and another moment." The officer said, "Xuzhou's vitality is seriously injured. If we don't seize it now, where will we find such a good opportunity in the future?"

The officer's explanation was well-founded, and the doubts in Cang Cheng's heart were completely dispelled.

He yelled to the peasants who were carrying the grain and grass: "Be quick and fill up the carts. If the soldiers don't have enough to eat, you will all be sentenced to death!"

Zhongli was not considered a big city, and the government had only two hundred oxcarts in stock.

A few clerks were sweeping the empty barn, and the officer looked around to make sure there was no grain left before he shouted, "Let's go!"

Under the guise of going on an expedition, they got the food, and the two hundred camps disguised as the Huainan Army escorted the food and grass back to Xuzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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